President Trump

How would you know? You're a lawyer. What would you know about objectivity? Nothing.

???? do you imagine we can represent people who have obviously done wrong if we don't know about objectivity".........just imagine what your divorce proceedings would be like if your lawyer were not able to overlook Donald's damaging testimony about you........
You should have stayed in grade school Jethro.
At least until they covered Mathematics.
Let me break it down for you and the rest of your moron crew.
When only angry stupid white males will vote for you, youcan't win.

I would be very very interested in the types of people Trump would appoint to the Supreme Court.

I am starting to think he would be a pragmatic president, akin to Clinton, who would accept significant compromises to get deals. I don't believe Trump is really anti-abortion. If he is dealing with a Democratic Senate, it might be a chance to turn the Supreme Court around after 40 years of Conservative control. The next president is likely to get to replace Scalia, and quite possibly two more.

Akin to Clinton?
Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar.
Donald Trump required four bankruptcy judgements to stay in business. Hardly my idea of a genuis.
You should have stayed in grade school Jethro.
At least until they covered Mathematics.
Let me break it down for you and the rest of your moron crew.
When only angry stupid white males will vote for you, youcan't win.

So far, THE DONALD has been getting support from everybody. He has swept the last three states. He is a lock for the nomination.

Let me break it down for you, Yellow Snow. NOW it's time for you to get off welfare, put down your crack pipe and go to work. There will be plenty of good paying jobs coming back to America, so you won't have any excuses.

THE DONALD is going to be the next President, whether you libtards like it or not.
Akin to Clinton?
Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar.
Donald Trump required four bankruptcy judgements to stay in business. Hardly my idea of a genuis.

Bill Clinton was IMPEACHED. He was DISBARRED from practicing law for lying under oath.

Donald Trump graduated a university that makes Harvard look like a community college. He has built an EIGHT BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY.

And if this man is able to use the bankruptcy laws to save several companies, I think he is precisely what a BANKRUPT FUCKING AMERICA needs to get us out of the shit Barak Fucking Hussein put us in.

He is going to be the next president. Period. End of discussion.
Akin to Clinton?
Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar.
Donald Trump required four bankruptcy judgements to stay in business. Hardly my idea of a genuis.

You misunderstood me, I don't think Trump would ever match Clintons intelligence. That is just silly. Trump might seek out the pragmatic center in the way he governs, in the way Clinton did.
You misunderstood me, I don't think Trump would ever match Clintons intelligence. That is just silly. Trump might seek out the pragmatic center in the way he governs, in the way Clinton did.

there are fourth graders who can match Clinton's intelligence......besides, Trump isn't running against Bill.......which tells me there are second graders who can match Jarod's intelligence, because they already knew that.....

So far, THE DONALD has been getting support from everybody. He has swept the last three states. He is a lock for the nomination.

Let me break it down for you, Yellow Snow. NOW it's time for you to get off welfare, put down your crack pipe and go to work. There will be plenty of good paying jobs coming back to America, so you won't have any excuses.

THE DONALD is going to be the next President, whether you libtards like it or not.

You low class shop floor mopper, you'd get your ass kicked talking like that in public
Bill Clinton was IMPEACHED. He was DISBARRED from practicing law for lying under oath.

Donald Trump graduated a university that makes Harvard look like a community college. He has built an EIGHT BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY.

And if this man is able to use the bankruptcy laws to save several companies, I think he is precisely what a BANKRUPT FUCKING AMERICA needs to get us out of the shit Barak Fucking Hussein put us in.

He is going to be the next president. Period. End of discussion.

You are a morally bankrupt hillbilly
Bill Clinton was IMPEACHED. He was DISBARRED from practicing law for lying under oath.

Donald Trump graduated a university that makes Harvard look like a community college. He has built an EIGHT BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY.

And if this man is able to use the bankruptcy laws to save several companies, I think he is precisely what a BANKRUPT FUCKING AMERICA needs to get us out of the shit Barak Fucking Hussein put us in.

He is going to be the next president. Period. End of discussion.

You misunderstood me, I don't think Trump would ever match Clintons intelligence. That is just silly. Trump might seek out the pragmatic center in the way he governs, in the way Clinton did.

Why should he, if he wins by being his barking-mad self? Because he will start a world war? Fat lot he cares!
If Trump wins, there is going to be a revolution, and we're going to purify the nation of rightists and save our country.
You mean like they did after Reagan was elected? You're not old enough to remember but Reagan was a joke to the Establishment GOP until he made huge inroads in the South. In early 79 the idea of an old B-list actor being President was one great big joke.
And now they proclaim his name like a holy incantation, even though he'd likely be derided as a "Cuckservative" by most of todays cons.