Be gay, be straight.
Be Transgender.
Get an abortion or don't.
Be Atheist, be Christian, be Muslim, your choice.
Have an affair, be faithful to your spouse.
Marry a man, marry a a woman.
Be fat, be thin.
Do what you want in your bedroom.

I am PRO-CHOICE. I believe in FREEDOM.
I AM PRO LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE, even if you disagree with their actions.
I am Pro-Supporting each other.

are you pro choice when it comes to gun ownership? :thinking:
Be gay, be straight.
Be Transgender.
Get an abortion or don't.
Be Atheist, be Christian, be Muslim, your choice.
Have an affair, be faithful to your spouse.
Marry a man, marry a a woman.
Be fat, be thin.
Do what you want in your bedroom.

I am PRO-CHOICE. I believe in FREEDOM.
I AM PRO LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE, even if you disagree with their actions.
I am Pro-Supporting each other.

No you're not, liar.

You support choice when it involves choosing the way you would choose.

Are you OK with a business denying service based on their CHOSEN religious beliefs because the choice made by the asker is in violation with the beliefs of the one being asked?
Be gay, be straight.
Be Transgender.
Get an abortion or don't.
Be Atheist, be Christian, be Muslim, your choice.
Have an affair, be faithful to your spouse.
Marry a man, marry a a woman.
Be fat, be thin.
Do what you want in your bedroom.

I am PRO-CHOICE. I believe in FREEDOM.
I AM PRO LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE, even if you disagree with their actions.
I am Pro-Supporting each other.

Bullshit. :bs:
BRAD is very open-minded in some ways.

There are three relevant issues that will determine if the sex is okay or not.

1) How drunk is drunk?
2) How old is the girl in relation to you?
3) What is your relationship with her?
Bake a Cake, don't bake a cake.
If you make a generic cake, don't judge the buyer.
Leave them the fuck alone, let them be gay or straight or polyandrous. Who gives a shit.

Yet when Christians refuse to bake a specific GAY cake, liberals haul them into court with massive fines. Ironic isn't it?
I think they should not be judging people for being gay, but I do not think they should be forced to make a specific cake for a specific wedding.

They don't judge people for being gay, gays and liberals judge them for having Christian beliefs.
no you're not. see the second amendment.

I have. You are also guaranteed religious freedom under those amendments, up to a point, just the same. So even it is regulated. The second amendment is so everyone can own protection with arms. Arms capable of starting guerilla warfare, and and going beyond is not. They were on ban back in the 90's, for all the babies that think it's tyranny. We can quit with the psychotic paranoia, that taking these back of the market is the government trying to disarm, and control the populace. Your minds have been destroyed with propaganda, from what used to be a gun control advocate, before corporate arms interests took over. The real NRA would favor the ban, if it existed anymore.
I have. You are also guaranteed religious freedom under those amendments, up to a point, just the same. So even it is regulated. The second amendment is so everyone can own protection with arms. Arms capable of starting guerilla warfare, and and going beyond is not. They were on ban back in the 90's, for all the babies that think it's tyranny. We can quit with the psychotic paranoia, that taking these back of the market is the government trying to disarm, and control the populace. Your minds have been destroyed with propaganda, from what used to be a gun control advocate, before corporate arms interests took over. The real NRA would favor the ban, if it existed anymore.

the NRA's opinion is completely irrelevant to me.

Gun rights are sacred. We will continue to have them. forever. if you oppose us, we will oppose you with violence, and I will personally condone the wholesale slaughter of anyone that stands in our way.
Be gay, be straight.
Be Transgender.
Get an abortion or don't.
Be Atheist, be Christian, be Muslim, your choice.
Have an affair, be faithful to your spouse.
Marry a man, marry a a woman.
Be fat, be thin.
Do what you want in your bedroom.

I am PRO-CHOICE. I believe in FREEDOM.
I AM PRO LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE, even if you disagree with their actions.
I am Pro-Supporting each other.

This right here is why no one listens to or trusts liberals anymore. You love to say what you do, then do just the opposite. When one looks up hypocrite in the dictionary now a days, the very first definition is liberal democrat.
the NRA's opinion is completely irrelevant to me.

Gun rights are sacred. We will continue to have them. forever. if you oppose us, we will oppose you with violence, and I will personally condone the wholesale slaughter of anyone that stands in our way.
That’s horrible, will you be on the front line? Do you own a gun, yet?