
Hey, this happened in Austin, which is supposed to be the most liberal region in the state!

The lynching comment was misplaced; the poor guy was Hispanic, as was the injured child and, presumably, most of the neighbors who beat him to death.
You presume incorrectly. Here's a clue: Juneteenth.

You KNOW it wasn't white people because the press and the police would have been all over the racial aspect like stink on shit.
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I've heard that term a couple of times in the past few days, but have no idea what it is. Please elaborate; sometimes I live in a bubble!
It is a celebration, by blacks, of the announcement of the Emanicipation Proclamation in former Confederate states, after the surrender of the South.
Juneteenth is a celebration of when the Slaves were notified, long after their freedom was secured, that they had been freed.

From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States and beyond.

Today Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. It is a day, a week, and in some areas a month marked with celebrations, guest speakers, picnics and family gatherings. It is a time for reflection and rejoicing. It is a time for assessment, self-improvement and for planning the future. Its growing popularity signifies a level of maturity and dignity in America long over due. In cities across the country, people of all races, nationalities and religions are joining hands to truthfully acknowledge a period in our history that shaped and continues to influence our society today. Sensitized to the conditions and experiences of others, only then can we make significant and lasting improvements in our society.

Here is a bit more information on it.

Though the Emancipation Proclamation had been issued on September 22, 1862, with an effective date of January 1, 1863, it had little immediate effect on most slaves’ day-to-day lives, particularly in Texas, which was almost entirely under Confederate control. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, the day Union General Gordon Granger and 2,000 federal troops arrived on Galveston Island to take possession of the state and enforce the emancipation of its slaves. Standing on the balcony of Galveston’s Ashton Villa, Granger read the contents of “General Order No. 3”:
Thanks, Damo! This is a bit embarrassing -- I just finished Barbara Hambly's "The Emancipator's Wife", and the author has always impressed me with her historic accuracy. Of course Juneteenth wasn't covered by that volume, but still ...
So you're new info leads you to what idea about the murderers?

Well, given that they were celebrating Juneteenth, it seems reasonable to assume that they weren't Hispanic. :o The victim was (the article yesterday showed a photo of his sister with whom he was living), and the child who was injured had a Hispanic name and was described as having long ponytails.

My mistake.
Well, given that they were celebrating Juneteenth, it seems reasonable to assume that they weren't Hispanic. :o The victim was (the article yesterday showed a photo of his sister with whom he was living), and the child who was injured had a Hispanic name and was described as having long ponytails.

My mistake.
Why did the Newsday writer expurgate that detail? Had the attackers been white, not black, do you believe that the race detail would have been removed?
You presume incorrectly. Here's a clue: Juneteenth.

You KNOW it wasn't white people because the press and the police would have been all over the racial aspect like stink on shit.

What possible motivation would you have to pin this on Juneteenth?

Dallas Morning News
A nearby Juneteenth celebration in a park had drawn about 200 or 300 people to the area, Cmdr. Piatt said, but they were neither involved nor likely witnesses to the attack. He estimated that there may have been about a dozen witnesses.


Police: No connection to Juneteenth

Chovanetz also said there was no connection to the nearby city-sponsored festival for Juneteenth, which commemorates Texas slaves getting the word that they had been freed.
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Juneteenth is one of my favorite unofficial holidays. I love the food. It is one of those holidays that require nothing of you but your joy of life.
What possible motivation would you have to pin this on Juneteenth?

Dallas Morning News
A nearby Juneteenth celebration in a park had drawn about 200 or 300 people to the area, Cmdr. Piatt said, but they were neither involved nor likely witnesses to the attack. He estimated that there may have been about a dozen witnesses.
You might want to check a Reuters story for a more complete statement from Commander Piatt. Reuters reports it, but AP conspicuously left out a detail...

It's not a timing issue either.
Why did the Newsday writer expurgate that detail? Had the attackers been white, not black, do you believe that the race detail would have been removed?

I really hadn't given it a thought -- largely because I made no link between Juneteenth and race. I assumed that the people who initiated the beating, at least, were family/neighbors of the injured child. Hadn't considered race as a factor.
I really hadn't given it a thought -- largely because I made no link between Juneteenth and race. I assumed that the people who initiated the beating, at least, were family/neighbors of the injured child. Hadn't considered race as a factor.

Well, even the Cops say race wasn't a factor. It wasn't a racially motivated attack. That's the Cops saying that.

I'm like you: I assumed it was some pissed of friends or relatives of the girl. I have no idea how Juneteenth or skin color is even relevent to this story. Sounds like an unfortunate case of random vigilante justice to me.
but you don't have a limosine and you don't have above average intilect to warrant the snobery.

Roflmao! You goddam book-learning folks ain't got the sense god gave a mule dagnabbit!

Speaking of Texans, why does Bush call his fellow countrymen pubic wigs?

Actually... Bush is from Connecticut. We had probably better watch Robdawg...
USC, your 70yrs old and post hourly calling someone vastly more educated than you a prick. LOFL
You have a lot of class but it's all low. Have fun at the trailor park tonight. I'll let you know how things are at the country club

Ok I KNOW that spelling really doesn't matter b/c this is more like a conversation than an essay. BUT, were I to try to prove to someone how much smarter I am than they, I would spell "your" in its correct form, being "you're" when telling someone that "They're" 70 yrs old. Just so I didn't look stupid.