Prejudiced Bigots

You made a big point of saying that it was racial in nature.

I am not saying its any single factor, but other than geography, what would you suggest it is?

I asked if you thought it was something biological or a lack of opportunities. You didn't add anything besides agreeing that it was the lack of opportunities.

Not knee jerk at all.

I think you have to completely suspend logic to assume that 'geography' is a factor regarding health and education. Certainly there is nothing 'magical' that happens when you travel south of the Mason-Dixon, which guarantees bad health and inability to learn.

In any event, because 'statistics' say something, doesn't equate to a broad generalization for all the people, does it? Do you believe there aren't areas of Iowa or Oregon, where some people are less educated than some people in Alabama? Do you believe that everyone in California is healthier than any person who happens to live in Mississippi? This thread is about prejudiced bigotry, and how we derive our prejudices and bigoted views, and much of that has to do with exactly the tactic you are using here. Taking a 'statistic' about education and health, and making an assumption from the information, which then becomes your 'evidence' to conclude your bigoted view.
I think you have to completely suspend logic to assume that 'geography' is a factor regarding health and education. Certainly there is nothing 'magical' that happens when you travel south of the Mason-Dixon, which guarantees bad health and inability to learn.

In any event, because 'statistics' say something, doesn't equate to a broad generalization for all the people, does it? Do you believe there aren't areas of Iowa or Oregon, where some people are less educated than some people in Alabama? Do you believe that everyone in California is healthier than any person who happens to live in Mississippi? This thread is about prejudiced bigotry, and how we derive our prejudices and bigoted views, and much of that has to do with exactly the tactic you are using here. Taking a 'statistic' about education and health, and making an assumption from the information, which then becomes your 'evidence' to conclude your bigoted view.

Geography determines a lot. Some areas have more jobs or higher skilled jobs, etc. this impacts all areas of the society in the area.
Then there is wrasslin and NASCAR ;)
Geography determines a lot. Some areas have more jobs or higher skilled jobs, etc. this impacts all areas of the society in the area.
Then there is wrasslin and NASCAR ;)

More jobs and higher skilled jobs are not determined by the geography, are they? What is different about the geography in Alabama as opposed to Idaho, which would mean jobs pay less or more? "wrasslin" and NASCAR are popular in other parts of the country as well. One of the biggest races on the NASCAR circuit is in California. Again, you attempt to invoke a stereotype that doesn't apply here.

I'm not refuting the fact that jobs generally pay less in the southern states, but it has nothing to do with geography, and everything to do with socioeconomics. Because a particular region has less advantage in socioeconomic areas, doesn't equate to the people being generalized as 'stupid' or 'uneducated' or 'backward' or any of the numerous stereotypes applied to southerners. There is very little people can do about where they happen to be born, just as there is little people can do about the pigment in their skin, their gender, or sexual orientation. It's bigoted and prejudiced to hold that against them.

Not only that, but those who hold to these sort of beliefs and stereotypes, are often prone to be this way about any number of other groups of people. It's not often displayed in a public way, in fact, they may even go out of their way to 'camouflage' their bigotry in other areas, because they realize the 'political incorrectness' of it. In my thinking, a bigot is a bigot is a bigot. It doesn't really matter what group of people you are stereotyping and being prejudiced against, it all involves the same exact way of thinking and rationalization.
You made a big point of saying that it was racial in nature.

I am not saying its any single factor, but other than geography, what would you suggest it is?

I asked if you thought it was something biological or a lack of opportunities. You didn't add anything besides agreeing that it was the lack of opportunities.

Not knee jerk at all.

No, I said that your statistic was missing important components. Namely those rural areas are less likely to have adequate medical facilities to deal with a leading cause in infant mortality, which is premature birth. I then provided a link to statistics that showed black women have a twice as high infant mortality rate.

The fact that you are unable to assimilate all the information into a broader understanding about the southern region without understanding all of the factors involved and seemingly wish to only condense it down to "racism" instead of racial considerations is your hang-up not mine. Because I am anticipating your next post I will qualify with a bit more supportive supposition.

For generations after the civil rights movement, as a nation, we have struggled to make right the numerous wrongs committed nationally against black Americans. I say struggled, because it has often been a fight for institutional change. We have made great strides as a nation. The trouble is that for generations black Americans were horrifically abused and so the healing has taken, will take, generations. Along the way some anger has been encouraged; perhaps unintentionally, but I am willing to say purposefully as well, among black Americans. Too, due to welfare programs aimed at helping and quotas aimed at making things right a sense of entitlement was stirred into a very complex mix of racial tensions and the need for justice. What we have in southern states is an easy target to point at and say "racist". The truth is it is no different for large populations of blacks in this country in the north or the west. The same tensions, the same disparities, the same complex mix is still a national problem, not a regional one. I believe it is always getting better. I believe one day the healing can be complete.

What I'll finish up with in our exchange is this. You attempted to support via incomplete statistics some proofs about the south that seemed to lend credence to the bigotry of people who disparage southerner's simply because they are from the south. What I attempted to do was to show the south is only unique in that it has several regional challenges that allow an ignorant bigot to look down their self-righteous and ignorant nose and think they are better. The reality is they are guiltier than those who they accuse since their own back yard is likely just as problematic.

The knee-jerk comment was and remains entirely my opinion; you are not required to agree.
Actually, not. There is no bigotry that is not "informed" bigotry.

LOL I agree with you on that.

BTW, I just joined the Northerners Pwn group that Grind created. For some reason he's letting that Mississippi Emo Watermark be a member, which is pretty gay...
More jobs and higher skilled jobs are not determined by the geography, are they? What is different about the geography in Alabama as opposed to Idaho, which would mean jobs pay less or more? "wrasslin" and NASCAR are popular in other parts of the country as well. One of the biggest races on the NASCAR circuit is in California. Again, you attempt to invoke a stereotype that doesn't apply here.

I'm not refuting the fact that jobs generally pay less in the southern states, but it has nothing to do with geography, and everything to do with socioeconomics. Because a particular region has less advantage in socioeconomic areas, doesn't equate to the people being generalized as 'stupid' or 'uneducated' or 'backward' or any of the numerous stereotypes applied to southerners. There is very little people can do about where they happen to be born, just as there is little people can do about the pigment in their skin, their gender, or sexual orientation. It's bigoted and prejudiced to hold that against them.

Not only that, but those who hold to these sort of beliefs and stereotypes, are often prone to be this way about any number of other groups of people. It's not often displayed in a public way, in fact, they may even go out of their way to 'camouflage' their bigotry in other areas, because they realize the 'political incorrectness' of it. In my thinking, a bigot is a bigot is a bigot. It doesn't really matter what group of people you are stereotyping and being prejudiced against, it all involves the same exact way of thinking and rationalization.

First you say that there is no difference between the south and other places, despite what the evidence shows.

And then you hold forth that people who are prejudiced against the south are prone to be prejudice about other groups of people, but may go out of their way to camoflage it.

Interesting argument there, Dix.
I keep seeing these posts from people, talking about "Southerners" and showing a complete disdain for them as a group. I won't mention names here, but several posters are guilty, and they know who they are. It is obvious they have a prejudice against people from the Southern region of the United States, one that borders on complete hatred and revile. They will always give various reasons for this rationale, most of which are complete generalizations or stereotypes. Now and again, they will sense this obvious biased prejudice, and preface their remarks with; "not all Southerners, but most..." However, I venture to say, they don't personally know "most Southerners" so this remark is nothing more than camouflage for their overt prejudice.

Unlike many people from Alabama, I have a college degree in Psychology, and one thing I find fascinating is, these same people will claim they are not racially prejudiced at all. They are also not the least bit prejudiced toward homosexuals, or anyone other than Southerners, to hear them tell it. I find it fascinating, because the same bigoted ignorance is involved in all prejudices. It requires that you assume stereotypes and generalizations to be accurate, and refuse to accept the idea that everyone is different.

I am curious as to how a human mind can discern the difference, or establish a different mindset regarding prejudiced bigotry and discrimination. It would seem, if you have the propensity to determine "all southerners" are a certain way, you have exhibited the same exact type of prejudiced bigotry found in sheet-wearing klansmen, or swastika tattooed skinheads. If you can be blind to your ignorance in one area, how can you be enlightened in another? It seems to be quite the paradox from a psychological point of view. What is even more strange is, these people don't seem to think this is noticed. It's as if they have justified bigotry and prejudice they have for people from the South, therefore, no association can be made to racial or sexual prejudice, or bigotry of other types.

Generally speaking, people who have the tendency to lump others into groups, and stereotype them with broad generalizations, are the same across the board, it is not isolated to one particular type or group. Granted, it isn't always apparent because it's not 'politically correct' to openly admit racial or sexual bigotry, so this is kept quiet and seldom ever publicly mentioned. Which brings me to my inquisition. Are all of these people who supposedly hate Southerners, really prejudiced bigots toward blacks, homosexuals, women, Hispanics, Jews, and anyone else not like them? Psychology would suggest they certainly are, unless they have found some profound human secret of compartmentalizing prejudiced bigotry and hate. I don't believe this to be the case, I think we have a lot of very prejudiced and bigoted people here, and it is only socially acceptable to let the demons out of the bag on Southerners.

Yet you still cannot recognize the elitism and racism implicit in the "Chosen People of god" mantra espoused by your zionist overlords.
First you say that there is no difference between the south and other places, despite what the evidence shows.

And then you hold forth that people who are prejudiced against the south are prone to be prejudice about other groups of people, but may go out of their way to camoflage it.

Interesting argument there, Dix.

You must have reading comprehension problems, I never said there was no difference between the south and other places. There are tons of differences, none of them are an argument to support bigoted prejudice against Southerners. Statistics and data can be interpreted to mean any number of things, and there are any number of reasons for it. This doesn't indicate truth in broad generalized statements about people from the South. Those who happen to be born in the geographic region of the US known as "the south" are no different than anyone else, and shouldn't be stereotyped based on ignorance and bigotry, and they often are.

As for the study of human behavior, I have spent the better part of my life involved in the subject, and I have found it to be the case, when someone exhibits the behavior of bigoted prejudice toward a specific group, based on stereotypes and broad generalization, they are inclined to do so with a variety of groups different from themselves. It is a behavioral pattern that is followed in logic by the individual, sometimes without even giving it any thought. The same principles applied to prejudiced bigotry toward people from the South, is found in racial bigots, sexist bigots, religious bigots, and other types of bigots, because they all exhibit the same patterns of human behavior. It is somehow "politically correct" or acceptable to bash Southerners, so they allow their bigotry to come out when expressing their prejudice, but realizing there is a stigma to racial or sexist bigotry, it is concealed, and not openly admitted, but it is there just the same.
LOL I agree with you on that.

BTW, I just joined the Northerners Pwn group that Grind created. For some reason he's letting that Mississippi Emo Watermark be a member, which is pretty gay...
It doesn't matter, it's the Westerners who pWn.
The same principles applied to prejudiced bigotry toward people from the South, is found in racial bigots, sexist bigots, religious bigots, and other types of bigots, because they all exhibit the same patterns of human behavior. It is somehow "politically correct" or acceptable to bash Southerners, so they allow their bigotry to come out when expressing their prejudice, but realizing there is a stigma to racial or sexist bigotry, it is concealed, and not openly admitted, but it is there just the same.

That's because the South sux.
That's because the South sux.

Well, that is your opinion. I don't think anyone can determine an entire region "sux" and what does that even mean? The people? The buildings? The climate? The culture? Your statement is very broad and generalized, and it illustrates your prejudiced bigotry well.

W.E.B Griffin is a good family friend, he lives near my Uncle in Magnolia Springs, AL most of the year. We have always known him and address him as "Butterworth" which is his real name. I asked him once, "Butterworth, you are a very successful author, you could live anywhere in the world, why do you live in Alabama?" He told me, the reason was the climate and weather. Of all the places in the world, the Gulf Coast affords the best possible climate and weather year round. Never too hot, never too cold, median rainfall, median temperatures. Butterworth obviously doesn't share your disdain for the South.

There are others who could live anywhere in the world, but choose to live in the South.... Elton John comes to mind. Kim Basinger loved the South so much, she purchased Braselton, Georgia! So your opinion is not very widely accepted, and not everyone agrees with your assessment.

What is troubling to me is, your attitude seems to extend to the people from the South, and unless you know of something I don't, I think where you happen to be born is completely out of your control. That said, is it really fair to judge people on this criteria? Isn't it about the same as casting judgment based on... oh, say... amount of pigmentation in ones skin? If you are comfortable with that kind of bigoted judgmental view, that's fine, but it probably means you don't stop there.

As a matter of fact, in one of our previous debates over the Civil War, you revealed you were angry that "the South" had ruined the chance of what you would have preferred, a segregated society, where blacks lived in their own burro's, and I guess, Jews would live in theirs, Hispanics in theirs, and so on. But because "the South" got 'em all riled up, we weren't able to cajole them into such a societal organization. Oh fuckin' well! Too bad!
Well, that is your opinion. I don't think anyone can determine an entire region "sux" and what does that even mean? The people? The buildings? The climate? The culture? Your statement is very broad and generalized, and it illustrates your prejudiced bigotry well.


There are others who could live anywhere in the world, but choose to live in the South.... Elton John comes to mind. Kim Basinger loved the South so much, she purchased Braselton, Georgia! So your opinion is not very widely accepted, and not everyone agrees with your assessment.

What is troubling to me is, your attitude seems to extend to the people from the South, and unless you know of something I don't, I think where you happen to be born is completely out of your control. That said, is it really fair to judge people on this criteria? Isn't it about the same as casting judgment based on... oh, say... amount of pigmentation in ones skin? If you are comfortable with that kind of bigoted judgmental view, that's fine, but it probably means you don't stop there.


Its not bigotry if its true dixie.
All regionalists, nationalists, and subnationalists are the scum of the Earth and need to be driven over with a lawnmower.

LOL you just come from a region not worth being "ist" about! :pke:

Well, that is your opinion. I don't think anyone can determine an entire region "sux" and what does that even mean? The people? The buildings? The climate? The culture? Your statement is very broad and generalized, and it illustrates your prejudiced bigotry well.

W.E.B Griffin is a good family friend, he lives near my Uncle in Magnolia Springs, AL most of the year. We have always known him and address him as "Butterworth" which is his real name. I asked him once, "Butterworth, you are a very successful author, you could live anywhere in the world, why do you live in Alabama?" He told me, the reason was the climate and weather. Of all the places in the world, the Gulf Coast affords the best possible climate and weather year round. Never too hot, never too cold, median rainfall, median temperatures. Butterworth obviously doesn't share your disdain for the South.

There are others who could live anywhere in the world, but choose to live in the South.... Elton John comes to mind. Kim Basinger loved the South so much, she purchased Braselton, Georgia! So your opinion is not very widely accepted, and not everyone agrees with your assessment.

What is troubling to me is, your attitude seems to extend to the people from the South, and unless you know of something I don't, I think where you happen to be born is completely out of your control. That said, is it really fair to judge people on this criteria? Isn't it about the same as casting judgment based on... oh, say... amount of pigmentation in ones skin? If you are comfortable with that kind of bigoted judgmental view, that's fine, but it probably means you don't stop there.

As a matter of fact, in one of our previous debates over the Civil War, you revealed you were angry that "the South" had ruined the chance of what you would have preferred, a segregated society, where blacks lived in their own burro's, and I guess, Jews would live in theirs, Hispanics in theirs, and so on. But because "the South" got 'em all riled up, we weren't able to cajole them into such a societal organization. Oh fuckin' well! Too bad!

The ideal weather is temperate weather, found in the Pacific Northwest, so I don't know what Griffin is smoking. The Midwest has shitty weather, but I'm not fond of the summer highs that can be found in the South, either. Secondly, I would be willing to trade ethnic communities for all the bad the South did - eventually the walls would get broken down anyway as a product of mass communication. I'm angry, with regard to the Civil War, that we couldn't have both abolition and disunion, which would have been great for real Americans.