Question for level headed dems

I'm not doing this with you again, if you have a point to make with your own evidence, I am happy to hear it. otherwise. no thanks.
Claims made without evidence may be dismissed without evidence.
I know trolls don't like hearing this, but if you make the claim, it's up to you to prove it.
You made the claim, it’s yours to defend. Another who doesn’t backup their statements, thanks.
You made the claim, cunt. Cue Jeopardy theme...........
It depends on the 'hood. But you know that.

I do, and, follow me if you will, given NYC is much bigger, you condensed the crime area into a much smaller area. now you would be right to argue, that you could cirlce an area of ny worse than bellingham, but we are talking city limits here. and by city limits nyc does better.

I would NOT suggest you have me compare cities of 100k to other cities of 100k as they tend to be worse across the board.

Have you made it? I know the plant is medicinal but they make ice cream out of it? The blossoms?
A pizza place use to serve it, yes, the blossoms. It was heavenly!

It looks like a place called Wild Scoops sells it now! I’ll have to check it out.
Forget about Trump for a few minutes.

It’s obvious cities are going to hell in a hand basket. Murder is way up, carjackers have replaced the annoying windshield washers , one mayor won’t even take questions from white reporters.
Cops are either defunded or not allowed to do their jobs like enforce vagrancy laws, even car theft and shoplifting are not responded to by police in my city although that should change with our newly elected mayor.
Disturbing the peace by democrats in New Orleans with the clear intent to disrupt folks eating out is common behavior.
Of course I can give more examples of the lawlessness that’s clearly happening but I think you get the point.

Is this really what you want? This is what you vote to enable.
If so, why? Why do you want to live in hell holes?

And forget whataboutisms like asking why republicans live in trailer parks. Start your own thread on that.
I’m just curious .

Don't think you can exaggerate an incident or inaccurately describe what is really going, or twist facts, and think you fooled anyone here with your biased politically motivated fake news. gas lighting, and hate-mongering, falsely blaming Democrats for your hemorrhoids and racism and poor disregard for others!

First of all, it is not obvious that cities are going to hell in a waste basket.

If you have to ask a question through damnation and condemnation- FUCK OFF AND GO DEAL WITH YOUR RACIST ATTITUDE FIRST!
