APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

anti abortion people have killed how many people?

this is the first time I have EVER heard of it going the other way.
anti abortion people have killed how many people?

this is the first time I have EVER heard of it going the other way.

I suspect that's why it has a the way, I think the answer to your question is somewhere between 12 and 20, the majority killed by one far as I am aware, they are all in jail....
I suspect that's why it has a the way, I think the answer to your question is somewhere between 12 and 20, the majority killed by one far as I am aware, they are all in jail....

The whole thing sounds like an after thought to me. He killed the other guy first in some kind of personal issue and then killed the sign holding guy because he was already in big trouble.

Maybe some people should not have guns huh?
You know, if it were men who were getting pregnant, this wouldn't even be an issue.

How much hypocrisy is that for you?

I've always wondered if that little assessment by Gloria Steinem was accurate. Then, as I grew older and learned about present day theocratic societies that are seriously misogynistic (Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, parts of India, etc.) as opposed to the history of Europe and early America, I realized just how on the money old Gloria was. Scary.