Into the Night
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I didn't. I don't treat Google as God. This bridge is personally known to me.Now how long did you have to Google to come up with one bridge,
No, I am telling you that umpteen bridges are built by private interests. Even government funded ones as well as privately funded ones.we got umpteen bridges and you are telling us this one bridge proves private interests build bridges not Government?
They already were. What the government funded is a better bridge. It is still usually built by private contractors.Private companies fill Gov't contracts to build a bridge, but without the Gov't intiating and funding the project those companies are not going to build a bridge on its own
Nope. Paths that are popular develop into roads on their own. Government funds building roads for thruways, but most roads are privately built.Those paths would still be largely paths if it weren't for the Gov't building roads over them
Some do. Not all.Private schools so select thier students,
No school is forced, private or public.they are not forced to take anyone they don't want,
Public schools can flush students.and also, they can flush students, something a public school can not do, private schools should do better given those realities
It is a better education than you get in public schools. Education is what school is about, right?And if you can't afford it, you don't get it, certainly doesn't sound like a characterization of what is suppose to be the best
If you don't me calling fallacies on you, stop making them.More "fallacy" bullshit
We do not democratically elect our representatives. We elect our representatives according to the procedures laid out in the constitution of that layer of government.Wrong. The Constitution establishes the form of Gov't, the Republic, and we democratically elected out representatives to that Republic, via majority vote, the means the Founding Fathers selected and added to the Constitution.
There is no such thing as a 'democratic' republic. You are conflating two incompatible forms of government into one. Democracies have no representatives or constitution. Republics have both.