APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

The only ignorance is people complaining about abortions while at the same time complaining about single mothers. Somehow the Conservatives can't make the connection. :lol:

????....please quote my post complaining about single mothers.....apparently, you've been making some connections that don't exist.....
Danced around? I've been very specific.

So, have you given any thought to the questions?

You're so full of road apples.
All you've done is dance around the questions posed to you and now you want replies to your questions.

At least you're staying true to form.
You're so full of road apples.
All you've done is dance around the questions posed to you and now you want replies to your questions.

At least you're staying true to form.

There's no core to this apple. Just a kid in an older man's body still getting a hoot out of gassing in the elevator and bailing before the door shuts.
I already's a false problem....society figured out how to deal with it successfully hundreds of years ago....

Sure. Society (those in charge) simply told the people what to do. Just like the deal between Napoleon and the Pope (1869)

We're not going back to pre-1972, Roe vs Wade. Most advanced countries allow abortions. The world has moved on.
????....please quote my post complaining about single mothers.....apparently, you've been making some connections that don't exist.....

You mentioned Conservatives, in general, and I responded, in general.

Still no answers to the questions, huh? I really didn't hold out much hope because one thing anti-abortionists are known for is their inability to think things through.
You mentioned Conservatives, in general, and I responded, in general.

and failed in general...

Still no answers to the questions, huh? I really didn't hold out much hope because one thing anti-abortionists are known for is their inability to think things through.
I answered your silly questions.....nobody in their right mind would consider them legitimate concerns......people have been smart enough to figure out the solutions for hundreds of years....
I answered your silly questions.....nobody in their right mind would consider them legitimate concerns......people have been smart enough to figure out the solutions for hundreds of years....

Oh, yes. People were smart enough to figure it out for years. Back alley abortions resulting in infection, sterility and, often, death. Women were expendable. And if it was a pregnant, single woman, well, society was much better off without that type of woman anyway.

It's good to see your true concerns about life.

Pro-life. What a joke! More like pro-suffering and pro-death.
What are you doing, trolling for rep? You dummy, you linked to your rep again. What's up with that?

Here's a summary of our exchange (removing the vast bulk of your hissy-fit rants):

  • You: "...anti-abortion folk just don't give a damn about real people."
  • Me: "Babies aren't real people?"
  • You: "Yes they are, and a cluster bomb or "surgical strike" doesn't discriminate."
  • Me: "...we're talking about abortion and you bring up war. ... You liberals are F-U-C-K-E-D up."
  • You: "Ahhh, I forgot that you're not smart enought[sic] to connect the dots here, or read carefully and comprehensively.....that coupled with your unwillingness and inability to discuss the points and conclusions of others post. Go ask an adult you trust to explain it too you. ... That's about the limit of your understanding.....insult only. I pity you sometimes.
  • Me: "Delicious irony."
  • You: "You throw the first stone, and then get pissed when someone retaliates and bests you at it. Then you lie."
  • Me: "Don't get all hissy now that you've been shown to be a stupid fool, fag liberal."
  • You: "My statements remain valid, and you remain a miserable excuse for an adult. I'm done with you here."

Let the record show that:
  • TaichiLiberal brought up the Red Herring; then
  • The Southern Man called him on it; and
  • TaichiLiberal accused The Southern Man of stupidity and "insults only"; then
  • The Southern Man pointed out the irony in TaichiLiberal's very post; then
  • TaichiLiberal claims victory then accuses The Southern Man of lying; then
  • The Southern Man calls it likes he sees it; then
  • TaichiLiberal claims he is correct, and states finality.

The Southern Man points out the pattern in TaichiLiberal's posts:
  • Committing logical fallacies in debate;
  • accusing his opponent of the very act that he himself commits;
  • claiming false victory, along with 'the record shows this';
  • stating finality when we all know there won't be.

And for those interested in the truth and to witness the delusions and lies of Southie, here are the links (which I did incorrectly previously).

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist[/ame]

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist[/ame]

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist[/ame]

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist[/ame]

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist[/ame]

You tried to capitalize off of a simple error on my part.....but you fail to realize that once the TRUE chronology is established WITHOUT YOUR BIASED EDITING, the FACTS do not support your allegations and assertions.

Now, you'll frantically try to deny, distort, lie about what has transpired. But the FACTS are your undoing. Like I said before, YOU are a sorry excuse for an adult...I can only imagine how you handle yourself in the real world. You're done. Adios for now.
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What does "incorrectly previously" mean, Taicheeze? Did you mean you were previously incorrect and have now set the record straight, or something else?
Oh, yes. People were smart enough to figure it out for years. Back alley abortions resulting in infection, sterility and, often, death. Women were expendable. And if it was a pregnant, single woman, well, society was much better off without that type of woman anyway.

It's good to see your true concerns about life.

Pro-life. What a joke! More like pro-suffering and pro-death.

foolish liberal.....more women die today from legal abortions than died in 1970 from illegal ones....don't talk to me about concern for women, you have addition to the deaths of mothers, half the children who die from abortions are female. Back to my point, you have complained that society won't be able to balance the life of the mother against the life of the child in the limited case of legal abortions for the health of the point stands....society WAS able to make those choices before Roe v Wade, they will be able to after that horrible law is put aside....
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..more women die today from legal abortions than died in 1970 from illegal ones.

And your statistics are where?

And how many children ended up in homes being neglected? And how many women ended up living in poverty due to having a child they couldn't afford and not being able to continue their education?


foolish liberal.....more women die today from legal abortions than died in 1970 from illegal ones....don't talk to me about concern for women, you have addition to the deaths of mothers, half the children who die from abortions are female. Back to my point, you have complained that society won't be able to balance the life of the mother against the life of the child in the limited case of legal abortions for the health of the point stands....society WAS able to make those choices before Roe v Wade, they will be able to after that horrible law is put aside....
foolish liberal.....more women die today from legal abortions than died in 1970 from illegal ones......

Here's a tip for the mathematically-challenged.

The US population in 1970 was 200 million. Today, its over 300 million.

There's "more" of everything, because the population increased over 50%. "More" people die of lightening strikes and irritable bowel syndrome today than in 1970. It doesn't mean lightening is somehow more dangerous today, or that there is an epidemic of irritable bowel syndrome.

This is fourth grade arithmetic, for the academically challenged. No wonder you were fooled into supporting the Iraq War. You're just plain dumb.
Unfortunetly you have once again failed to see that I"m laughing at your roadapples and not with you.
Keep trying; because eventually you might understand.

The reality is you don't understand. You don't understand why abortion is legal. Not just here but in most other developed countries.

As someone noted Conservatives are big on talking "Freedom" but when it comes to the walk that's another ball game.