
USC, your 70yrs old and post hourly calling someone vastly more educated than you a prick. LOFL
You have a lot of class but it's all low. Have fun at the trailor park tonight. I'll let you know how things are at the country club
USC, your 70yrs old and post hourly calling someone vastly more educated than you a prick. LOFL
You have a lot of class but it's all low. Have fun at the trailor park tonight. I'll let you know how things are at the country club

Topper, you're not a complete idiot, why don't you ever post anything here other than low-class, mean, name-calling?

Why not add something when you go somewhere, rather than always subtracting something?
USC, your 70yrs old and post hourly calling someone vastly more educated than you a prick. LOFL
You have a lot of class but it's all low. Have fun at the trailor park tonight. I'll let you know how things are at the country club

Um unlike you down there spinner we scatter our trailers out hers so one storm does not get em all.
I see nothing wrong with living in a trailer and do not look down on those who do. Everyone cannot be an elitist prick like you.
I have rich friends and dirt poor friends, I do not judge someone by their paycheck, but by what they are. and you sir ritch or poor are a prick.

btw I have a nice little farm with a nice little house on it. Need to fix up a couple of thigs , and will have the time after next week.

remember I am retiring and you are not :clink:

Do pricks like you have to take Viagra to get up out of a chair ?
here's what bothers you 54% of inmates have your education level, less than 1% have mine

So what does that prove ? I have never been in jail nor even gotten a moving violation traffic ticket.

better take your viagra so you can get out of your chair.
I believe you brain is yet again settling to it's accustomed resting place in your butt.
The prick does seem more prickish than his usual prick self.

P.S. did you know that less than .5% of inmates have my education level?

Yeah, a real mean streak has been more visible than usual in his posts.

No, I had no idea! Did you know that less than .4% of inmates have weekly pedicures, which I do have?

So, I guess we can see who has beaten everyone out here. ;)
I wasn't saying you went to jail just that the majority of inmates have the same education level as you. LOFL
I wasn't saying you went to jail just that the majority of inmates have the same education level as you. LOFL

And what does that have to do with the price of eggs in Pookeepsie ?

Have you OD'd on viagra or something ?

I think your problem is that you are realizing that many things I have said are happening and you can't admit I was right.
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He does seem stressed out, poor thing! Quarterlies are coming up and he's probably under a lot of pressure. Maybe he didn't make his numbers.
Hey, this happened in Austin, which is supposed to be the most liberal region in the state!

The lynching comment was misplaced; the poor guy was Hispanic, as was the injured child and, presumably, most of the neighbors who beat him to death. That in itself means nothing.

Education levels aside, a (Texan) grad. student once told me that this state has the worst record for teaching English in the country. Hence the level of language, spelling, and grammar competence in a certain person's posts.

I am willing to concede that we might have the worst drivers, especially here in cowboy country.
Hey, this happened in Austin, which is supposed to be the most liberal region in the state!

The lynching comment was misplaced; the poor guy was Hispanic, as was the injured child and, presumably, most of the neighbors who beat him to death. That in itself means nothing.

Education levels aside, a (Texan) grad. student once told me that this state has the worst record for teaching English in the country. Hence the level of language, spelling, and grammar competence in a certain person's posts.

I am willing to concede that we might have the worst drivers, especially here in cowboy country.

LOL. Sorry Thorn, I did not know you were from Texas.