

In Texas, you can't swing a cat without hitting one of em.

Texas Crowd Kills Man After Car Hit Girl

Associated Press Writer

June 20, 2007, 4:32 PM EDT

AUSTIN, Texas -- An angry crowd beat a man to death after a vehicle he was riding in struck and injured a young girl, police said Wednesday. Police believe 2,000 to 3,000 people were in the area for a Juneteenth celebration when the attack occurred Tuesday night.

The driver had stopped to check on the little girl at the entrance to an apartment complex when a group of men attacked him, authorities said. The passenger, David Rivas Morales, 40, got out to try to help the driver, but the crowd turned on him, said police Commander Harold Piatt.

Morales was beaten to death by as many as 20 men and left lying in a parking lot, Piatt said. A preliminary autopsy listed blunt force trauma as the cause of death.

The little girl, 3 or 4 years old, was taken to a hospital with non-life threatening injuries.,0,3144048,print.story
darla, did you read the end of that article ?
It implies that it took 2 years for Galveston, TX to find out about the emancipation proclamation ????
Fucking Texas. Texas should be hit with a neutron bomb and repopulated with more intelligent people. That'd do a hell of a lot for the progression of science and the destruction of whacky religions and just get rid of a bunch of fucking stupid people (including Ron Paul, Tom Delay, and WRL).
Fucking Texas. Texas should be hit with a neutron bomb and repopulated with more intelligent people. That'd do a hell of a lot for the progression of science and the destruction of whacky religions and just get rid of a bunch of fucking stupid people (including Ron Paul, Tom Delay, and WRL).

And don't forgot, (I'm sure you haven't) they gave us W. What a state.
it's more faux elitist wannabe limosine liberal bs.
but you don't have a limosine and you don't have above average intilect to warrant the snobery.
but thanks it's funny!!!
it's more faux elitist wannabe limosine liberal bs.
but you don't have a limosine and you don't have above average intilect to warrant the snobery.
but thanks it's funny!!!

Are you speaking to moi, Topper?

If so, I believe you might be correct that I do not have an above average "intilect"...but I'm sure I don't want one. Is "intilect" some Southern disease one needs penicillin to cure?
it's more faux elitist wannabe limosine liberal bs.
but you don't have a limosine and you don't have above average intilect to warrant the snobery.
but thanks it's funny!!!

well, we were smart enough not to vote for W both times.
Are you speaking to moi, Topper?

If so, I believe you might be correct that I do not have an above average "intilect"...but I'm sure I don't want one. Is "intilect" some Southern disease one needs penicillin to cure?

:p :clink:
but you don't have a limosine and you don't have above average intilect to warrant the snobery.

Roflmao! You goddam book-learning folks ain't got the sense god gave a mule dagnabbit!

Speaking of Texans, why does Bush call his fellow countrymen pubic wigs?
Texas has more millionaires and college grads than the states you morons are from.:clink:

First of sll, what has having more millionarirs have to do with this issue? and Second,

How do you know that? do you know where all of us "MORONS' are from, or are you just talking out your ear? (oh darn, I left out that "R" again)