
Ok I KNOW that spelling really doesn't matter b/c this is more like a conversation than an essay. BUT, were I to try to prove to someone how much smarter I am than they, I would spell "your" in its correct form, being "you're" when telling someone that "They're" 70 yrs old. Just so I didn't look stupid.

I have tried to help him out with that myself. It ends up that, only at the "junior college" that I must have attended, do they fret over such nonsense.

At the Ivy League colleges, such as the one Topper attended, they dismiss that sort of thing, and get right to what "really matters."
Socrtease, thanks I need an ambulance chaser to correct my spelling and grammer. LOL
Unlike you and Duhla, I take pride in using the noggin to inhance my investment skills. Though a couple years of coaching from you two Nanna's will have me back to 8th grade level by the time I'm 50.:clink:
My My...

I have tried to help him out with that myself. It ends up that, only at the "junior college" that I must have attended, do they fret over such nonsense.

At the Ivy League colleges, such as the one Topper attended, they dismiss that sort of thing, and get right to what "really matters."

Darla just dated herself....'Junior College" don't y'all...I mean todays children... call them "Community College"??? Not saying this level is bad...actually it is akin to the old school of appentiship!(pun) A lost
Darla just dated herself....'Junior College" don't y'all...I mean todays children... call them "Community College"??? Not saying this level is bad...actually it is akin to the old school of appentiship!(pun) A lost
Now that is even more idiotic than that which yoiu usually spew.
What possible motivation would you have to pin this on Juneteenth?

Police: No connection to Juneteenth

In the purest sense, while there may have been a "Whack-a-mole" game at the celebration, I am sure that the Juneteenth organizers would in no way sanction a "Kick-a-Spic" (to death!) event.

Other than the connection of blacks to Juneteenth and this crime to blacks, there isn't a Juneteenth connection that I am trying to stake (otehr than as a clue), though one does ponder the police statement regarding the assailants- (paraphrase) We don't know who they are, we don't know here they came from, we don't know where they went, and we need more witnesses, BUT there's no connection to Juneteenth AND it wasn't racially motivated.
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Well, even the Cops say race wasn't a factor. It wasn't a racially motivated attack. That's the Cops saying that.

I'm like you: I assumed it was some pissed of friends or relatives of the girl. I have no idea how Juneteenth or skin color is even relevent to this story. Sounds like an unfortunate case of random vigilante justice to me.

The cops don't know a lot of facts, but they state a lot of unsupported facts.

Honestly, Cyp, if this were white on black or white on mexican, you know damn well the racial issue would be beaten into the ground (no pun intended) on this story.

Counterpose this to the Duke case - there was scant evidence to support the mere existence of a crime, but readily identifiable alleged assailants, and a great deal of exculpatory evidence. Yet there was a great speculation and outcry about the 'racist' actions of those boys; but here we have a dead man, hard evidence of a crime, and scant evidence about the nature of the assailants. Not only is there no outcry, but positive declarative statements by the police. These two cases appear reversed to me in the way they have been treated.
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The cops don't know a lot of facts, but they state a lot of unsupported facts.

Honestly, Cyp, if this were white on black or white on mexican, you know damn well the racial issue would be beaten into the ground (no pun intended) on this story.

Counterpose this to the Duke case - there was scant evidence to support the mere existence of a crime, by the readily identifiable alleged assailants, and a great deal of exculpatory evidence. Yet there was a great speculation and outcry about the 'racist' actions of those boys; but here we have a dead man, hard evidence of a crime, and scant evidence about the nature of the assailants. Not only is there no outcry, but positive declarative statements by the police. These two cases appear reversed to me in the way they have been treated.

Trog, in the Duke case, they yelled racial slurs at her, when she went outside to leave, and this was witnessed by neighbors. A little thing that has been forgotten in the whitewashing of these "poor boys".

They brought race into it.
I am uncertain of the nationalities. If this was a case fo 2 minorities, then this is the way that it has always been handled in the south.
The cops don't know a lot of facts, but they state a lot of unsupported facts.

Honestly, Cyp, if this were white on black or white on mexican, you know damn well the racial issue would be beaten into the ground (no pun intended) on this story.

Counterpose this to the Duke case - there was scant evidence to support the mere existence of a crime, but readily identifiable alleged assailants, and a great deal of exculpatory evidence. Yet there was a great speculation and outcry about the 'racist' actions of those boys; but here we have a dead man, hard evidence of a crime, and scant evidence about the nature of the assailants. Not only is there no outcry, but positive declarative statements by the police. These two cases appear reversed to me in the way they have been treated.

Crime happens every day of the week, by people of every possible skin tone.

Brown on white crime. Brown on black crime. White on black crime. Brown on Brown crime. White on white crime.

There's probably a hundred times a month, where a white-skinned criminal holds up and robs a liquor store owned by an Asian or a Hispanic. Or a black robber, robs a store owned by a Korean person.

It's never reported as a "race" crime, unless race is relevant to the commission of the crime- that race played a factor in the crime.
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Robbing a business, now that is different, policie chase those criminals. But if minorities only kill each other.....Well it is the way of the south.
It's never reported as a "race" crime, unless race is relevant to the commission of the crime- that race played a factor in the crime.
And the police in Texas know this how? positively? They are in a self-admitted state of ignorance, but they sure came out with the "It's not this" and "It's not that" damn quick.

Are you willing to say right now, given the paucity of evidence about the "Who? and the "Why?", that you are certain that the fact that the driver and friend were Mexican had NOTHING to do with them being beaten?
And the police in Texas know this how? positively? They are in a self-admitted state of ignorance, but they sure came out with the "It's not this" and "It's not that" damn quick.

Are you willing to say right now, given the paucity of evidence about the "Who? and the "Why?", that you are certain that the fact that the driver and friend were Mexican had NOTHING to do with them being beaten?

We're not talking about Fox News, or NewsMax, trog. The newspaper that reported this just can't pull something out of their ass, or "guess" about what happened.

They're reporting what the cops said, and presumably what witnesses corroborated. This is straight journalism. It's not their job to speculate if it was race related, unless they have corroborating sources to back that up.

Yes: anything is possible. Race might have been involved. But, so far none of the facts as reported, support that.
Yes: anything is possible. Race might have been involved. But, so far none of the facts as reported, support that.
And as far as what has been reported, we can not come to the conclusion that there was not a racial motivation. One of the reports indicated that it was NOT relatives or neighbors of the kid, so what exactly was the motivation for these unknown people to attack?
I am willing to concede that we might have the worst drivers, especially here in cowboy country.

Actually I thought Texan drivers were best and nicest drivers in the world when I went there.

No joke.
If there are reports and evidence that this violence was racially motived, as corroborated from witnesses and cops, I have no problem with the newspaper reporting a racial hate crime. That's what newspapers are supposed to do.

Until there is evidence that is corroborated, that race was involved, I see no need for a local newpaper to makes guesses or pull anything out of their ass. We have NewsMax and Drudge for that kind of journalism.
If there is reports that this violence was racially motived, as corroborated from witnesses and cops, I have no problem with the newspaper reporting a racial hate crime. That's what newspapers are supposed to do.

Until there is evidence that is corroborated, that race was involved, I see no need for a local newpaper to makes guess or pull anything out of their ass. We have NewsMax and Drudge for that kind of journalism.
Yes, nice try again with the besmirching strawmen, but back on topic.

I'm not wiling to write off the racial component at this time, given the lack of evidence in general. It is a point that remains to be seen, and that is the point - the cops shut down this idea from the get-go with a positive declarative statement. Let's find the assailants first, then we can reach some conclusions as to their motivation. Until then, it is mere supposition that it is not racial.