Proving/Disproving the Afterlife

the bible tells me so

look, I have made it a habit on both boards where we post to not pay much attention to made a funny typo, I commented on it.....that doesn't really mean I want to have an extended nonsensical conversation with you like you normally share with red......if you have something intelligible to say, spit it out.....if you just want to be cryptic, save it for red....
lol idiot, maybe it's because everyone over the age of six knows the Easter bunny doesn't exist, whereas 3 billion (and it could be more) believe in a god and use him to justify fascist policies, wars, and regressive thought. maybe that's why dixie.. maybe.

Hmmm... So 3 billion people believe religiously in something as trivial and superficial as the Easter Bunny? I think you just proved without any shadow of a doubt, that belief in God is far more legitimate and profound than belief in the Easter Bunny. For those of you who want to liken belief in God to belief in Santa Clause (or the Easter Bunny) I submit to you the evidence presented here by Grind... that 3 billion (maybe more) grown adults, believe in God, and most of them believe so strongly they would die for their faith. Does anyone have an example of someone who would be willing to give their life to believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny?

Yeah.... "just maybe" the Atheist scumbuckets who spew their vile and rhetoric, have to continue to fight their crusade against God, because they know damn well that God is real, and if they don't spend every waking hour condemning religion, they will never be able to brainwash enough simple-minded idiots to join their cause. I have often said, some of the biggest believers in God are Atheists!
Hmmm... So 3 billion people believe religiously in something as trivial and superficial as the Easter Bunny? I think you just proved without any shadow of a doubt, that belief in God is far more legitimate and profound than belief in the Easter Bunny. For those of you who want to liken belief in God to belief in Santa Clause (or the Easter Bunny) I submit to you the evidence presented here by Grind... that 3 billion (maybe more) grown adults, believe in God, and most of them believe so strongly they would die for their faith. Does anyone have an example of someone who would be willing to give their life to believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny?

Yeah.... "just maybe" the Atheist scumbuckets who spew their vile and rhetoric, have to continue to fight their crusade against God, because they know damn well that God is real, and if they don't spend every waking hour condemning religion, they will never be able to brainwash enough simple-minded idiots to join their cause. I have often said, some of the biggest believers in God are Atheists!


People learn god and someone thought of it as a control device!