
Well-known member
Be gay, be straight.
Be Transgender.
Get an abortion or don't.
Be Atheist, be Christian, be Muslim, your choice.
Have an affair, be faithful to your spouse.
Marry a man, marry a a woman.
Be fat, be thin.
Do what you want in your bedroom.

I am PRO-CHOICE. I believe in FREEDOM.
I AM PRO LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE, even if you disagree with their actions.
I am Pro-Supporting each other.
Be gay, be straight.
Be Transgender.
Get an abortion or don't.
Be Atheist, be Christian, be Muslim, your choice.
Have an affair, be faithful to your spouse.
Marry a man, marry a a woman.
Be fat, be thin.
Do what you want in your bedroom.

I am PRO-CHOICE. I believe in FREEDOM.
I AM PRO LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE, even if you disagree with their actions.
I am Pro-Supporting each other.

Liberals are always pro MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS until it comes to politics and their failed ideology. That's when the Fascism comes out and the demand every one walk in lock step.

What you describe above isn't what your arguments and ideology support.
does this apply to the couple wanting to bake cakes in piece? do you mind your fucking business?


Bake a Cake, don't bake a cake.
If you make a generic cake, don't judge the buyer.
Leave them the fuck alone, let them be gay or straight or polyandrous. Who gives a shit.
Bake a Cake, don't bake a cake.
If you make a generic cake, don't judge the buyer.
Leave them the fuck alone, let them be gay or straight or polyandrous. Who gives a shit.

I can see your wishy washy bullshit from a mile away

we have a legal case specifically to this point. Do you side with the couple in Colorado that refused to bake a cake. do you mind your own business or not?

Good luck with that admonishment.

The interwebs taught me years ago that political message boards attract a lot of socially inept losers, washerwomen, INCEL geeks who are titillated by girlish gossip, bogus innuendo, and horseshit hearsay.

This picture could actually be a metaphor for a lot of message board teabagger dudes:
I can see your wishy washy bullshit from a mile away

we have a legal case specifically to this point. Do you side with the couple in Colorado that refused to bake a cake. do you mind your own business or not?

I think they should not be judging people for being gay, but I do not think they should be forced to make a specific cake for a specific wedding. If they sell generic cakes to the general public, I do not think they should be allowed to discriminate.

Bake a cake, don't bake a cake. Your choice.

After you have baked a cake its not your fucking business who buys it.
I simply do not care what kind of consensual sexual relationship you are in, not my business.
I think they should not be judging people for being gay, but I do not think they should be forced to make a specific cake for a specific wedding. If they sell generic cakes to the general public, I do not think they should be allowed to discriminate.

just as suspected - you are unable to mind your own business. religious zealots would like you to mind your business
IT should not be illegal, not for gay people and not for straight people. If kids are in school together they are very likely to hook up. The fact that its two women should not enter the equation. I was sleeping with a 14 year old girl when I was 18.

I simply do not care what kind of consensual sexual relationship you are in, not my business.

nor is it your business what adornments I will allow to be sold on top of cakes I bake. that is my business - literally!

your hypocrisy is glaring. you have no standing to preach to others shit stain. you are part of the problem when it comes to minding your business
It doesnt. The forced recognition of it as a legal status does. I thought you were a lawyer ?

I am, how would recognition of a sexual status cost money.

You guys are funny, every time we disagree, you pretend a lawyer should know better. I enjoy your display of ignorance.