APP - Proof That God Exists

Dixie, you've posted this stuff a gazillion times. For the life of me, I don't know why its so important to you. If you believe it, and are secure in that belief....why should it matter to you what others believe?

But just the fact that we worship doesn't prove that the object of that worship is real. It's bad science to make that conclusion - it is logic borne only of a need for it to be true. It is not intrinsically sound reasoning.
Dixie, you've posted this stuff a gazillion times. For the life of me, I don't know why its so important to you. If you believe it, and are secure in that belief....why should it matter to you what others believe?

But just the fact that we worship doesn't prove that the object of that worship is real. It's bad science to make that conclusion - it is logic borne only of a need for it to be true. It is not intrinsically sound reasoning.

No, I have never posted the OP before, it is completely new and a completely new topic. Nowhere have I stated that I want or expect anyone to believe like me, I don't care, it has nothing to do with the thread topic, other than to help make the point, it all boils down to what we individually have faith in.

As for Apple's repeated 10-page diatribe, it also ties into the thread OP, because in that example, we have someone who has chosen to have faith, not in science or spirituality, but in argument. As long as he can continue to argue his invalid points, he doesn't have to accept facts or admit defeat. It doesn't matter that he completely defies logic, science or reason, in the process, as long as he can keep his 'argument balloon' in the air, that's all that matters. He bases his beliefs on the ability to continue to defiantly do that, and so far, he has been successful with it.

But just the fact that we worship doesn't prove that the object of that worship is real. It's bad science to make that conclusion

Again, why would you apply "science" to something that science is not suited to prove or analyze? Is that really much different than applying "religion" to something science can prove, like the rain? The fact that we worship, doesn't prove much, this is true... but the fact we've worshiped for as long as we've existed on the planet as a species, is quite a different matter. One thing we do know from science, this is not the case if the attribute is non-essential. Superstitions might be a good example here, of some attribute mankind really didn't need, it just existed to help explain the unexplained. In the past, people had a great deal of 'faith' in superstitions, this is well-documented. Nowadays, most of us realize that superstitions are silly and unnecessary, and we don't live our lives by them... but we still worship... 95% of our species worships or has some level of 'faith' in something greater than self. Only 5% are true Nihilists.

If we studied the salmon and why it swims upstream, do we just conclude it's because he is curious about what's there? Of course not, we continue to study and eventually find there is a reason he does that, it serves some functional purpose to his existence, he doesn't just do it because he is curious or needs to fill a void. The same applies with human spirituality. This has never been an argument for Religion, or for any particular definition of God, it is only an argument for mankind's kindred connection with spiritual faith and belief, and how that has always been a part of what we are. Just as science is inadequate to explain what made great artists and composers imagine the works as they did, or why you dream what you dream or think what you think, it is unable to answer questions concerning spirituality, and spirituality relies on spiritual faith, not faith in science, they are two distinctly different things.
The salmon analogy is terrible. You're talking about a reasoned behavior vs. an instinctual one. And yes - worship is a reasoned behavior.

And science is behind everything. Your issue with science is that you see it as the enemy. It is not the enemy. Science doesn't mean "our" science, or guys in lab coats. There is nothing that exists - even a god - that doesn't have science at its foundation. There are millions of things that have not been "explained yet, but just like the sun, they will be eventually. And even though we don't know the explanations now, they exist.
The salmon analogy is terrible. You're talking about a reasoned behavior vs. an instinctual one. And yes - worship is a reasoned behavior.

And science is behind everything. Your issue with science is that you see it as the enemy. It is not the enemy. Science doesn't mean "our" science, or guys in lab coats. There is nothing that exists - even a god - that doesn't have science at its foundation. There are millions of things that have not been "explained yet, but just like the sun, they will be eventually. And even though we don't know the explanations now, they exist.

I think you've just demonstrated faith in have had to make an assumption of belief in the absence of evidence to make the statement that nothing exists that doesn't have science at its is, in inarguable fact, merely a method of study of the material world....thus it cannot operate in the metaphysical realm.....
The salmon analogy is terrible. You're talking about a reasoned behavior vs. an instinctual one. And yes - worship is a reasoned behavior.

Why? Because YOU have defined it as such? How can you prove it is "reasoned" behavior, and not instinctual? It appears 95% of the species is doing it, and they always have, it seems pretty "instinctual" if you ask me. And how can you conclude it is "reasoned" if you can't justify the reason? According to you, spirituality doesn't exist, so how do we manage to 'reason' something that has no reason?

And science is behind everything.

You can have faith in that statement, but it's not actually true. There are a great many things science can not explain, and will never explain. What prompted Motzart to write a symphony, or DeVinci to paint a masterpiece? Where do our imaginative thoughts come from? I already know that our brain fires neurons, etc., that's not what I am talking about. We can all think and imagine, but where do these thoughts come from? What makes a Rembrandt beautiful? Has science got an explanation? Our most profound inspirations and thoughts are closely tied to our spirituality, and have little to do with science or anything science is adequate to explain. Can science determine when "love" is true? Science is certainly NOT behind everything, nor can science explain everything.

Your issue with science is that you see it as the enemy.

No, I really don't. I understand why you need to make me take that position, but I refuse. Science is one of the most beneficial tools mankind has ever developed, it has brought us great insight into the physical world around us, but it is only a physical science, it can't provide any understanding of a spiritual universe. A spiritualist would say; Isn't God great for giving us Science?

My issue, if you can call it that, is ignorance. People who ignorantly keep wanting to apply physical science and her parameters to things that are spiritual, and outside the realm of physical science. When we evaluate whether "GOD" exists, it is important to do so in a spiritual context, not a physical one, because it is obvious physical science can't apply. It's not the enemy, it's just meaningless in matters of spirituality because it deals with the physical world.

It is not the enemy. Science doesn't mean "our" science, or guys in lab coats. There is nothing that exists - even a god - that doesn't have science at its foundation.

Well, this takes me to my next point, human faith. I won't argue, science could someday discover some missing link that connects our spiritual universe to our physical one, who knows? That's the really cool and amazing thing about Science; It doesn't 'answer' questions, it continues to ask and explore them. Of course, a good many people have chosen to adopt a closed-minded faith in the physical sciences, which pervert the scientific method by 'concluding' things and closing any further debate. That's what we see when we discuss the existence of God. You don't believe in God, therefore, you pervert science in order to have faith in something.

There are millions of things that have not been "explained yet, but just like the sun, they will be eventually. And even though we don't know the explanations now, they exist.

If you comprehend there are millions of things that have not been explained yet, you should be able to comprehend our physical sciences may not be able to explain all things. Perhaps whether God exists is one of those things? Maybe there are a million various 'sciences' for a million different universes and dimensions? Isn't that at least a possibility? Just because we have compiled information and come to understandings on the physical world around us through our own creation of physical science, does not mean that is all there is, or all there might be to 'knowledge' or 'understanding' of something else.
Whether it had an asshole or not, it was carrying on the process of something before it DIED,[edit]

It may have been carrying on "something" but it wasn't the processes of life as the removal of waste is a necessary process. What can't you grasp?

As a fetus, while connected to the woman, it wasn't carrying on the processes of life. The removal of waste was performed by the woman. As soon as birth occurred it was discovered it it was unable to remove waste meaning it was still unable to carry on the processes of life because waste removal is one of a number of integral processes necessary to carry on the processes of life. Now, if one wants to remove that stipulation from the definition of organism, fine. Just like you saying the only stipulation in order for something to be classified as an organism is the ability to reproduce which PMP says is bullshit.

So there we have it. An organism has to be able to carry on the processes of life but if it can't carry on the processes of life it's still an organism. An organism has to be able to reproduce but if it can't reproduce it's still an organism.

At least get together with PMP and decide on what abilities something is supposed to possess in order to be classified as an organism because right now it's reminiscent of the Grand Jury/ham sandwich remark. It's clear neither of you know what the other is talking about because neither of you know what you're talking about yourselves.


Yes, you are.

No, you're not.

Whether it had an asshole or not, it was carrying on the process of something before it DIED, [edit]

Because they aren't ORGANISMS!

Yes, you've more than proven that, Curly!

Yes, even though it may not have an asshole, and it may eventually die, it is still an organism. Even though it may eventually die, it is STILL a living organism, and since it came from a human sperm cell and egg cell, it is a living human organism. It becomes this, BY DEFINITION, at the point of conception, and it will be this, BY DEFINITION, until it is no longer living.

I've not made a single argument for placing it on par with anything. Science dictates when something is or isn't an organism, I can't help that. Blame science!

Which is true when talking about MULTI-CELLULAR organisms, like human beings. It is not true for brainless single-cell organisms such as yourself.
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Whether it had an asshole or not, it was carrying on the process of something before it DIED, [edit]

It may have been carrying on “something” but it wasn’t the processes of life as the removal of waste is an integral process necessary to the carrying on of the processes of life. It was unable to remove waste as a fetus, as the woman removed the waste, and it was unable to remove waste after birth meaning it was never capable of removing waste.

Now, if you want to remove the stipulation an organism is required to be able to carry on the processes of life, fine. It’s the same thing with reproduction. You said all that is required of an organism is to possess the ability to reproduce to which PMP called bullshit. I suggest you and PMP get together and decide what, if any, abilities are necessary for something to be classified as an organism as this is reminiscent of the Grand Jury/ham sandwich comment. Just as a Grand Jury can indict anyone for anything it appears anything can be classified as an organism regardless of what it can and can not do.

Yes, you are.

No, you're not.

Whether it had an asshole or not, it was carrying on the process of something before it DIED, [edit]

Because they aren't ORGANISMS!

Yes, you've more than proven that, Curly!

Yes, even though it may not have an asshole, and it may eventually die, it is still an organism. Even though it may eventually die, it is STILL a living organism, and since it came from a human sperm cell and egg cell, it is a living human organism. It becomes this, BY DEFINITION, at the point of conception, and it will be this, BY DEFINITION, until it is no longer living.

I've not made a single argument for placing it on par with anything. Science dictates when something is or isn't an organism, I can't help that. Blame science!

Which is true when talking about MULTI-CELLULAR organisms, like human beings. It is not true for brainless single-cell organisms such as yourself.
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we got together and decided you don't have a clue what you're talking'll never understand a rational argument so what good is it to present you with another.....
Whether it had an asshole or not, it was carrying on the process of something before it DIED, [edit]

It may have been carrying on “something” but it wasn’t the processes of life as the removal of waste is an integral process necessary to the carrying on of the processes of life. It was unable to remove waste as a fetus, as the woman removed the waste, and it was unable to remove waste after birth meaning it was never capable of removing waste.

Now, if you want to remove the stipulation an organism is required to be able to carry on the processes of life, fine. It’s the same thing with reproduction. You said all that is required of an organism is to possess the ability to reproduce to which PMP called bullshit. I suggest you and PMP get together and decide what, if any, abilities are necessary for something to be classified as an organism as this is reminiscent of the Grand Jury/ham sandwich comment. Just as a Grand Jury can indict anyone for anything it appears anything can be classified as an organism regardless of what it can and can not do.


Yes, you are.

No, you're not.

Whether it had an asshole or not, it was carrying on the process of something before it DIED, [edit]

Because they aren't ORGANISMS!

Yes, you've more than proven that, Curly!

Yes, even though it may not have an asshole, and it may eventually die, it is still an organism. Even though it may eventually die, it is STILL a living organism, and since it came from a human sperm cell and egg cell, it is a living human organism. It becomes this, BY DEFINITION, at the point of conception, and it will be this, BY DEFINITION, until it is no longer living.

I've not made a single argument for placing it on par with anything. Science dictates when something is or isn't an organism, I can't help that. Blame science!

Which is true when talking about MULTI-CELLULAR organisms, like human beings. It is not true for brainless single-cell organisms such as yourself.
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You're missing the sweet spot on this one Prophet.... He's arguing with me, that since some organisms, (mostly single-cell) do not reproduce, that reproduction doesn't have a thing to do with it being an organism. His logic indicates he believes we can't define something as an organism unless it is completely able to be immortal and never die, because if it ever does die, it proves it was incapable of continuing the process of life, and therefore, not an organism.

It's almost in line with Watertard's questioning of reality.... Are we really here, or is this all a figment of imagination?


Pinheads! Gotta love 'em!

Wrong, again. I said an organism is defined as something that can carry on the processes of life. If it is unable to remove waste it is not an organism as the removal of waste is necessary in order to carry on the processes of life. The material it is composed of will live for a time but that does not mean it is an organism.
As for Apple's repeated 10-page diatribe, it also ties into the thread OP, because in that example, we have someone who has chosen to have faith, not in science or spirituality, but in argument. As long as he can continue to argue his invalid points, he doesn't have to accept facts or admit defeat. It doesn't matter that he completely defies logic, science or reason, in the process, as long as he can keep his 'argument balloon' in the air, that's all that matters. He bases his beliefs on the ability to continue to defiantly do that, and so far, he has been successful with it.

My point does not defy logic. An organism has to have the ability to carry on the processes of life and nothing can carry on the processes of life if it can not eliminate waste. It's as simple and straightforward as that.

You said all an organism has to do is reproduce and PMP called bullsh!t. So, between both of you can you come up with something/anything an organism has to do, is obliged to do, something mandatory in order to be valued on par with a mature woman or do both of you place such a low value on women that an hunk of human flesh, which is obliged to do absolutely nothing, holds the same value?

I'm taking an early siesta today. Been up since 3 am, driven 40 miles, done some business and ready for a nap. Do try to come up with something while I enjoy my quietude. :)


No, I have never posted the OP before, it is completely new and a completely new topic. Nowhere have I stated that I want or expect anyone to believe like me, I don't care, it has nothing to do with the thread topic, other than to help make the point, it all boils down to what we individually have faith in.

As for Apple's repeated 10-page diatribe, it also ties into the thread OP, because in that example, we have someone who has chosen to have faith, not in science or spirituality, but in argument. As long as he can continue to argue his invalid points, he doesn't have to accept facts or admit defeat. It doesn't matter that he completely defies logic, science or reason, in the process, as long as he can keep his 'argument balloon' in the air, that's all that matters. He bases his beliefs on the ability to continue to defiantly do that, and so far, he has been successful with it.

But just the fact that we worship doesn't prove that the object of that worship is real. It's bad science to make that conclusion

Again, why would you apply "science" to something that science is not suited to prove or analyze? Is that really much different than applying "religion" to something science can prove, like the rain? The fact that we worship, doesn't prove much, this is true... but the fact we've worshiped for as long as we've existed on the planet as a species, is quite a different matter. One thing we do know from science, this is not the case if the attribute is non-essential. Superstitions might be a good example here, of some attribute mankind really didn't need, it just existed to help explain the unexplained. In the past, people had a great deal of 'faith' in superstitions, this is well-documented. Nowadays, most of us realize that superstitions are silly and unnecessary, and we don't live our lives by them... but we still worship... 95% of our species worships or has some level of 'faith' in something greater than self. Only 5% are true Nihilists.

If we studied the salmon and why it swims upstream, do we just conclude it's because he is curious about what's there? Of course not, we continue to study and eventually find there is a reason he does that, it serves some functional purpose to his existence, he doesn't just do it because he is curious or needs to fill a void. The same applies with human spirituality. This has never been an argument for Religion, or for any particular definition of God, it is only an argument for mankind's kindred connection with spiritual faith and belief, and how that has always been a part of what we are. Just as science is inadequate to explain what made great artists and composers imagine the works as they did, or why you dream what you dream or think what you think, it is unable to answer questions concerning spirituality, and spirituality relies on spiritual faith, not faith in science, they are two distinctly different things.
we got together and decided you don't have a clue what you're talking'll never understand a rational argument so what good is it to present you with another.....

Rational? Something is an organism if it can reproduce unless it can't reproduce. Something is an organism if it can carry on the processes of life unless it can't carry on the processes of life. A piece of human flesh too small to see by the unaided eye is an organism because it can produce a cell but a pair of legs at least 6" long that continue to produce cells and grow are not organisms? A piece of human material one inch long possessing different, unique DNA from the body it's attached to proves it's a human being but a piece of flesh 6 inches long possessing different, unique DNA from the body it is attached to isn't a human being. :palm:
Apple, I am done with this debate. If you have any comments on the thread topic, I will be happy to discuss those, but I have spent enough time on this already. We're going through the same things, over and over. It's silly and pointless, and I am actually starting to believe you enjoy the attention.
No one can prove Gawd exists so instead we arrive at the hypocrites crutch? Abortion is a fascinating topic for the moralists of the right, it is an abstraction they cling to with such fervor, and yet if they were faced with living life as religious theology preached and had child after child they'd soon give up. My parents lived that life, today no one has fourteen or fifteen children as life is hard enough with a few. But there are other levels to the abortion debate, why is it always men, who cannot even experience the reality of birth, who have such strong feelings? Because it is only an abstraction, the actual child bearing is left to another as they pine over an abstract moral position. Ask them to support all the children born after they have their fifteen children? Put just a bit of reality in their words. And consider as many as 2 or 3 conceptions out of five end naturally and even if you are so called pro-life you have to recognize life is a complex process, it the living part that matters. And consider not one pro-life moralist protested the bombing and killing in Iraq, nor the living child who dies every fifteen seconds in the world of preventable causes and you realize abortion is like so many other things for the moralist - meaningless blather with no substance nor consequence.

"Another error is the moment-of-conception fallacy. The joining of a human egg and sperm defines a new and unique human genotype. It does not produce any human hopes and fears and memories or anything else of moral importance implied by the term human. The newly fertilized egg may have the potential for a fully human existence, but that potential was there even before fertilization. The same can be said of all the fertilizations that might have been. The penetration of that egg by one sperm meant an early death for millions of competing sperm. It destroyed all hope for those millions of other unique human genotypes.

The moment-of-conception fallacy implies that fertilization is a simple process with never a doubt as to whether it has or has not happened. In reality, the "moment" is a matter of some hours of complex activity. There are elaborate biochemical interactions between the sperm and various layers of the egg membrane. The sperm gradually breaks up, and only its nucleus is established in the egg. Then both egg and sperm nuclei initiate radical changes before the fusion of the two nuclei. Many of the developmental events following this fusion were predetermined during the production of the egg. Genes provided by the sperm do not have discernible effects until embryonic development is well under way. A strictly biological definition of humanity would have to specify some point in this elaborate program at which the egg and sperm have suddenly been endowed with a single human life." From The Pony Fish's Glow and Other Clues to Plan and Purpose in Nature, by George C. William.

Boston Review — Judith Jarvis Thomson
Top 10 Anti-Abortion Myths - Top 10 Myths About Abortion
Why Francis Beckwith

When so called pro life people support living people I'll take them serious, till then they remain hypocrites and two faced moralists.
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midcan, when (at what precise point) is something defined by science, as an "organism?"

...and can we put you down as AGREEING with Apple on this?

As for "Gawd" ...the OP and subsequent posts by me, have all said that this question can't be answered, especially with physical sciences.
Apple, I am done with this debate. If you have any comments on the thread topic, I will be happy to discuss those, but I have spent enough time on this already. We're going through the same things, over and over. It's silly and pointless, and I am actually starting to believe you enjoy the attention.

That's fine, Dixie. As for enjoying the attention I will continue to bring to the attention of others the absurdity of anti-abortionist arguments such as the insistence unique DNA proves the existence of a unique human being. One can start by reading “You Are Not the Mother of Your Children” by Stephen R. Cronin. Here, science “proved” two children were not the children of their biological mother and the courts proceeded to take the children away. After subjecting the woman and children to unimaginable heartache and despair a simple “oops” from the government and scientific community was deemed sufficient.

Then there’s “Giving Birth to Someone Else’s Children? A Case of Disputed Maternity” A 52-year-old mother of three sons needs a kidney transplant. She and her sons get blood tests to determine if any of the sons are suitable donors. But a few days later, Karen receives a distressing phone call. The nurse informs her that based on the blood test results she cannot be the mother of two of her three sons.

I’ll continue to bring to the attention of others a scientific technique that’s in its infancy, a technique that, in the past, resulted in the attempted abduction of children to its present day use as a way to devalue women to the point of them being valued on par with a microscopic piece of flesh.

I suppose, in a way, I do enjoy exposing the perverted tyrants who, through a combination of scientific ignorance coupled with arbitrary classifications/designations claim they have the moral and legal right to bury their head in a woman’s crotch. (Not that there’s anything wrong with burying one’s head but it’s by invitation only.)

Lastly, regarding my supposed enjoyment of the attention, I don’t recall ever starting a thread on the subject. I realize most people have an agenda, be it punishing women, future soldiers to send to the slaughter of war (recall the deal between the Emperor of France and the Pope), twisted religious beliefs, etc. so logical, common sense points are wasted on them. I only enter the discussion when the absurdity becomes overbearing.
midcan, when (at what precise point) is something defined by science, as an "organism?"

...and can we put you down as AGREEING with Apple on this?

As for "Gawd" ...the OP and subsequent posts by me, have all said that this question can't be answered, especially with physical sciences.

Dixie, I have been around long enough to know your position on this topic, even your next reply, it is finally your position and while it may give you comfort, it is not shared by everyone.

But I'll offer an alternative view. If gawd cannot be proven to exist, then religion cannot be anything more than the words and desires of men. If gawd is thrown out, we are on our own in deciding the moment potential life becomes person. An organism is a form of life: plants, animals, and fungus are all organisms. If the environment is not right they cease to be. So it is with all life, if unsupported it ceases to be. Very much like the birth control pill or other contraceptive methods. So while you can feel life begins at some early point of potential growth, another person, no less sincere, may feel human life begins later in the development stage. Life begins when we want it to begin, isn't that what every married couple or parent does in life? They decide when an act of great responsibility can be made. The creation of a human should not be taken lightly. Humans are the moral actors in this play not biology.

But here's where I switch sides and (partly) agree with you that life should be respected and given every opportunity to live a reasonably nice existence. But not just as cells, but as a fully formed person from day one till time stops for them. And that is why I call so called pro-life people hypocrites for it is only at this early stage that the moral meter sounds an alarm, after the actual person arrives the morality goes cold and stays cold.

"But voters seem to have rejected “personhood” for a different reason — legally redefining a “person” would not only criminalize all abortion but would probably outlaw hormonal forms of birth control as well. Hormonal contraceptives generally prevent an egg from being fertilized in the first place, but the at-least-theoretical possibility that they might also prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus was enough to raise the specter of birth control pills being viewed as an instrument of homicide."

"In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S., and over a thousand women died each year as a result. Women who were victims of botched or unsanitary abortions came in desperation to hospital emergency wards, where some died of widespread abdominal infections. Many women who recovered from such infections found themselves sterile or chronically and painfully ill. The enormous emotional stress often lasted a long time." HISTORY OF ABORTION