Question for fans of multiracialism

But it wasn't an ethnostate. It was a large swath of land filled with different ethnicities all trying to kill each other. The Spanish and the English were just two more ethnicities fighting for land.

The land was originally all Natives and that was their ethnicity. I'm not talking about the different tribes. If we were a white ethnostate we would still be made up of English, German, French, Scottish, Middle European, etc. White, but from different ethnic groups.
Let's see some sources for this specious claim, eh? The majority of indigenous ppl lived peacefully, particularly those who practiced agriculture.

I'm sure there were some tribes that just practiced agriculture in one spot and didn't bother anyone else, but they wouldn't have been typical of the Americas at the time.

What a very odd belief. I suppose you can back this up with actual facts? Bringing over thousands upon thousands of African ppl, as well as thousands of Asians, hardly sounds like an effort to keep America white. What you really mean to say is that you believe the laws favored CITIZENSHIP for white immigrants only. Non-white ppl were more than welcomed as servants, slaves, laborers.

So this is another big misconception.
First of all, yes, non-white people were allowed into America both as servants and as slaves. However, the amount of non-white people allowed in had to be small in proportion to the white population. If there were too many non-white people, the border would be closed until the white population picked up.
Secondly, slavery was never popular in America. It was always a controversial practice both because it was bad for the white working-class and because Americans didn't want so many Blacks around. Eventually a law was passed that said people can keep their slaves, but were banned from bringing more slaves into America. So no, even when slavery was concerned, keeping America as white as possible was a concern.

We don't. We have laws that forbid a small number of assholes from using their bigotry to discriminate against other American citizens. You might as well ask why do some towns have laws about picking up after your dog? Why do we have laws about not littering, polluting, running around outside naked, graffiti, etc.? Because no matter how well-behaved most of us are, there are always assholes. I'm more concerned about possibly living by assholes than I am a non-white family.

The difference there is that those practices harm others. If it's legal to graffiti anywhere you want, property gets damaged. But if one store doesn't want to do business with people of other races, couldn't those people of other races just go to the next store? You're saying it's a small number of asshole, so clearly this wouldn't be a major issue. And by having these laws, we're robbing people of freedom of association.
The land was originally all Natives and that was their ethnicity. I'm not talking about the different tribes. If we were a white ethnostate we would still be made up of English, German, French, Scottish, Middle European, etc. White, but from different ethnic groups.

Big difference. Because America is a country with one government, all of those white ethnicities eventually became American. Before America, there wasn't one country with one government, there were lots of different tribes with their own governments. This is why they never all assimilated as one ethnic group the way white people did.
Big difference. Because America is a country with one government, all of those white ethnicities eventually became American. Before America, there wasn't one country with one government, there were lots of different tribes with their own governments. This is why they never all assimilated as one ethnic group the way white people did.

I think this has gone off track. Your OP was about multiracialism and here we are talking about ethnicity.

Anyhow, when America became a country with one government different races besides white were subject to that government. Do you know of anything the founders wrote where they wanted this country to be white only?
The difference there is that those practices harm others. If it's legal to graffiti anywhere you want, property gets damaged. But if one store doesn't want to do business with people of other races, couldn't those people of other races just go to the next store? You're saying it's a small number of asshole, so clearly this wouldn't be a major issue. And by having these laws, we're robbing people of freedom of association.

Sorry, but "freedom of association" doesn't mean that you can force all the ppl you don't like to not live in your 'hood, shop at your stores, work at your place of employment.

Yes, graffiti is harmful. DUH. So is not allowing an Asian family to buy the house across the street because your kind don't like their kind. Maybe they work hard and want their kids to go to the good district where YOUR kids go, instead of the failing and poor district where they used to live. You don't see the harmfulness in that type of discrimination? If you don't like the new Asian family across the street, then by all means avoid them. Don't talk to them, don't wave at them, pretend they don't exist. Easy, isn't it? No one is forcing you to associate with them.

Do you like tacos? Pizza? Spaghetti? Pad Thai? Tandoori chicken? Jerk pork? Kebabs? Coucous? Sweet and sour pork? Potstickers? Mongolian beef?

Other than pizza and spaghetti, I never heard or nor sampled any of the rest of those wonderful dishes when I was growing up. It wasn't that we were poor; we were solidly middle class. Nope, it was because we grew up in a lily white boring non-diverse neighborhood. We did have a few Jewish neighbors, but of course they were also white. My father was a scientist; he and our church sponsored a Taiwan scientist and his family to move here and become citizens. Dr. Wang could not buy a home in our neighborhood because he was Asian. Neither could Curt Flood, a star baseball Cardinals player, because he was black. For sure Mr. Flood had a lot more money than WE did.

Why you are okay with this harmful practice is beyond me. Again, if you can't stand the sight of non-whites you probably should find you a gated community to hide in. The rest of us celebrate the beauty that is America.

I've asked this question a few times during discussions on this board and I never got an answer. Now I'm curious to see if anyone can answer it, so here goes.

Why does racial integration only happen when it's forced on people? I think most people prefer living around and associating with people of their own race. And that's the reason the government needs to force integration through affirmative action and anti-discrimination laws. If I'm wrong, and people don't have racial preferences, then what is the reason that multiracialism never just happens on its own? Why does it only happen through government force?
I choose not to answer because I do not accept the premises of your questions

There is no such thing as race, scientifically and biologically

Ethnic clasifications are almost as dubious

No one is being forced to live next to anyone

Racial quotas are illegal

Federal AA guidelines only apply to government institutions and government contactors

If private companies want to employ AA principles that is a business choice of a private business

Language and culture are the only tangible social distinctions between human population groups, explaining why Russian, Italian,Puerto Rican, and Hatian immigrant groups tend to congregate and gravitate towards each other at least for the first and perhaps second generation

You have not been to Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela, san Francisco , Peru, New York, etc. if you do not think diverse human populations live together in reasonable and relative tranquility
I've asked this question a few times during discussions on this board and I never got an answer. Now I'm curious to see if anyone can answer it, so here goes.

Why does racial integration only happen when it's forced on people? I think most people prefer living around and associating with people of their own race. And that's the reason the government needs to force integration through affirmative action and anti-discrimination laws. If I'm wrong, and people don't have racial preferences, then what is the reason that multiracialism never just happens on its own? Why does it only happen through government force?

GAWD you're ignorant.

WHITE MEN didn't and don't want to hire Blacks because of the color of their skin. It why we have AA.

WHITES don't want to live near's why we had sundown towns and red lining. Blacks tried to move into white neighborhoods, whites took flight.

WHITES discriminate against people of color. It's why we have discrimination laws.

I agree with you. Let the government take away AA and Discrimination laws, but make it clear of the business's WHO ONLY HIRE AND SERVE WHITES. Make sure they get NO TAX BREAKS, NO GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS, NO HELP FROM THE GOVERNMENT IN ANY WAY. They pay their own way in all aspects of society.

Lets see how far you get only serving your own without help from the government.

It's your race and culture that EXCLUDES OTHERS.

Blacks and other minorities can and do live around whites when yall let us.
Actually, America was originally a white ethnostate. We had immigration policy that favored white immigration until as recently as 1965 in order to maintain a strong white majority.

Multiracialism isn't a few racial minorities, which I'll agree that every country has. Multiracialism is when so many racial minorities are being let in, that the society no longer has a recognizable racial character. In the fifties, America was about 90% white. That was not multiracialism. So no, multiracialism is not damn near everywhere, rather it's the opposite.

You don't even know america's history.

Go move to racist all white russia.
I've asked this question a few times during discussions on this board and I never got an answer. Now I'm curious to see if anyone can answer it, so here goes.

Why does racial integration only happen when it's forced on people? I think most people prefer living around and associating with people of their own race. And that's the reason the government needs to force integration through affirmative action and anti-discrimination laws. If I'm wrong, and people don't have racial preferences, then what is the reason that multiracialism never just happens on its own? Why does it only happen through government force?

this is the answer

you are incapable of understanding it

we are all Africans
Well I'm not talking about denying people basic human rights. I don't want to bring back slavery. I'm talking about people being able to associate with whoever they want.
If an apartment building owner wants to only rent to people of one race, that should be legal.

So why isn't it legal? My guess is that the majority of people rather self-segregate.

It ain't legal because that apartment owner gets SPECIAL BREAKS FROM THE GOVERNMENT....... as long as the american tax payers are giving him a break....he must rent to ALL AMERICANS....IT'S OUR MONEY.

You want to be a racist fuck.......go do it in germany very few Blacks there.
I thought you were going to Africa? What happened to THAT idea???

It ain't legal because that apartment owner gets SPECIAL BREAKS FROM THE GOVERNMENT....... as long as the american tax payers are giving him a break....he must rent to ALL AMERICANS....IT'S OUR MONEY.

You want to be a racist fuck.......go do it in germany very few Blacks there.
when diverging populations begin living together they begin doing what Humans do

they begin having sex together and having children

their children begin to be the new "race"

give it a few generations and everyone looks pretty well the same

THE ARTFICAIL PART is when some asshole with power decides their granddaughter or grandson must look only like PAST generations of the family

we call those people racists

it causes the genes to be limited which results in a more limited gene pool

it causes brilliant minds to be wasted because of racists not recognizing human value and instead valuing some meaningless trait

It doesn't make mankind BETTER

It makes mankind less talented and ends up wasting human brilliance

racists are a cancer on human society
It ain't legal because that apartment owner gets SPECIAL BREAKS FROM THE GOVERNMENT....... as long as the american tax payers are giving him a break....he must rent to ALL AMERICANS....IT'S OUR MONEY.

You want to be a racist fuck.......go do it in germany very few Blacks there.

Germany is trying to get rid of them too

you hate whites as much as this turdbonnet hates blacks
I had a friend that went to South Africa. He said things are a little different there.

Here: Somebody comes up to rob you, they pull out a knife and demand your money. You pull your wallet out and hand them the Cash. They run off.
There: Somebody comes up to rob you, they pull out a knife and begin stabbing you. They strip you of your valuables as you lay there rolling around taking your last breath.

Stopping at Red Lights and Stop Signs ... is a Bad Idea. You need to slow, but keep rolling.

So ... when are you going?

I am.

I guess that's all you read, if you were paying attention you'd know when I was going.

Anything else?