Be gay, be straight.
Be Transgender.
Get an abortion or don't.
Be Atheist, be Christian, be Muslim, your choice.
Have an affair, be faithful to your spouse.
Marry a man, marry a a woman.
Be fat, be thin.
Do what you want in your bedroom.

I am PRO-CHOICE. I believe in FREEDOM.
I AM PRO LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE, even if you disagree with their actions.
I am Pro-Supporting each other.

You don’t believe in freedom. You believe in deviancy
why is it horrible? don't try to take a sacred right away that is on the same level as something as free speech. if you try to take guns, it is an act of war.
Promoting a civil war, that is horrible. No one is going to take your gun, you don’t even own one.
the NRA's opinion is completely irrelevant to me.

Gun rights are sacred. We will continue to have them. forever. if you oppose us, we will oppose you with violence, and I will personally condone the wholesale slaughter of anyone that stands in our way.

How Third Reich of you
Liberals are always pro MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS until it comes to politics and their failed ideology. That's when the Fascism comes out and the demand every one walk in lock step.

What you describe above isn't what your arguments and ideology support.

Dude! Do you have a stick up your ass? OR WHAT? LOL!
Own a gun, don't own a gun, and we are allowed to treat guns like other special commodity like cars, liquor, Sudafed, etc.

It's not a special commodity. It's a right to own one if you choose. If you read the Constitution, you'd know that.
The Ultimate Catch 22,use guns to take the guns!

You always have the option of trying to personally take away the guns you say people shouldn't own. Talk about a Catch 22. It's a result you want but with a lack the guts to put forth the effort.
You always have the option of trying to personally take away the guns you say people shouldn't own. Talk about a Catch 22. It's a result you want but with a lack the guts to put forth the effort.

I don't give a shit how many guns you got!
Internet tough guys squat to piss!
Fuck off chickenshit

There you go making demands we both know you run from when challenged. As to your demand to fuck off, NO. What the fuck are you going to do about it? My guess is you'll run just like Nomad when his challenge was accepted. The funny thing is he challenged me to come to Orlando. When I agree, he put me on ignore so he couldn't read when I was coming. To him, that's a victory because he claims I never told him.
There you go making demands we both know you run from when challenged. As to your demand to fuck off, NO. What the fuck are you going to do about it? My guess is you'll run just like Nomad when his challenge was accepted. The funny thing is he challenged me to come to Orlando. When I agree, he put me on ignore so he couldn't read when I was coming. To him, that's a victory because he claims I never told him.

Frankly Scarlett!
I can see your wishy washy bullshit from a mile away

we have a legal case specifically to this point. Do you side with the couple in Colorado that refused to bake a cake. do you mind your own business or not?

He seems to have already answered that question.
I think they should not be judging people for being gay, but I do not think they should be forced to make a specific cake for a specific wedding. If they sell generic cakes to the general public, I do not think they should be allowed to discriminate.

Bake a cake, don't bake a cake. Your choice.

After you have baked a cake its not your fucking business who buys it.

But why shouldn't they be allowed to discriminate in a private business?
Be gay, be straight.
Be Transgender.
Get an abortion or don't.
Be Atheist, be Christian, be Muslim, your choice.
Have an affair, be faithful to your spouse.
Marry a man, marry a a woman.
Be fat, be thin.
Do what you want in your bedroom.

I am PRO-CHOICE. I believe in FREEDOM.
I AM PRO LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE, even if you disagree with their actions.
I am Pro-Supporting each other.

Yet you support the Democrat Party, which seeks to interject big FedCo into ever aspect of our lives.