Why are YOU voting 3P??? Der Biden Fuhrer is a CommuNazi! It's because you're a fucking fraud, right?
Biden isn't 3P, he's the Democratic President.
Did you smoke the same crack as PMP did and you lost your short-term memory?
Why are YOU voting 3P??? Der Biden Fuhrer is a CommuNazi! It's because you're a fucking fraud, right?
It does in my state. The Libertarian party must receive a certain percentage of the vote for libertarian candidates to qualify for the ballot in the next election without having to secure names on a petition.
No Libertarian voter is sending that message. They don't expect the Libertarian to win the election so the issue is irrelevant
This...this right here is the fucking cognitive dissonance OR it's just plain fucking narcissism.
No Libertarian voter is sending that message.
An executive circumventing the Constitution with executive orders is what we already have with a two-party system.
Endorsing fascism is what you get when the two major parties want to maintain their monopoly and try to prevent others from having other choices.
Most places have no or few down ballot third party candidates. I said nothing about not voting in any race without third party candidates. That is another false assumptions you make about others.
Third party voters already know all this. You always tell us stuff everybody already knows. Nobody is being "grifted" because they have no allusions about what they are doing. They just refuse to vote for parties that have no principles or ideology other than staying in power.
Hey loser boy you're back! Day #3 only 2,629 days to go. I have have faith in you buddy.
Her particular take on things, phrasing and what she focuses upon when free to choose.Then how do you know the Haley you're voting for isn't ALSO a creation of politics and not her authentic self?
Yak forgets a lot because he's burned a lot of holes into his head. It's really sad.Hey remember the time you tried to mock me for being banned but then you forgot that you got banned for the same thing?
3P voters know they're being grifted and still vote 3P anyway?
Well, OK, voting 3P for you has nothing to do with positions, policies, or beliefs, it's JUST an emotional reaction intended to draw attention to yourself.
I think you feel so unneeded and unnecessary in your life that you compensate for that by acting like a total fucking narcissistic idiot when it comes to politics.
Based on your projections and mistaken assumptions. I said none of the above. As usual, you make up stuff you project on the other poster and argue against stuff he never said or believed.
So, you do vote for Republicans and Democrats, then.
So you're not some 3P voter.
You're just a narcissist.
Nope. Fascism is a system of government where the chief executive's authority is paramount to everyone else's...such as, ruling by executive authority.
The GOP has already embraced that, and your position embraces it by default because of what happens if your candidate wins.
LV is a little "excitable". Excitable to the point where she's not always in control of her faculties. This has caused her trouble at times.
While I'm against perm-bans, temp-bans are a useful tool for tempering excitable members.
LV426 told me he is a male.
Biden isn't 3P, he's the Democratic President.
Did you smoke the same crack as PMP did and you lost your short-term memory?