I've asked this question a few times during discussions on this board and I never got an answer. Now I'm curious to see if anyone can answer it, so here goes.
Why does racial integration only happen when it's forced on people? I think most people prefer living around and associating with people of their own race. And that's the reason the government needs to force integration through affirmative action and anti-discrimination laws. If I'm wrong, and people don't have racial preferences, then what is the reason that multiracialism never just happens on its own? Why does it only happen through government force?
I choose not to answer because I do not accept the premises of your questions
There is no such thing as race, scientifically and biologically
Ethnic clasifications are almost as dubious
No one is being forced to live next to anyone
Racial quotas are illegal
Federal AA guidelines only apply to government institutions and government contactors
If private companies want to employ AA principles that is a business choice of a private business
Language and culture are the only tangible social distinctions between human population groups, explaining why Russian, Italian,Puerto Rican, and Hatian immigrant groups tend to congregate and gravitate towards each other at least for the first and perhaps second generation
You have not been to Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela, san Francisco , Peru, New York, etc. if you do not think diverse human populations live together in reasonable and relative tranquility