Proving/Disproving the Afterlife

so what?.....because 1 to 2% of Christians believe something which isn't true you get to apply it to all of us?.....besides, there are major errors in Ussher's methodology.....not the least of which is the assumption that since Genesis 3 is only one page away from Genesis 2 that the fall happened on the 8th day after cannot prove from scriptures that Adam and Eve didn't spend 10 million years in the Garden of Eden.....

One or two percent of Christians eh? You guys are more retarded than you give yourselves credit for. About 1/3 of you idiots in America believe the bible to be literally true. A guy was swallowed by a fish and lived for a few days, a snake spoke to some people, there was a world wide flood and every animal on earth was on one boat, dinosaurs had to coexist with man because all life was created in its present form.

31 percent.

There are a million things in the bible you can attempt to make special allowances for and explain away as not entirely impossible. But the fact is, it aint no history book. It isn't comparable to a history book in terms of usefulness and accuracy.

Going back to my original point, to attempt to get this thread train back on the rails, there's a bunch of shit in the bible that is totally unbelievable to anyone but the most retarded among us. Pointing to the bible as an authority on whether or not God exists is totally ridiculous.

You have to witness God or an act of God in order to "KNOW" he exists. Anyone who has not witnessed such a thing, does not KNOW. They have faith.
what is hilarious is that you think surviving in a whale is more difficult to believe than creation...

you believe the earth is billions of years old because someone told you so, you weren't there...yet you mock those who believe in christ based on similar reasoning...

outside history books support that jesus want to believe professors and other old history books yet you won't believe the gospels....that is your faith and bias, based not in fact, but in belief

Thanks for the new signature.
Hey lets not forget the scriptures about false prophets flying around and healing people.
Staffs turning into serpents.

Seems like there was a lot of magic in the olden biblical days.
Okay, as a hypothetical way to test once and for all if there is an afterlife/soul/God/whathaveyou, I propose the following: If there were a way to "kill" you, at your request, to where you had absolutely 0 brain function or body function, then bring you back to life one would find you reporting one of the following two results:

1) You didn't see God and there is no afterlife. There is no heaven. You just went quietly to sleep and woke up again without anything in between.

2) You saw God. Jesus wins!

Would the test convince you one way or the other? If you saw God, you would certainly be convinced He existed. If you didn't would even that be enough to convince you it's all bullshit?

this is a complex issue, but I will play, #1
Clearly, once you terminate the organism we know and understand to be the human body, it does not "live again" so there is no "afterlife" as it pertains to the physical body. However, genetic engineering makes it theoretically possible to recreate the human organism precisely as it existed before death. While this is a science in its infancy, it is indeed a science developed by the imagination of man himself. If man could conceive such a concept, it's not out of the question to believe a supreme being could do so.

We also have some evidence that other dimensions of conscious awareness may exist. Ghosts, poltergeists, UFO's... things we can't really explain with science at this time, nor can we claim to fully understand or comprehend. For centuries, mankind has referred to a spiritual entity residing inside our body, we call it a "soul" but again, science can't explain it or even attempt to. How can we determine what happens to this entity at death of the physical body? Well, first we have to find rational belief that a soul actually exists. Can this be done with science? Perhaps.

From an archeological aspect, the oldest civilization of humans we have ever found, Mungo Man, discovered in Australia in 1974, shows evidence of ritual burial using ceremonial ocher. So we have direct evidence that humans did indeed believe in an 'afterlife' and 'soul' from as far back as we can go. To date, 95% of the humans on Earth, believe in some kind of 'afterlife' or 'soul' and this is important from a science standpoint, because we have observed that animals always retain behavioral characteristics for a reason. There are virtually no instances of a species retaining a behavior without fundamental purpose and reason. In spite of a complete lack of physical evidence to support the belief, it has been persistent in humans for all of recorded human history. If the soul isn't real, there certainly seems to be a fundamental need in man to believe it is real.

What is really intriguing is the fact that you, an admitted Atheist, have posted yet another thread, to 'argue' against the possibility. Now, most of us don't actually believe there is a bunny rabbit who hides colored eggs on Easter Sunday, but very few of us have devoted as much of our free time on a message board, attempting to refute what we claim to not believe in. Generally speaking, if we honestly disbelieve something, we don't bother wasting any time refuting it. If others believe it, that's their problem, not ours, we know better. But for some reason, anti-God people spend an enormous amount of time and energy attempting to refute what they claim not to believe in. Again, the science of Psychology tells us there is a fundamental reason for this behavior. In your mind, you realize your disbelief in an afterlife is not a natural human inclination. Whenever we experience something unnatural, we seek to involve others in that same experience as a way to validate what we want to believe. If you saw a UFO, your first inclination would be to find someone else to witness it too, because you need the validation for what is an absurd abnormality. Denying God, souls and afterlife, is not a natural human condition, and you realize that. This is why you seek to gain 'support' of your viewpoint with others. Here on the JPP forum, you know there are others who disbelieve as you do, so these threads are a plea to them, to help you validate the absurdity of what you believe.

Did you answer #1 or #2, it was hard to tell when you do your Sarah Palin thing.
you know, you really ought to bring yourself up to date....there's been some good things happening since the Crusades.....we got cars now....and telephones....and that whole New World thing?....well, there's people here now.....

We also have the state of Israel now, I think Grind was one step ahead of you.
one doesn't need to have a near death or death experience to know there is a god or hear him or see him....that you are not aware of this shows you lack knowledge concerning religion. perhaps instead of spending your days calling people who believe in a diety ignorant you may want to learn about that which you ridicule....

Been there, done that, don't ridicule unless I feel there is the need to bring my opinions to into the subject matter!
for months last winter I would look at the western sky at night and see a strange hourglass shaped light.....I would point to it and say to my son, "What is that, a UFO?"....and he would say, no it's only Venus....."nonsense" I would say, "Venus isn't shaped like an hourglass"......then I went in for my annual optometrist appointment and got new glasses.....danged if that hourglass shaped object didn't go away before I could figure out what it was......

Those venusian UFOs can be tricky that way.
About 1/3 of you idiots in America believe the bible to be literally true.

and, since we've already established a 4000 year old earth isn't in the bible, there is no inconsistency.....

look, it depends on what you mean by "literally" true.....when Carl Sandberg wrote that the fog crept in on little cat feet, he meant something literally true about fog, but it had nothing to do with paws.....
We also have the state of Israel now, I think Grind was one step ahead of you.

you're going to have to do better than that simple statement if you want to be taken are claiming that as an example of what, dimwit's earlier comment?.....pretty lame........
Okay, as a hypothetical way to test once and for all if there is an afterlife/soul/God/whathaveyou, I propose the following: If there were a way to "kill" you, at your request, to where you had absolutely 0 brain function or body function, then bring you back to life one would find you reporting one of the following two results:

1) You didn't see God and there is no afterlife. There is no heaven. You just went quietly to sleep and woke up again without anything in between.

2) You saw God. Jesus wins!

Would the test convince you one way or the other? If you saw God, you would certainly be convinced He existed. If you didn't would even that be enough to convince you it's all bullshit?
Many people who've come back from the brink of death have stated that they saw supernatural stuff. Jesus wins! :)