The remora of JPP
Oh course you are because you "feeeeeel" like one.
It's main problem in violence and especially murder. Thanks leftists.
Leftists had nothing to do with War on Drugs, little boy.
Oh course you are because you "feeeeeel" like one.
It's main problem in violence and especially murder. Thanks leftists.
read it and discover how wrong you are.
You do know you are citing a source which is a facade for the Crime Prevention Research Center, another source funded by the gun manufacturers, correct?
Like asking the Fox what he would recommend to protect the chicken coop
every single FACT that is in that publication is backed by real evidence. It completely debunks every anti gun myth you anti freedom fucks like to purvey
Right, “evidence” provided by the Crime Prevention Research Center, aka, gun manufacturers, are you really that naive?
that and the founding fathers comments clearly show i'm in the right and you're not. the 'evidence' you're dismissing is from numerous sources, some law enforcement, some gov entities, some with no objective other than truth.
whereas YOUR evidence..........well, are you really that naive?
I guess you are
All the gun manufacturers propaganda you are swallowing is based upon cherry picking and reframing facts, even the quotes from the Founding Fathers, you do understand what it means to frame facts, correct?
As I said, it is similar to the Fox recommending how to protect the chicken coup, and your listening to him
ROFL. do we need to post those 'cherry picked' comments again? those that SPECIFICALLY refer to the 2nd Amendment as an INDIVIDUAL right????? or will you studiously ignore those pesky facts that don't fit your narrative and agenda?
Little history lesson for you, the Founding Fathers were prolific authors, all of them wrote nearly their entire life, and often even criticized and reversed positions they held at different times of their lives. With that much production, it is easy to find a quote or two to support nearly any position you want to believe, and, many of the quotes provided in the gun manufacturers propaganda you swallow have been proven to be bogus
You do know you are citing a source which is a facade for the Crime Prevention Research Center, another source funded by the gun manufacturers, correct?
Like asking the Fox what he would recommend to protect the chicken coop
The Revolution is removing our right to self defense wholesale. This is about the WOKE being anti-human and removing all individual rights.
Defenseless my ass. How is limiting one type out of hundreds going to make you defenseless? What, you don't think you're safe enough with a shotgun or a glock?
There is no such thing as an 'assault rifle'. It is unconstitutional to pass any law that infringes on the right to keep and bear arms. The 2nd amendment does NOT list any gun by type, manufacturer, type of action, size of magazine, how fast it shoots, color, or how 'scary' it looks. It does not define what is a 'sporting' weapon or that people are limited to a 'sporting' weapon.The poorly written 2nd Amendment encourages the gun nuts to think that they're entitled to assault rifles
in addition to the sporting arms which are perfectly adequate for self-defense as well.
The 2nd Amendment mentions militias because it is ALSO unconstitutional to infringe on the right of a State to organize a militia. The right of self defense is inherent.The fucking morons had to mention "militias" instead of just stating that citizens are entitled to bear arms.
Even morons have the right to keep and bear arms.Yes, the people that you "true believers" mentally fellate were in fact fucking morons.
State governments have the right to organize a militia. They ARE the government.Now the reichnuts believe that they're entitled to form militias to overthrow legally, legitimately elected governments.
You may discard the Constitution, but that does not make it go away.We have legal ways to effect change already.
So...genocide, eh? Do you seriously think you can get away with this without getting shot?We need a totally inclusive purge of every idiot who thinks this way.
National security requires that not a single one of those fuckwits is still breathing.
Humane treatment is for humans and other benign creatures.
Devolved and dangerous mutants aren't entitled to humane treatment.
They're entitled only to extinction by the most expedient means available..
Too many members of my own Democratic party are pantywaists unwilling to face this fact.
No. Murderers are directly responsible. Democrats are directly responsible for create 'gun free' zones, encouraging such crime. They don't work.School children are murdered as a result, and constitution lovers are directly responsible.
None.The intelligent among us recognize the fatal flaws of our constitution.
A republic is government by law (a constitution). That constitution is created by the people and ordained by the people to power. A republic cannot exist without it.It's an anchor around the neck of our republic.
You say the stupidest shit. Your stupid premise that law abiding gun owners are being denied guns is a typical lie from you. Gun-lust people have piles of weapons. They have the right to put their families in more danger.
Gun owners actually using a weapon to protect themselves is a very rare event. People misusing guns is a common occurrence. We have mass shootings at a level no other country has. That is because we have more guns. On a good day, you might be able to predict the future. More mass shootings, more accidental shootings, more suicides, and more young people dying from guns. That will please you. More guns = more gun deaths. https://rockinst.org/blog/more-guns...approach-to-reducing-gun-violence-in-america/
Talking to imaginary people again?
The US is in a league of its own!
Where did all the others go wrong?
Who is defenseless?
It can't.The Revolution is removing our right to self defense wholesale.
It can't.This is about the WOKE being anti-human and removing all individual rights.
It can't.
It can't.