Private industry is not always the superior solution.

Now how long did you have to Google to come up with one bridge,
I didn't. I don't treat Google as God. This bridge is personally known to me.
we got umpteen bridges and you are telling us this one bridge proves private interests build bridges not Government?
No, I am telling you that umpteen bridges are built by private interests. Even government funded ones as well as privately funded ones.
Private companies fill Gov't contracts to build a bridge, but without the Gov't intiating and funding the project those companies are not going to build a bridge on its own
They already were. What the government funded is a better bridge. It is still usually built by private contractors.
Those paths would still be largely paths if it weren't for the Gov't building roads over them
Nope. Paths that are popular develop into roads on their own. Government funds building roads for thruways, but most roads are privately built.
Private schools so select thier students,
Some do. Not all.
they are not forced to take anyone they don't want,
No school is forced, private or public.
and also, they can flush students, something a public school can not do, private schools should do better given those realities
Public schools can flush students.
And if you can't afford it, you don't get it, certainly doesn't sound like a characterization of what is suppose to be the best
It is a better education than you get in public schools. Education is what school is about, right?
More "fallacy" bullshit
If you don't me calling fallacies on you, stop making them.
Wrong. The Constitution establishes the form of Gov't, the Republic, and we democratically elected out representatives to that Republic, via majority vote, the means the Founding Fathers selected and added to the Constitution.
We do not democratically elect our representatives. We elect our representatives according to the procedures laid out in the constitution of that layer of government.

There is no such thing as a 'democratic' republic. You are conflating two incompatible forms of government into one. Democracies have no representatives or constitution. Republics have both.
Now how long did you have to Google to come up with one bridge, we got umpteen bridges and you are telling us this one bridge proves private interests build bridges not Government? Private companies fill Gov't contracts to build a bridge, but without the Gov't intiating and funding the project those companies are not going to build a bridge on its own

The bridge arguement is bullsht. Does anyone here know anything about the costs of "private" bridges vs. public bridges? And, so what. I haven't seen a new bridge in forever. If you exclude over passes, bridge construction is an insignificant part of our road infrastructure.

Private schools so select thier students, they are not forced to take anyone they don't want, and also, they can flush students, something a public school can not do, private schools should do better given those realities

You're a fcking moron if you think private schools do better because they can, you claim, flush students. Anyone who actually believes in socialism is a fcking moron.

And if you can't afford it, you don't get it, certainly doesn't sound like a characterization of what is suppose to be the best

Americans pay two to ten times what the rest of the world pays for the same medical care. America is at the bottom of the civilized world in life expectancy. The claim America has the best medical system can only be belived by a fcking moron.
What threat?
An infection rate of 0.00135% of the population, and a death rate of 0.000273% of the population is an insignificant threat. This is not a pandemic. It is not even an epidemic. It is not even a situation.

What governors are doing is failing.

The revolts are building even now. People are going out more and more and effectively telling their governors to blow it out their left nostril.

Masks do not stop a virus.
6 feet does not stop a virus.

UV light (such as longer days bring) stops a virus.
Immune systems stop a virus.
Sanitation stops this particular virus.

It is capitalism that built the ventilators. It is capitalism that built all the hospital equipment. It is capitalism that built the masks, the gloves, the alcohol, the hand sanitizers, and the toilet paper. It is capitalism that makes the tonic water and the zinc supplements, a treatment that seems to work well against those suffering the worst aspects of this virus.

We fought WW2 using armies and a navy and an air force that were paid for by the federal government (one of their duties, as outlined in the Constitution of the United States), but they used equipment build by capitalism. The uniforms, the ammunition, the guns, the tanks, the jeeps, the ships and all their equipment aboard them, the aircraft and all their equipment aboard them, the radios used by them to communicate, and the radar systems used to guide them. Capitalism provided the food for them. It provided even the compasses and maps armies would use to traverse cross country.
Yet, just today, King Evers issued another royal decree to extend Wisconsin's "stay at home" order for another month, until late May. I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of protest were to also arise out of it here as well. While I am one of the lucky ones, plenty of other people are getting quite sick of not working or barely working.
Yet, just today, King Evers issued another royal decree to extend Wisconsin's "stay at home" order for another month, until late May. I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of protest were to also arise out of it here as well. While I am one of the lucky ones, plenty of other people are getting quite sick of not working or barely working.

Those protests are coming from a small group of malcontents who fail to understand the health consequences of their acts, did you notice yesterday, along with the Nazi flags and weapons, that people deliberately avoided the social distancing norms and recommended face masks?

"Two-thirds of Americans worry states will lift restrictions on public activity too quickly"
I didn't. I don't treat Google as God. This bridge is personally known to me.

No, I am telling you that umpteen bridges are built by private interests. Even government funded ones as well as privately funded ones.

They already were. What the government funded is a better bridge. It is still usually built by private contractors.

Nope. Paths that are popular develop into roads on their own. Government funds building roads for thruways, but most roads are privately built.

Some do. Not all.

No school is forced, private or public.

Public schools can flush students.

It is a better education than you get in public schools. Education is what school is about, right?

If you don't me calling fallacies on you, stop making them.

We do not democratically elect our representatives. We elect our representatives according to the procedures laid out in the constitution of that layer of government.

There is no such thing as a 'democratic' republic. You are conflating two incompatible forms of government into one. Democracies have no representatives or constitution. Republics have both.

Funny, I suppose next time he'll break it down by adjectives and adverbs

Yeah, you came up with one bridge attempting to display that private interests build bridges in America, we got hundreds of thousands and you think generalizing off of one bridge validates your claim?

Private interests constructs the bridges, but they aren't responsible for the bridges existence, only the Gov't does that, without which there won't be hundreds of thousands of bridges

Local Gov't, State, County, City, built those local roads, you trying to us that private interests build a road and then just turn it over to public use? The just donate the road, give it to the community. Next

Public have to take all students, and public schools can not flush students, they can throw them out of a particular school, but the district still has to provide for an education of the student. Private schools can flush anyone at anytime, just wash their hands completely, and any school that can select their pupils should have better results

"We elect our representatives according to the procedures laid out in the constitution," exactly, which in the US as laid out in the Constitution is democratically, we vote and majority reigns, making the US a Democratic Republic.
Private industry is not always the superior solution:

There are people that believe “government’s the problem rather than solution. I heard Milton Friedman state that half of what our federal government’s spending is wasted. A great proportion of all other than federal spending, (including commercial and personal spending) is also “wasted”.

We, as individuals generally believe that governments’ spending for what we approve of, to the extent that’s spent in manners that we approve of, is justifiable; all other governments’ spending is less than justifiable. That’s politics. There are extremely few items of governments expense that are not controversial. Governments’ lines of expenses are criticized or subject to objections by some aggregate individuals or groups. Political disagreement occurs more so in democracies but also occurs within nations of only one political party or of extremely few leaders.

Outsourcing some specific government functions would be contrary to the public’s interest. There are some government functions that can be outsourced, but government rather than private industry provides them in a superior manner. Many other nations provide their population Wi-Fi, medical insurance, railroads and other public transportation at lesser expense and in a manner superior to that of the United States. It’s nonsense to contend that private industry does or will perform every function in a manner superior to government.

Respectfully, Supposn

What a pile of illiterate word salad. Good lord; you don't know how to think.

Let's dumb it down for you; private industry is the best solution along with Capitalism. We tolerate Government and try to minimize it's intrusion into markets.

We have seen what Government controlled economies look like. Venezuela comes to mind. The former Soviet Union....etc etc etc.
Privatizing is almost never a benefit to society as corporatizing education, healthcare and prisons have clearly demonstrated. It is the constant refrain of nationalizing is bad and corporatizing is good that has driven the people astray. It is not true.

theoretically maybe, but in reality, large corporations and rich people have achieved state capture and use their power to turn society into a killing machine of degradation and corruption that benefits the few. now that this is becoming obvious, they've gone totalitarian, based on overblown hysteria over a manmade virus.

The bridge arguement is bullsht. Does anyone here know anything about the costs of "private" bridges vs. public bridges?
Private bridges are generally cheaper. The government usually has a lot of costs associated with building a bridge, including choosing it's design.
And, so what. I haven't seen a new bridge in forever.
Pay attention. Bridges are being built all the time. A neighborhood being developed near hear built their own bridge across a large creek and ravine. It's a nice covered bridge design, reminiscent of stuff in the Northeast, even though we have very little frost or snow here.

The City of Carnation replaced a bridge leading into their town (government funded, privately built) in just the last few years. Good thing too. The old one was getting quite decrepit. That bridge crosses a river.

You are correct that anyone that believes socialism is the answer is a moron.

No, we don't pay two to ten times what the rest of the world pays. You are forgetting all those taxes that pay for crappy healthcare in other nations. You are making up random numbers. Argument from randU fallacy. In the U.S., we only pay for the healthcare we want to pay for.

If you exclude over passes, bridge construction is an insignificant part of our road infrastructure.
You won't get far without overpasses!
Americans pay two to ten times what the rest of the world pays for the same medical care.
America is at the bottom of the civilized world in life expectancy.
The claim America has the best medical system can only be belived by a fcking moron.
Life expectancy is not about healthcare. It's about lifestyles and genetics. In the U.S., drugs are a real problem that definitely shortens life expectancy. Eating too much can also shorten life expectancy.
Private sectors & Government working together is the best.

Internet came from the USA government, but it's a good thing Private companies improved it.

Satellites even more important came from the Soviet government, but it's a good thing Private companies improved it.

While, Government might not do best for many things.

Government does best for healthcare, roads, and public transportation.

Education is best when public options exist, but private options also exist.
Corporations are not being totalitarian. It is governors passing these bans, unconstitutionally.

How do you figure that one?

Amazon using watches to track employees work?

Cameras all over the place, mostly by companies?

Facebook & Twitter censoring out the political opposition?

This is all like Orwell, and thus far much of it has been corporate, rather than Government. (Thankfully)
Those protests are coming from a small group of malcontents
Not as small as you think, and the revolt is building.
who fail to understand the health consequences of their acts,
There is none. According to the CDC, the current infection rate is 0.00135% of the population. The current death rate is 0.0000273% of the population. Life is full of risks. That means the odds of dying from coronavirus is currently 1 in 336,300. Frankly, that's pretty good odds. I'll take my chances interacting with the public normally and opening businesses normally.

According to the national traffic data center, the odds of becoming injured or killed in an auto accident this year is 1 in 7.

You really are fear mongering over nothing.

did you notice yesterday, along with the Nazi flags and weapons, that people deliberately avoided the social distancing norms and recommended face masks?
Did you notice it was staged by the press, and as usual the press brought up the word 'Nazi', even though there are no Nazis anymore? What the hell is a 'Nazi weapon'???

Masks don't stop a virus.
6 feet doesn't stop a virus.

UV stops a virus.
Immune systems stop a virus.

"Two-thirds of Americans worry states will lift restrictions on public activity too quickly"
...deleted Holy Link...
Argument from randU fallacy. Your Holy Link source is making up numbers, and you are mindlessly quoting them.
Private sectors & Government working together is the best.

Internet came from the USA government, but it's a good thing Private companies improved it.

Satellites even more important came from the Soviet government, but it's a good thing Private companies improved it.

While, Government might not do best for many things.

Government does best for healthcare, roads, and public transportation.

Education is best when public options exist, but private options also exist.

Government sucks at healthcare. Canada is a prime example of a failed government healthcare system. Canadians usually pay for private healthcare or travel to the United States to get their healthcare.
Government education sucks as well. Graduates from government schools in the U.S. are functionally illiterate. They do not know how to read or write, are often so bad at math they can't balance their own checkbooks or run a cash register, confuse religion with science, have a very distorted view of history...even recent history, and are completely clueless about logic or philosophy.

Yes. Graduates of government run schools.
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How do you figure that one?
Easy. It's a matter of choice.
Amazon using watches to track employees work?
They don't.
Cameras all over the place, mostly by companies?
Only in cities, and usually they are security cameras to identify suspects that break into a business. Some are traffic flow cameras. Did you know that when you use public roadways, your license number is not private information?
Facebook & Twitter censoring out the political opposition?
People are leaving them for that too. They are moving to alternate sites that provide similar services that don't censor.
This is all like Orwell, and thus far much of it has been corporate, rather than Government. (Thankfully)
I assume, from this statement, that you have never read any of Orwell's material.
Easy. It's a matter of choice.

They don't.

Only in cities, and usually they are security cameras to identify suspects that break into a business. Some are traffic flow cameras. Did you know that when you use public roadways, your license number is not private information?

People are leaving them for that too. They are moving to alternate sites that provide similar services that don't censor.

I assume, from this statement, that you have never read any of Orwell's material.

you ever hear of edward snowden?
Government sucks at healthcare. Canada is a prime example of a failed government healthcare system. Canadians usually pay for private healthcare or travel to the United States to get their healthcare.
Government education sucks as well. Graduates from government schools in the U.S. are functionally illiterate. They do not know how to read or write, are often so bad at math they can't balance their own checkbooks or run a cash register, confuse religion with science, have a very distorted view of history...even recent history, and are completely clueless about logic or philosophy.

Yes. Graduates of government run schools.

Canada lives longer, and pays about half of what we do. LMFAO.
Easy. It's a matter of choice.

They don't.

Only in cities, and usually they are security cameras to identify suspects that break into a business. Some are traffic flow cameras. Did you know that when you use public roadways, your license number is not private information?

People are leaving them for that too. They are moving to alternate sites that provide similar services that don't censor.

I assume, from this statement, that you have never read any of Orwell's material.

Amazon is a nightmare, can we destroy them already?

The documents also show a deeply automated tracking and termination process. “Amazon’s system tracks the rates of each individual associate’s productivity,” according to the letter, “and automatically generates any warnings or terminations regarding quality or productivity without input from supervisors.” (Amazon says supervisors are able to override the process.)

Critics see the system as a machine that only sees numbers, not people. “One of the things that we hear consistently from workers is that they are treated like robots in effect because they’re monitored and supervised by these automated systems,” Mitchell says. “They’re monitored and supervised by robots.”
Canada lives longer, and pays about half of what we do. LMFAO.

Canadians live longer. And, they pay a lot less than half. The Canadian government itself pays half of what our government pays. But, we also pay many billions of dollars outside of government. And, we still have people going untreated.

You're a moron, so I don't mean to imply anything else by sort of agreeing with you. It takes another moron to call American healthcare the best, when it costs two to ten times what other countries pay for the same medical care. And, when their life expectancy is often longer than ours.

The problem isn't with the free market. Very much the opposite. It takes a moron to think our medical system is in any way representative of a free market.
People are leaving them for that too. They are moving to alternate sites that provide similar services that don't censor.

Facebook has no significant competition (if you weren't a moron, I wouldn't feel the need to add the word "significant"). And, at this rate, it never will. Part of its success is that it censors, which protects it from being shut down when one of its members commits a crime.