APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

Refer to the car analogy. Birth would be what rolling off the assembly line is to a car.
except that what is on the assembly line the moment BEFORE it rolls off is still a car, not a horse......and the unborn is still a human being before the umbilical cord is cut.....
The statistic isn't meaningless. If one is going to assert a human being comes into existence at the time of conception then it is central to their argument which, as you acknowledge in a round about way, means their argument is meaningless. Not the statistic.

it is meaningless.....100% of human beings die....that doesn't mean it is okay to kill them at will......
Similar to the contractor who sprinkles a handful of sawdust on a vacate lot and, lo and behold, nine months later there is a two-story, 3500 sq. ft. house with electricity and running water. Truly a miracle!

but, it isn't a house until somebody inserts a key in the door?....before that, it's just lumber and drywall?.....
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I think women should stop getting pregnant. Really. Then this controversy would stop. As will the human race. Global warming would stop. As will the death of whales. All disease would be cured. Liberals and Conservatives would cease being relevant.

Kangaroos would hop through Central Park.

(Anyone care to guess the movie I've just been watching?)

Do you mean 'kill'?
I think women should stop getting pregnant. Really. Then this controversy would stop. As will the human race. Global warming would stop. As will the death of whales. All disease would be cured. Liberals and Conservatives would cease being relevant.

Kangaroos would hop through Central Park.


That's the liberals ultimate dream. It won't stop global warming though.
except that what is on the assembly line the moment BEFORE it rolls off is still a car, not a horse......and the unborn is still a human being before the umbilical cord is cut.....

As I explained with the car analogy it depends where one draws the line but as with everything else a line has to be drawn, otherwise chaos results. An example was your comment regarding the death statistics and you countering that a woman doesn't know if a cell has been fertilized. Are we to discount what some refer to as a human life because the woman is not aware of it?

Most women are not aware of being pregnant until they miss a period. Shall we say life begins at the first missed period? See where such an approach is chaotic, at best.

There are compelling reasons to say birth is the start of life. Moving from a liquid environment to one of gas (air), going from the interior of a human being to the exterior, referring to Biblical passages alluding to breath as being life, etc.

In order for society to function properly there has to be uniformity. Laws have to be applied the same across the board. When we talk about life beginning at conception one day we say there is a human being and the next day we say there isn't (the egg is absorbed into the female body) but no one knows what happened to that human being. How can society function under such a bizarre belief system or concept?

Are we going to make the cutting of the umbilical cord the deciding line or the moment the head appears out of the woman's body or when the cell attaches to the wall of the uterus even though no one will be aware or......?

It's the same thing with drawing a line regarding what damage or threat to a woman's life is acceptable. Millions of pregnant woman. Tens of thousands of doctors each with an opinion. Can you not see the absurdity, the madness, to the whole thing?

Since 1972 there would have been 47 million decisions to be made. 47 million opinions. Can anyone put a number on how many women may have been injured or died? Surely no one can believe all 47 million opinions would have been correct so the question is how many women would have been injured or killed?

It's amazing how Conservatives go on and on about the government taking over their lives through the proposed medical changes and taxes and gun control and other proposed programs/changes but want the government to control abortion.

As I previously mentioned Conservatives must suffer from extreme Cognitive Dissonance: The tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts at the same time.

And it's not just with abortion. There's the professing of the sanctity of life while beating the war drums. Contend they believe in charity and helping others while fighting against any proposed government program to help the poor.

May God bless their mixed up minds.
except that what is on the assembly line the moment BEFORE it rolls off is still a car, not a horse......and the unborn is still a human being before the umbilical cord is cut.....

Don't forget that it could be when the cord is tied off; because it wouldn't be able to survive if it wasn't tied.
A See where such an approach is chaotic, at best. are the one imposing the chaos upon's really quite begins at conception....I think it is significant that human life begins before the woman becomes aware of eliminates the "opportunity" of having an excuse to end that life....
It's amazing how Conservatives go on and on about the government taking over their lives through the proposed medical changes and taxes and gun control and other proposed programs/changes but want the government to control abortion.

shocking....I'm in favor of laws against murdering adults, too....even more shocking....
while fighting against any proposed government program to help the poor.

????....are you resorting to an argument out of ignorance now?......surely you aren't stupid enough to claim that conservatives fight against any program to help the you'll be claiming that the reason the left wants health reform is to help people who don't have insurance.... are the one imposing the chaos upon's really quite begins at conception....I think it is significant that human life begins before the woman becomes aware of eliminates the "opportunity" of having an excuse to end that life....

Great. In that case you must have the answers to the questions I posed.

Start typing when you feel ready.
????....are you resorting to an argument out of ignorance now?......surely you aren't stupid enough to claim that conservatives fight against any program to help the you'll be claiming that the reason the left wants health reform is to help people who don't have insurance....

The only ignorance is people complaining about abortions while at the same time complaining about single mothers. Somehow the Conservatives can't make the connection. :lol: