Prejudiced Bigots

They are useless in the context you wish to pursue. The health stats you chose to use are directly related to the racial discrepancies of the population not being denigrated. Meaning of course that race is and does have to be a part of the discussion if we are going to point to health of the population in southern states. If in fact we look at each of the categories you spoke of I am certain that race and income as opposed to any other statistic will be found to have a commonality that is disproportionate to the rest of the nations population when combined with urban VS rural.

Shall we try?

I would be happy to try. Can you locate viable statistics that show this?

Because the comment was about the health of southerners as opposed to other regions.

I would also submit that, more than the racial implications, that education would have a direct bearing on health. And the point made that the south is also behind in education plays into that.
I did a quick run of the numbers for the education levels for the three states with the worst infant mortality rates and the three states with the best infant mortality rates.

The worst states were AL, MS, and LA. The percentage of the populations in those three states that had a high school diploma or less were 55.11%, 56.51% and 57.59% respectively.

The three best states were UT, NJ, and CA. The percentage of the populations in those three states that had a high school diploma or less were 36.85%, 47.32%, and 43.34% respectively.

Mississippi had the worst infant mortality rate at 11.0, and the percentage of the population with a college degree was 22.18%.

Utah had the best infant mortality rate with 4.9, and the percentage of the population with a college degree is 34.03%.
I would be happy to try. Can you locate viable statistics that show this?

Because the comment was about the health of southerners as opposed to other regions.

I would also submit that, more than the racial implications, that education would have a direct bearing on health. And the point made that the south is also behind in education plays into that.

The comment you made about the health of southerner's was about infant mortality and women’s health. I was able to provide the stats that show infant mortality is tied to premature birth, which is also twice as high in black women who are more likely to have health problems. Proportionately there are more black women in southern states than Nebraska and Montana. In states where the ratio may be more equal to southern states you will find that black populations are higher in urban areas where level 3 NICU's are more common.

The point of course is that there are no righteous reasons to disparage southerner's. That the attempted use of intelligence or health leaves the disparager having to deal with the racial implications of such bigotry. Your use of stats to support claiming that stereotyping of southerner's is reasonable, is untenable, as it over-simplifies all the variables. The truth is, that original poster is correct in saying that to castigate southerners as racists or bigots is in and of itself the very same kind of bigotry they are disparaging.
The comment you made about the health of southerner's was about infant mortality and women’s health. I was able to provide the stats that show infant mortality is tied to premature birth, which is also twice as high in black women who are more likely to have health problems. Proportionately there are more black women in southern states than Nebraska and Montana. In states where the ratio may be more equal to southern states you will find that black populations are higher in urban areas where level 3 NICU's are more common.

The point of course is that there are no righteous reasons to disparage southerner's. That the attempted use of intelligence or health leaves the disparager having to deal with the racial implications of such bigotry. Your use of stats to support claiming that stereotyping of southerner's is reasonable, is untenable, as it over-simplifies all the variables. The truth is, that original poster is correct in saying that to castigate southerners as racists or bigots is in and of itself the very same kind of bigotry they are disparaging.

If you would read the first page of posts, you would see that I agreed with the original poster.

However, when the original poster also denied that there is any more ignorance or poor health in the south than anywhere else, I found information to show him to be wrong.

Yes, the racial makeup has much to do with the numbers. But those black women are southerners as well.
southern people are by and large stupider. They also get divorced more, are less healthy, and poorer. This is supported by facts.

I also hear they have smaller penises, fatter asses, hairier bellies/shoulders, fewer teeth, greasier hair, and uglier wives. :gives:
If you would read the first page of posts, you would see that I agreed with the original poster.

However, when the original poster also denied that there is any more ignorance or poor health in the south than anywhere else, I found information to show him to be wrong.

Yes, the racial makeup has much to do with the numbers. But those black women are southerners as well.

I did read the original as well as the first page of posts. The denial was over the justification of castigating southerners for ANY rationale. As he noted; stupidity and bigotry knows no boundary.

That you chose to use stats to support the idea that lack of intelligence or health are unique to the south without clearly stating this was due to racial, rural, economic and other variables is what I objected to. There are pockets of this same social trouble all over the country in literally every state in the union. The rural and economic elements are more prevalent in the south as a whole and are the biggest culprit in causing harm to the population with regards to health and education, this can be seen as a pattern in any states rural communities. So what makes the south different as a regional category? When you factor in the racial proportions of the population you cause the stats to be unique to the region. This in turn makes race the single biggest differential to the equation of categories like health, education and economic stability. It could therefore be extrapolated that those who disparage southerner's as racist are the real racist's. In reality however I suspect they are just ignorant bigots as the original poster insinuated.
I did read the original as well as the first page of posts. The denial was over the justification of castigating southerners for ANY rationale. As he noted; stupidity and bigotry knows no boundary.

That you chose to use stats to support the idea that lack of intelligence or health are unique to the south without clearly stating this was due to racial, rural, economic and other variables is what I objected to. There are pockets of this same social trouble all over the country in literally every state in the union. The rural and economic elements are more prevalent in the south as a whole and are the biggest culprit in causing harm to the population with regards to health and education, this can be seen as a pattern in any states rural communities. So what makes the south different as a regional category? When you factor in the racial proportions of the population you cause the stats to be unique to the region. This in turn makes race the single biggest differential to the equation of categories like health, education and economic stability. It could therefore be extrapolated that those who disparage southerner's as racist are the real racist's. In reality however I suspect they are just ignorant bigots as the original poster insinuated.

That I chose to use stats supporting the arguments that there is a poorer health in the south than in the north on average is not an error.

You are somehow trying to separate the blacks from the southerners. The blacks are just as much a part of the south as I am.

I am neither ignorant nor in poor health, and my wife had 3 babies who survived their childhood.

But we live in a region of the nation that has the poorest infant mortality, lowest education rates, and highest divorce rates.

Dixie made the statement that "From a purely pragmatic standpoint, I would venture to say less than 1% of southerners are in-bred, breathe through their mouth, never shower, and lack basic education. And this statistic is probably not much different nationwide, 'stupid' doesn't have boundaries.".

I assumed the remarks about in-breeding were merely insults. I don't know of any studies about mouth breathing or rates of showering. So I addressed the comments about education and health.
Just as an FYI, I am not defending the generalized denigration of southerners, and I have spoken against it several times here.

But I am also not going to deny that the south has some issues that should be addressed.
That I chose to use stats supporting the arguments that there is a poorer health in the south than in the north on average is not an error.

You are somehow trying to separate the blacks from the southerners. The blacks are just as much a part of the south as I am.

I am neither ignorant nor in poor health, and my wife had 3 babies who survived their childhood.

But we live in a region of the nation that has the poorest infant mortality, lowest education rates, and highest divorce rates.

Dixie made the statement that "From a purely pragmatic standpoint, I would venture to say less than 1% of southerners are in-bred, breathe through their mouth, never shower, and lack basic education. And this statistic is probably not much different nationwide, 'stupid' doesn't have boundaries.".

I assumed the remarks about in-breeding were merely insults. I don't know of any studies about mouth breathing or rates of showering. So I addressed the comments about education and health.

I was not trying to seperate blacks from the south. I was including them as the single differential factor in the region that causes stats to be higher with regards to health and education in predominately rural areas. It was you who failed to factor in the racial element of the stats you chose to focus on. Further, I took the argument to the next level to suggest that people who call southerner's racists are in acuallity themselves the bigots as they too fail to understand the unique dynamic of factors that effect any stat in that region.

Are you denying that race is the only differential to the region with regards to ratios of the rural populations? And in some cases even the few Urban centers?
Just as an FYI, I am not defending the generalized denigration of southerners, and I have spoken against it several times here.

But I am also not going to deny that the south has some issues that should be addressed.

I never saw you being asked to deny the south as a region has issues that should be addressed. What I saw was your lack of helpful statistics to make a point.

For instance if you had said. In too many instances in the south we have proof that race is still a regional factor that is ignored. Especially with regards to health and education. If this statement had precluded your stats it would have been helpful in understanding the unique challenges facing southern states.

FYI I objected to the lack of complete information you provided not the information itself.
And if blacks are the reason for the lower education rates, higher infant mortality and declining life spans, then why are blacks going to school less, having more infants die, and having shorter life spans?

Would it be the lack of opportunities? Or is it something that is biologically inherent in blacks?
And if blacks are the reason for the lower education rates, higher infant mortality and declining life spans, then why are blacks going to school less, having more infants die, and having shorter life spans?

Would it be the lack of opportunities? Or is it something that is biologically inherent in blacks?

Are your questions sincere?

It's not an "if" scenario as it's statistical facts. Since we know that biologically race does not communicate ignorance to the individual, it must be other factors, opportunities being one likely factor.
Are your questions sincere?

It's not an "if" scenario as it's statistical facts. Since we know that biologically race does not communicate ignorance to the individual, it must be other factors, opportunities being one likely factor.

So the opportunities for blacks in the south are less than for white people elsewhere.

Which, in turn, shows a pattern of racial prejudice in the south.

As a southerner, I had rather that they stereotype us as in-bred, ignorant, mouth breathing slobs than as a society of racists.
So the opportunities for blacks in the south are less than for white people elsewhere.

Which, in turn, shows a pattern of racial prejudice in the south.

As a southerner, I had rather that they stereotype us as in-bred, ignorant, mouth breathing slobs than as a society of racists.

I love the way you did that little twist.

Take your first statement "So the opportunities for blacks in the south are less than for white people elsewhere."

The opportunities would need to be compared to whites in the region not elsewhere. Also, it ignores that I stated that opportunity is "one" of the likely factors not the only one. Bad schools and teachers in largely ethnic populations is an unfortunate blight across the nation, not only in the south.

You seem almost knee-jerk in your inability to see the unique demographics of the racial implications for the southern region. It is not race alone; health alone; rural VS Urban alone; poverty VS economic stability alone; educational opportunity VS lack thereof alone. It is the combining of all of these factors into one region that makes understanding the stereotyping of southerner's possible and thereby the ability to dismiss it as pure bigotry in and of itself possible.
I keep seeing these posts from people, talking about "Southerners" and showing a complete disdain for them as a group. I won't mention names here, but several posters are guilty, and they know who they are.
You little bitch, I like the spotlight, so credit where it is due, if you please. Yes, the South blows balls. It is a land of morons and idiots, whose inhabitants celebrate losing (the Civil War, the 1992 election, etc.) while Americans tend to celebrate winning, whose populace is undereducated, more successful at turning the masses away from Christianity than any other force in this nation, and totally absorbed in being pathetic. You pay homage to a past that has nothing worth celebrating and is entirely negative.

In fairness, I never actually learned Klingonese, that was Grind claiming that I had. Imagine how hot it would be if I could speak it!
I have always been a fan of the Next Generation, but I got to see the original episode titled "Space Seed" over break, curteosy of my brother's incessant rentals from Hollywood via an MVP account. The episode inspired the movie of Star Trek II and featured Khan in it.
So the opportunities for blacks in the south are less than for white people elsewhere.

Which, in turn, shows a pattern of racial prejudice in the south.

As a southerner, I had rather that they stereotype us as in-bred, ignorant, mouth breathing slobs than as a society of racists.
If they didn't assume racism they wouldn't assume you were mouth breathing slobs.
If you would read the first page of posts, you would see that I agreed with the original poster.

However, when the original poster also denied that there is any more ignorance or poor health in the south than anywhere else, I found information to show him to be wrong.

Yes, the racial makeup has much to do with the numbers. But those black women are southerners as well.

Hold up a sec... When did I ever say that statistics don't show this? As I said, statistics can mean a lot of things, you are drawing conclusions from statistics to support a bigoted stereotype. There could be any number of reasons statistics are what they are, economics, culture, climate, nature itself, you can't determine that because people of the region are statistically less educated as a whole, it means "all southerners" are uneducated, or even that they are more likely to be uneducated.

Please don't try to put words in my mouth, or make my argument into something absurd that I never said. That really irritates me to no end.
You little bitch, I like the spotlight, so credit where it is due, if you please. Yes, the South blows balls. It is a land of morons and idiots, whose inhabitants celebrate losing (the Civil War, the 1992 election, etc.) while Americans tend to celebrate winning, whose populace is undereducated, more successful at turning the masses away from Christianity than any other force in this nation, and totally absorbed in being pathetic. You pay homage to a past that has nothing worth celebrating and is entirely negative.

A prime example of ignorant bigotry.
I love the way you did that little twist.

Take your first statement "So the opportunities for blacks in the south are less than for white people elsewhere."

The opportunities would need to be compared to whites in the region not elsewhere. Also, it ignores that I stated that opportunity is "one" of the likely factors not the only one. Bad schools and teachers in largely ethnic populations is an unfortunate blight across the nation, not only in the south.

You seem almost knee-jerk in your inability to see the unique demographics of the racial implications for the southern region. It is not race alone; health alone; rural VS Urban alone; poverty VS economic stability alone; educational opportunity VS lack thereof alone. It is the combining of all of these factors into one region that makes understanding the stereotyping of southerner's possible and thereby the ability to dismiss it as pure bigotry in and of itself possible.

You made a big point of saying that it was racial in nature.

I am not saying its any single factor, but other than geography, what would you suggest it is?

I asked if you thought it was something biological or a lack of opportunities. You didn't add anything besides agreeing that it was the lack of opportunities.

Not knee jerk at all.