APP - Pro-choicer kills anti-abortionist

Developemental stages of a human being are only proof that we have different stages. An infant can't use speech or walk or feed itself, a child has no pubic hair, and is often lacking in persoanl developement to be able to care for itself, a teenager's brain does not work the same way an adults does, etc etc etc.

If an infant never changed, if it could never feed itself or walk, it could still live. The same as a teenager. The same as all the other changes you mentioned. That is not the case with the changes I mentioned.

Doctors check to ensure a valve does close and the blood flow changes direction or the infant would die. There are other changes which must take place in order for it to live.

A fetus is not the same as a baby.
If an infant never changed, if it could never feed itself or walk, it could still live. The same as a teenager. The same as all the other changes you mentioned. That is not the case with the changes I mentioned.

Doctors check to ensure a valve does close and the blood flow changes direction or the infant would die. There are other changes which must take place in order for it to live.

A fetus is not the same as a baby.

I was under the impression that you died if you stopped eating or drinking. Did we suddenly evolve without anyone telling me?
If an infant never changed, if it could never feed itself or walk, it could still live. The same as a teenager. The same as all the other changes you mentioned. That is not the case with the changes I mentioned.

Doctors check to ensure a valve does close and the blood flow changes direction or the infant would die. There are other changes which must take place in order for it to live.

A fetus is not the same as a baby.

So if your wife was pregnant and someone punched her in the stomoch, which caused the fetus to die, then it would just be a simple assault.
So if your wife was pregnant and someone punched her in the stomoch, which caused the fetus to die, then it would just be a simple assault.

liberals always believe the unborn are babies unless 1) they want to kill it, or 2) they want to argue abortion rights on internet boards......
liberals always believe the unborn are babies unless 1) they want to kill it, or 2) they want to argue abortion rights on internet boards......

It makes them feel better, in their justification.

Odd how babies aren't babies; but liberals want everyone to believe that animals have rights (peta).
If an infant never changed, if it could never feed itself or walk, it could still live. The same as a teenager. The same as all the other changes you mentioned. That is not the case with the changes I mentioned.

Doctors check to ensure a valve does close and the blood flow changes direction or the infant would die. There are other changes which must take place in order for it to live.

A fetus is not the same as a baby.

The only way an infant can live is if someone else cares for it around the clock. Even a young child left alone will die. This is why parents who do not care for their children are charged with neglect.

It's only the hidden babe within that offers itself as disposable unto death with the lame excuse that its not a human being.
I was under the impression that you died if you stopped eating or drinking. Did we suddenly evolve without anyone telling me?

Your post was time-stamped 10:58 PM. I assume you were tired. If you'll notice I wrote,
If an infant never changed, if it could never feed itself or walk, it could still live.

The key work here is "itself". If it could not feed "itself"......
So if your wife was pregnant and someone punched her in the stomoch, which caused the fetus to die, then it would just be a simple assault.

Well, I'm not sure I appreciate the adjective "simple", however, I do not believe it is a murder. When it's legal for a woman to terminate her pregnancy but if someone else terminates the pregnancy it's considered a murder is ludicrous.
liberals always believe the unborn are babies unless 1) they want to kill it, or 2) they want to argue abortion rights on internet boards......

No, I do not believe the unborn are babies just as I don't subscribe to the idea an egg is a chicken nor an acorn an oak tree nor addressing little Johnny in kindergarten as doctor even though he may very well become a doctor later on.
The only way an infant can live is if someone else cares for it around the clock. Even a young child left alone will die. This is why parents who do not care for their children are charged with neglect.

It's only the hidden babe within that offers itself as disposable unto death with the lame excuse that its not a human being.

The most basic tenet our society is based upon is everyone is an individual. From abolishing slavery to putting an end to "wife ownership" no one is entitled to another person's body. The entire concept that one human being has claims on another human being's body (fetus to pregnant woman) not only goes against everything our society is built on but sets a very dangerous precedent.

If the "hidden babe within" is a human being then it must have the same rights as any other human being including the right not to be murdered just because the woman carrying it has a defective body.

If your wife or sister or daughter contracts uncontrolled high blood pressure or diabetes while pregnant due to them having a defective body would you be willing to stand by and watch them deteriorate and possibly die due to being refused an abortion? Should a human being with a defective body be permitted to murder a healthy human being?

And who can say with 100% certainty what damage may result? Should one be permitted to murder another human being as a precaution?

History has definitely taught us what happens when we have two classes of human beings and classifying a fetus as a human being but allowing a defective human being to kill it certainly qualifies as that.

Does one believe we'll arrive at a different destination by going down the same road?
No, I do not believe the unborn are babies just as I don't subscribe to the idea an egg is a chicken nor an acorn an oak tree nor addressing little Johnny in kindergarten as doctor even though he may very well become a doctor later on.

I don't know if your man or woman, married or single, got kids or not.....but, if you've ever had children, I'm willing to bet that your spouse didn't come to you one day and say "Honey, I have good news!...the doctor called this morning and the test was positive..... we've got a fetus!"........
I don't know if your man or woman, married or single, got kids or not.....but, if you've ever had children, I'm willing to bet that your spouse didn't come to you one day and say "Honey, I have good news!...the doctor called this morning and the test was positive..... we've got a fetus!"........

No, she said, "I'm pregnant".
It makes them feel better, in their justification.

Odd how babies aren't babies; but liberals want everyone to believe that animals have rights (peta).

Cass R. Sunstein, Obama's Regulatory Czar suggested in his 2004 book that animals ought to be able to bring suit with private citizens acting as their representatives to insure that animals are not treated in a way that violates current law. In a 2007 speech he called for banning hunting in the US.

Do you see the pattern here in this whacky administration? God help us.
