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I was a bit shocked at the response I got to the usually funny response to "the border jumped us".
Because you are provincial.
I was a bit shocked at the response I got to the usually funny response to "the border jumped us".
Because you are provincial.
I would rather explore Anchorage then flush my money in a casino! It is a wonderful starting place for exploring nearby!
Vato, I an American, who's culture is New Mexican, which predates the existence of the United states. New Mexican Culture is far more than "red, green, or christmas".
So be it. I'll rephrase. Why do you like living in a lawless community, comparatively speaking , as opposed to a relatively safer and cleaner community given the choice. I'm not criticizing, just curious about the mind of folks that vote for policies that encourage, or turn a blind eye to crime and filth.
You're an inarticulate buffoon. You're dense.
How so?
What did I get wrong, what makes me dense and a buffoon?
Yes, one that predates the existence of the United States.
So be it. I'll rephrase. Why do you like living in a lawless community, comparatively speaking , as opposed to a relatively safer and cleaner community given the choice. I'm not criticizing, just curious about the mind of folks that vote for policies that encourage, or turn a blind eye to crime and filth.
Vato, I an American, who's culture is New Mexican.
You have such a great eye.It is! If you're not up for adventuring or driving long distances, within an hour's drive there are tons of cool stuff to see and/or do. Just the photo-ops are countless. Like Hatcher Pass.
Living in trailer parks is merely a metaphor for being crude and unsophisticated, and like most metaphors, it's unfair to some people.
That one is unfair for some who live in mobile home communities, but it's pretty much impossible to be unfair to a Republican.
They're pretty much without exception either undesirable people or not people at all but rather devolved mutants.
As for Dumber than a Stone, decide for yourself.
Try not to stare too long at his avatar, though, especially if you've recently eaten.
You have such a great eye.
No, that’s beautiful. Fireweed ice cream is amazing!Aw, thanks. It helps to have good material for the eye to see.
This one's also from Hatcher Pass. Did you know that we have fireweed here, too?
In general, I reject your premise that cities are 'going to hell in a handbasket'. Given that, the rest is moot. I'm not much for anecdotal evidence, which is about all you produced. I think your claim about New Orleans is utter nonsense. The fact is that violent crime has been on a STEEP downward climb for almost 30 years. The uptick in the last year is obviously coronavirus related. The criminal justice system has been on hold, people have been cooped up, and there have been more opportunities to commit crimes because of the lack of people on the streets. But even with that uptick, we are nowhere near the levels we were at in the early 90's. Cities are just fine, thanks. And the rise is violent crime is not just a phenomenon in cities, it is happening everywhere. And if you really want to politicize this, it happened on Trumps watch.
That being said, there are cities that are run by both Democratic and Republican mayors that should be looking for new leadership. You've chosen to cherry pick one example, but corrupt or stupid mayors, be they Democratic or Republican are hardly a new phenomenon.
Point is, I don't buy that cities are going to hell. Not in the least. I'm not a huge Biden guy, but the bar was ridiculously low. Trump is a criminal, a conman, a grifter, and a guy who owes tens of millions of dollars to foreign mobs. His actions reflected that, and he was and remains the single greatest threat to Democracy in my lifetime, and maybe in history. He was not just bad, he was dangerous. You voted for a guy who continues to claim that the election was stolen from him. Me? I consider that an immediate disqualification. I agree with Liz Cheney on absolutely no policies, and I would love to see more Republican moderates like Elise Stefanik in Congress. But those questions aren't even on the table, because Elise Stefanik has disqualifed herself from EVER holding public office again IMHO. She sided with a traitor.
Yes, that rant is related to your question, because you asked if I voted for your dystopian and hyperbolic view of American cities. Nope. I voted to get rid of the worst President in US history. Simple as that. If Romney had been running against him, I'd have voted for Romney happily.
Because comparatively speaking there's no comparison to the shithole I left in '91. As I said everybody who has lived in N.O. for say 10 yrs. knows someone or had a family member murdered. I had three. I was robbed at gunpoint and had my car , apartment and office broken into more than once, all of them. I learned to carry a gun in my car for protection.Why are you asking him when according to you, where YOU live is a "lawless community" with "crime and filth"?
New Orleans is probably unique in that it's impossible to get from one 'hood to another, no matter how nice, without going thru a bad one. Two blocks away from the mansions on St. Charles Ave are section 8 'hoods. Consequently there have been home invasions where the owner was executed (2 of the three that I personally knew). Many neighborhoods and even single streets now have HOA's that hire private security.Like several of us have pointed out, every single city has nice areas, and places you don't go unless trouble is your goal.
Totally agree with you. Example is Bellingham, WA. Nice, clean city. Hardly see any homelessness. Gorgeous little city with two distinct and quaint downtowns. The mayor is a D who doesn't put up with the riff raff one sees in Seattle.What letter comes after the mayor's name matters not.
Kind of an impressive strawman you built here. I'm unable to answer until you can explain the correlation between a (D) mayor and/or governor with crime. Do *all* cities have higher crime than suburban/rural areas? Or only some? Can you provide a list of cities by crime rate and then a list of the same cities by political party currently in control of the mayor's house? Can you explain how a mayor can cause higher or lower crime? Is a high crime rate for a particular city worse in low-income areas and barely noticeable in higher-income areas? If so, why might that be?
Do you suppose that Strumpet is a "level headed DEM"?
Hatcher Pass now has a ski lift. Wouldn't mind moving out to Palmer if wifey ever retires.Aw, thanks. It helps to have good material for the eye to see.
This one's also from Hatcher Pass. Did you know that we have fireweed here, too?