Oppressive government?
Many former members of that government are facing charges of seditious conspiracy. You didn't consider that oppressive? You complained about it for four years.
Oppressive government?
Many former members of that government are facing charges of seditious conspiracy. You didn't consider that oppressive? You complained about it for four years.
See, LV? One reason I believe you are female is because you argue like a 20something college dropout. One reason I know you are a nutjob is because you argue like a Trumper, but with the opposite polarity.You have said loud and clear that your choice to vote 3P is an impulsive, narcissistic decision you are making in order to be relevant in a world that doesn't really consider you relevant anymore.
Voting...for what?
What is the OP Flash?
Some should be facing treason charges, but I know that's unlikely to happen. If Trump is nullified from running for President, I'd settle for that....preferably if he has a muzzle on too.
He waged war by asking the militias to come forward and become active then rallied a mob to overthrow Congress.Treason is a narrow and difficult charge to prove. It would be hard to prove he was "waging war" with the United States. He was not giving aid and comfort to the enemy because we were not at war.
The Rosenbergs were executed for giving atomic secrets to the Soviets and were executed for conspiracy to commit espionage. They were not charged with treason because the U.S. was not at war.
He waged war by asking the militias to come forward and become active then rallied a mob to overthrow Congress.
The Rosenbergs didn't wage war or assist an enemy at war with us.
Consider why Trump didn't pardon a single person involved in 1/6, even the elderly trespassers who followed the mob into Congress as Looky-Loos. He even threw them all under the bus the following week. Why? To cover his ass since such as act would be an admission that the event was his fault.
TBH, if the militias hadn't turned out to be a bunch of paper tigers, I'm surprised they didn't find a way to take a pound of flesh out of Trump's fat ass.
Trump really thought those rioters/protesters could successfully win a war against the U. S.?
You have to prove intent--not just a show of support to make him feel good.
If one believes that both major party candidates,
one of whom is definitely going to win,
are equally counterproductive,
a protest vote for an alternate candidate is harmless enough.
If one recognizes that one of them is more destructive,
understanding that only one of the two major party candidates is going to win,
not voting for the less destructive of them is irresponsible in my personal view.
That's my justification for ALWAYS voting for the Democratic nominee,
even though I often don't particularly like him / her.
Unless you are from a one-party state in which the winner is easily predicted. In such a state, your one vote will not change the election results.
That is one theory that explains why many people do not vote. Since their vote will not affect the outcome, the benefits of voting do not exceed the costs.
My understanding of the plot was that the mob, agitated by the militias, would create so much havoc that Trump would declare martial law...after Pence, Pelosi and several top Democrats were dead. Trump would declare that the SS, FBI and such couldn't be trusted, so he'd use the militias as his personal guard like a Praetorian guard. The election would never be ratified and Trump would remain in control as de facto President for Life.
I'm not a fucking lawyer. My area of expertise is in strategy.
Do they have testimony or evidence to support such a claim (and supported by the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act)?
I think all the non-MAGA people believe Trump sought such an outcome, but it is just a general impression with no real evidence.
I'm not a lawyer, either, but I have read enough about it to know it is a difficult issue and many cases have been thrown out.
Not a lawyer. Looking at all the sedition convictions, it appears they have enough witnesses for that.
He learned from his heroes, NY mobsters, to keep a lot of buffers.Who heard Trump conspiring or directing an intended overthrow of the government? He seems careful to stay away from criminally incriminating statements.
My government tried to overturn the last election, suspend the Constitution, created illegitimate electors, attack the Capitol, tried to get states to change election results.....
It wasn't the government that did that, it was the Republican Party.
I can't take you seriously when you don't even know who did it.
The actions were taken by governmental officials and MAGA supporters. The party organization did nothing.
You didn't take me seriously when I said voting for a third party helps it qualify for the ballot in the next general election and said it was not in "federal law." Then, I proved that not only is it the law in many states but that includes Georgia. You argue a point until proven wrong and then you drop the topic.
Except turn a blind eye and absolve Trump of impeachment. The fuckers are guilty of complicity if not outright support.
They had the opportunity to impeach. They didn't. They had the opportunity to join the 1/6 investigation and decided to play pro-Trump politics. How long did it take many of them to start denying the election was stolen?I don't think they could have done anything other than express disapproval. Trump is not going to be influenced by a party organization that has very little real power. Republican elected officials are a different matter. According to excerpts from Romney's book many of them agreed with him in private while supporting Trump in public. He said Trump came to one Republican caucus meeting and spoke to them. Afterward, they all jumped up and applauded and as soon as he left the room they all laughed.