APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

You throw the first stone, and then get pissed when someone retaliates and bests you at it. Then you lie.

The recorded post prove me right on you can delude yourself with your lies all you want. My statements and reasoning stand valid...that is what you cannot refute, and subsequently frustrates you to no end.

there is no record that has ever existed, nor has it ever been contemplated, that you have been right on anything.....
Don't get all hissy now that you've been shown to be a stupid fool, fag liberal.

You're really pathetic, Southie. Do you readily deteriorate to a frustrated high school freshman like this in your real life public/private interactions with people who prove you wrong on a point? So much more to pity you.

My statements remain valid, and you remain a miserable excuse for an adult. I'm done with you here.
disingenuous claim....the 50% survival rate is the chance that a fertilized egg will become a zygote....that statistic becomes meaningless before a woman even knows she is pregnant.....

The statistic isn't meaningless. If one is going to assert a human being comes into existence at the time of conception then it is central to their argument which, as you acknowledge in a round about way, means their argument is meaningless. Not the statistic.
The statistic isn't meaningless. If one is going to assert a human being comes into existence at the time of conception then it is central to their argument which, as you acknowledge in a round about way, means their argument is meaningless. Not the statistic.

But you'ld let your entire family die, just because you're to scared to make a choike.
It's the magic baby fairy dust that the doctor sprinkles on the fetus, at the moment the fetus first appears in this world.

Similar to the contractor who sprinkles a handful of sawdust on a vacate lot and, lo and behold, nine months later there is a two-story, 3500 sq. ft. house with electricity and running water. Truly a miracle!
Similar to the contractor who sprinkles a handful of sawdust on a vacate lot and, lo and behold, nine months later there is a two-story, 3500 sq. ft. house with electricity and running water. Truly a miracle!

Just another one of your strawmen, road apple.
No need for me to take the liberal way and edit anything.

When you fail to make a choice, you have still made one. :cof1:

As I mentioned before I do like anti-abortionist word games/double speak.

I was looking forward to such by raising the questions I did in msg 208 but, alas, once more disappoint befalls me.
You're really pathetic, Southie. Do you readily deteriorate to a frustrated high school freshman like this in your real life public/private interactions with people who prove you wrong on a point? So much more to pity you.

My statements remain valid, and you remain a miserable excuse for an adult. I'm done with you here.

What are you doing, trolling for rep? You dummy, you linked to your rep again. What's up with that?

Here's a summary of our exchange (removing the vast bulk of your hissy-fit rants):

  • You: "...anti-abortion folk just don't give a damn about real people."
  • Me: "Babies aren't real people?"
  • You: "Yes they are, and a cluster bomb or "surgical strike" doesn't discriminate."
  • Me: "...we're talking about abortion and you bring up war. ... You liberals are F-U-C-K-E-D up."
  • You: "Ahhh, I forgot that you're not smart enought[sic] to connect the dots here, or read carefully and comprehensively.....that coupled with your unwillingness and inability to discuss the points and conclusions of others post. Go ask an adult you trust to explain it too you. ... That's about the limit of your understanding.....insult only. I pity you sometimes.
  • Me: "Delicious irony."
  • You: "You throw the first stone, and then get pissed when someone retaliates and bests you at it. Then you lie."
  • Me: "Don't get all hissy now that you've been shown to be a stupid fool, fag liberal."
  • You: "My statements remain valid, and you remain a miserable excuse for an adult. I'm done with you here."

Let the record show that:
  • TaichiLiberal brought up the Red Herring; then
  • The Southern Man called him on it; and
  • TaichiLiberal accused The Southern Man of stupidity and "insults only"; then
  • The Southern Man pointed out the irony in TaichiLiberal's very post; then
  • TaichiLiberal claims victory then accuses The Southern Man of lying; then
  • The Southern Man calls it likes he sees it; then
  • TaichiLiberal claims he is correct, and states finality.

The Southern Man points out the pattern in TaichiLiberal's posts:
  • Committing logical fallacies in debate;
  • accusing his opponent of the very act that he himself commits;
  • claiming false victory, along with 'the record shows this';
  • stating finality when we all know there won't be.