
But then; you would support timmie, if he told you that 3" was really 9".

Urban Dictionary? Yeah if you want the slang interpretation by all means use the Urban Dictionary, but if you want the literal translation use Babbel Fish.

That Chris, I guess she likes Tom's meaning Loyal said she's been called that so many times by men it may as well be her middle name. :cool:
HA, Tom probably wrote the definition himself, he is so kinky.Try again lady.:D

Many of the entries on Urban Dictionary are coarse, profane or offensive. A high percentage of entries are sexual. Many appear to be the inventions of users either for purposes of mischief or fame-seeking. Although some of the entries come with pictures, users cannot directly upload pictures into the site. Racist, homonegative or sexist terms are acceptable as long as their definitions only document the use of such slurs and are not themselves abusive. Site guidelines recommend that submitters and volunteer editors shun definitions that include inside jokes, personal references to non-celebrities, nonsense, advertisements, or descriptions of sexual violence.[3] However, the website does little to prevent definitions with those traits from appearing. Urban Dictionary's chief definition of "Urban Dictionary" reads: "A place formerly used to find out about slang, and now a place that teens use as a burn book to talk about celebrities, their friends, let out their sexual frustrations, show off their racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-(insert religion here) opinions, troll, and babble about things they know nothing about, etc."[4] Wilkipedia

Sorry, Babelfish isn't the only translator on the internet. Urban dictionary says Tom is correct. End of story. :D
HA, Tom probably wrote the definition himself, he is so kinky.Try again lady.:D

Many of the entries on Urban Dictionary are coarse, profane or offensive. A high percentage of entries are sexual. Many appear to be the inventions of users either for purposes of mischief or fame-seeking. Although some of the entries come with pictures, users cannot directly upload pictures into the site. Racist, homonegative or sexist terms are acceptable as long as their definitions only document the use of such slurs and are not themselves abusive. Site guidelines recommend that submitters and volunteer editors shun definitions that include inside jokes, personal references to non-celebrities, nonsense, advertisements, or descriptions of sexual violence.[3] However, the website does little to prevent definitions with those traits from appearing. Urban Dictionary's chief definition of "Urban Dictionary" reads: "A place formerly used to find out about slang, and now a place that teens use as a burn book to talk about celebrities, their friends, let out their sexual frustrations, show off their racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-(insert religion here) opinions, troll, and babble about things they know nothing about, etc."[4] Wilkipedia

"Many of the entries on Urban Dictionary are coarse, profane or offensive. A high percentage of entries are sexual."

I rest my case. :p

Feel free to check this out: :D
Urban Dictionary? Yeah if you want the slang interpretation by all means use the Urban Dictionary, but if you want the literal translation use Babbel Fish.

That Chris, I guess she likes Tom's meaning Loyal said she's been called that so many times by men it may as well be her middle name. :cool:

It's Babel Fish not Babbel Fish you cretin. You've spouted a torrent of bullshit over the years but this is definitely up there with "Intelligent Design will take over from Darwinism in the next five years"
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It's Babel Fish not Babbel Fish you cretin. You've spouted a torrent of bullshit over the years but this is definitely up there with "Intelligent Design will take over from Darwinism in the next five years"

So the lack of a single letter, makes you correct.

You are such a girl, timmie.