APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

What does "incorrectly previously" mean, Taicheeze? Did you mean you were previously incorrect and have now set the record straight, or something else?

It's called rushing to type something in and not checking your sentence....happens to the best of us. So yes, I was previously incorrect and subsequently corrected the error.

And as I demonstrated, Southie is once again skewing the facts to suit his needs....which is quite foolish given the record.

"Taicheeze"? That's the best you can do? Man, I didn't know proving neocons wrong could provoke such a schoolyard hatred. Carry on.
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And your statistics are where?

And how many children ended up in homes being neglected? And how many women ended up living in poverty due to having a child they couldn't afford and not being able to continue their education?


Here's a tip for the mathematically-challenged.

The US population in 1970 was 200 million. Today, its over 300 million.

There's "more" of everything, because the population increased over 50%. "More" people die of lightening strikes and irritable bowel syndrome today than in 1970. It doesn't mean lightening is somehow more dangerous today, or that there is an epidemic of irritable bowel syndrome.

This is fourth grade arithmetic, for the academically challenged. No wonder you were fooled into supporting the Iraq War. You're just plain dumb.

Here's a tip for the mathematically-challenged.

The US population in 1970 was 200 million. Today, its over 300 million.

There's "more" of everything, because the population increased over 50%. "More" people die of lightening strikes and irritable bowel syndrome today than in 1970. It doesn't mean lightening is somehow more dangerous today, or that there is an epidemic of irritable bowel syndrome.

This is fourth grade arithmetic, for the academically challenged. No wonder you were fooled into supporting the Iraq War. You're just plain dumb.

and here's a tip for the "honesty" challenged liberals....that doesn't change the fact the statistics show the lie behind the "back alley" abortions myth....
The reality is you don't understand. You don't understand why abortion is legal. Not just here but in most other developed countries.
the only explanation that I can come up with to explain the fact that abortion is legal is the inherent evil that underlies liberalism.....they have taken something that is obviously wrong, killing an unborn child, and painted it as something good....what possible motive could anyone have to press for something so fucked up as that?.....
The reality is you don't understand. You don't understand why abortion is legal. Not just here but in most other developed countries.

As someone noted Conservatives are big on talking "Freedom" but when it comes to the walk that's another ball game.

Please show where I"ve ever said I don't understand why abortion is legal.

You wrote,
more women die today from legal abortions than died in 1970 from illegal ones
and then offered this link. Here is an excerpt.

Excerpt: "CDC has reported data on abortion-related deaths periodically because these deaths were first included in the Abortion Surveillance Report in 1972...............

Data on abortion-related deaths for 1972--2002 are provided in this report."

I stopped doing a detailed reading at that point. Considering the length of the article perhaps you can specify where I can find the information on deaths prior to 1972 as I interpret the foregoing to be saying the report provides the number of deaths from 1972 onward.

I did, however, happen to spot this as I quickly skimmed the rest of the article. "For women whose marital status was adequately reported (38 reporting areas), 80% of women who obtained abortions were known to be unmarried."

Do you not feel it's to a child's benefit to be brought into a "family"? Do you really want a 16 year old to be responsible for another human being's life? Or someone half way through their university education to be obliged to cancel their career plans and support a child they did not want? Are children born to those girls/women going to be cherished or resented? Do you care?
And for those interested in the truth and to witness the delusions and lies of Southie, here are the links (which I did incorrectly previously).

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

You tried to capitalize off of a simple error on my part.....but you fail to realize that once the TRUE chronology is established WITHOUT YOUR BIASED EDITING, the FACTS do not support your allegations and assertions.

Now, you'll frantically try to deny, distort, lie about what has transpired. But the FACTS are your undoing. Like I said before, YOU are a sorry excuse for an adult...I can only imagine how you handle yourself in the real world. You're done. Adios for now.

No reason to do a hissy it just because The Southern Man points out the pattern in TaichiLiberal's posts:

* Committing logical fallacies in debate;
* accusing his opponent of the very act that he himself commits;
* claiming false victory, along with 'the record shows this';
* stating finality when we all know there won't be.
the only explanation that I can come up with to explain the fact that abortion is legal is the inherent evil that underlies liberalism.....they have taken something that is obviously wrong, killing an unborn child, and painted it as something good....what possible motive could anyone have to press for something so fucked up as that?.....

The reason you have difficulty understanding is because you start off on the wrong premise. Once you understand that birth is the start of a human being's life it all makes sense.

Abortion prevents subjecting a child to a life of neglect, misery, poverty and many other travesties which are almost certain to occur. That is why we celebrate and honor a person who, having come from the "wrong side of the tracks", makes something of themselves. We know it's not the norm. We know the struggles they must have endured and the hardships they had to overcome. We also know the majority do not succeed.

Why would any compassionate, intelligent, decent human being not only encourage bringing a child into such a milieu but insist it be mandated by law? What is at the base of such a belief that produces such tragic results?

What puzzles me is if ones belief results in the hardship and suffering of other human beings why would they hold on to such beliefs and the evidence of the hardship and suffering is in our face every day.
The reason you have difficulty understanding is because you start off on the wrong premise. Once you understand that birth is the start of a human being's life it all makes sense.

Abortion prevents subjecting a child to a life of neglect, misery, poverty and many other travesties which are almost certain to occur. That is why we celebrate and honor a person who, having come from the "wrong side of the tracks", makes something of themselves. We know it's not the norm. We know the struggles they must have endured and the hardships they had to overcome. We also know the majority do not succeed.

Why would any compassionate, intelligent, decent human being not only encourage bringing a child into such a milieu but insist it be mandated by law? What is at the base of such a belief that produces such tragic results?

What puzzles me is if ones belief results in the hardship and suffering of other human beings why would they hold on to such beliefs and the evidence of the hardship and suffering is in our face every day.

Conception is the start of human beings life. That's baby bio for non-science majors.
Do you not feel it's to a child's benefit to be brought into a "family"? Do you really want a 16 year old to be responsible for another human being's life? Or someone half way through their university education to be obliged to cancel their career plans and support a child they did not want? Are children born to those girls/women going to be cherished or resented? Do you care?

no one requires a 16 year old to be responsible for another human being's one requires a child to grow up unwanted.....there are many people who want children who are unable to have children....the process is called adoption.....
no one requires a 16 year old to be responsible for another human being's one requires a child to grow up unwanted.....there are many people who want children who are unable to have children....the process is called adoption.....
The Southern Man has had an epiphany after reading the Prophet's post. Liberals should not be killing their babies; they should be giving them up for adoption to conservative parents...
The reason you have difficulty understanding is because you start off on the wrong premise. Once you understand that birth is the start of a human being's life it all makes sense.

but that is a lie you sustain to provide you moral isn't scientific fact....