Question for level headed dems

According to the FBI data, small cities with fewer than 10,000 residents saw more than a 30 percent increase in killings in the first nine months of this year

did they go from an average of .6 murders to an average of .9?
In general, I reject your premise that cities are 'going to hell in a handbasket'. Given that, the rest is moot. I'm not much for anecdotal evidence, which is about all you produced. I think your claim about New Orleans is utter nonsense. The fact is that violent crime has been on a STEEP downward climb for almost 30 years. The uptick in the last year is obviously coronavirus related. The criminal justice system has been on hold, people have been cooped up, and there have been more opportunities to commit crimes because of the lack of people on the streets. But even with that uptick, we are nowhere near the levels we were at in the early 90's. Cities are just fine, thanks. And the rise is violent crime is not just a phenomenon in cities, it is happening everywhere. And if you really want to politicize this, it happened on Trumps watch.

That being said, there are cities that are run by both Democratic and Republican mayors that should be looking for new leadership. You've chosen to cherry pick one example, but corrupt or stupid mayors, be they Democratic or Republican are hardly a new phenomenon.

Point is, I don't buy that cities are going to hell. Not in the least. I'm not a huge Biden guy, but the bar was ridiculously low. Trump is a criminal, a conman, a grifter, and a guy who owes tens of millions of dollars to foreign mobs. His actions reflected that, and he was and remains the single greatest threat to Democracy in my lifetime, and maybe in history. He was not just bad, he was dangerous. You voted for a guy who continues to claim that the election was stolen from him. Me? I consider that an immediate disqualification. I agree with Liz Cheney on absolutely no policies, and I would love to see more Republican moderates like Elise Stefanik in Congress. But those questions aren't even on the table, because Elise Stefanik has disqualifed herself from EVER holding public office again IMHO. She sided with a traitor.

Yes, that rant is related to your question, because you asked if I voted for your dystopian and hyperbolic view of American cities. Nope. I voted to get rid of the worst President in US history. Simple as that. If Romney had been running against him, I'd have voted for Romney happily.
You lost me at Stefanik She ran and won as a moderate. She is no moderate. I used to buy materials from her father's wholesale plywood business, until she answered the phone one day and started going on about Right Wing politics.
Of course not. There's only a handful here. My favorites are Concart because he can intelligently discuss without insulting and Jack because he has a sense of humor.
Owl and I get along (sometimes). A Proud Lefty is cool. Turgid seems OK. This thread was my 1st experience with him. After that.... I'd have to think real hard.

Diogenes had a better chance of success.
So be it. I'll rephrase. Why do you like living in a lawless community, comparatively speaking , as opposed to a relatively safer and cleaner community given the choice. I'm not criticizing, just curious about the mind of folks that vote for policies that encourage, or turn a blind eye to crime and filth.

And what policies would that be???????????????
I find both of them ignorant beyond belief......

I find your statement true.

Have you ever been outside the Pacific Northwest?

My list of states is the west coast, everything from WA to WI; AZ, NV, UT, NC, and everything from TX to FL.

Not too shabby. Growing up, though, I had been to FL, but, otherwise I had never been south of the Bay Area, or really even east of the Cascades.
You think being born somewhere constitutes culture. You cannot answer my question about what constitutes the culture you refer to as New Mexican.'ll talk about your family again...

I find your contention that while you live in NM, that there is no such thing as New Mexican Culture rather offensive. Do you work at los Alamos? what brought you to santa fe?

Have you no clue that New Mexico and its residents indigenous and those who can trace roots to the area back to pre colonial times when the Spanish first settled there in 1598, 50 years after Coronado landed in Mexico, that we have no culture? You love where you live because of our culture. I can't believe you think otherwise.