Question for people who want both universal healthcare and open borders

Reagan was so great that he gave millions of Mexican illegals amnesty.
(Rolls eyes)

A typical Anglo-SUXon.

Poles like Ryszard Kuklinski, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lech Walesa, and Pope Jan Pawel II probably had more to do with the collapse of the Soviets, than Reagan.

Dear WitoldPOLACKI,

Thus far in your comments on this forum you have attributed every great achievement of the West to Polacks.

I suppose Shakespeare was a Polack too ? (And let's not forget that Isaac Newton was born in Warsaw !)

Can I give you some advice ? (1) The Poles are a race of Third World peasants; it is the Anglo-Saxon race that is the Master race. (2) If you don't stop playing with it, it will fall off.

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Dear WitoldPOLACKI,

Thus far in your comments on this forum you have attributed every great achievement of the West to Polacks.

I suppose Shakespeare was a Polack too ? (And let's not forget that Isaac Newton was born in Warsaw !)

Can I give you some advice ? (1) The Poles are a race of Third World peasants; it is the Anglo-Saxon race that is the Master race. (2) If you don't stop playing with it, it will fall off.


Anglo SUXons are the Master DisgRACE.

What could possess a people to go berserk looting & shooting the World in racial genocide.

Now they do a 180 going berserk letting in immigrants looting & shooting their countries in racial suicide.

Anglo-SUXons are some of the most prehistoric people I've ever encountered.

I can think of a bunch of things you people stole from Poles.

Pole Michal Sedziwoj discovered Oxygen, Anglos took the credit.

Pole Swiatecki invented the slip bomb device, Anglos took the credit.

Pole Jaworski discovered gut bacteria, Anglos took the credit.

Pole Copernicus formulated Gresham's Law, Anglos took the credit.

Polish Kashubian - German Paul Nipkow invented TV, Anglo Baird took the credit.

Poles cracked the Engima code first, Anglos took full credit.

You people have sticky fingers, thievery is in your blood.
Dear WitoldPOLACKI,

Thus far in your comments on this forum you have attributed every great achievement of the West to Polacks.

I suppose Shakespeare was a Polack too ? (And let's not forget that Isaac Newton was born in Warsaw !)

Can I give you some advice ? (1) The Poles are a race of Third World peasants; it is the Anglo-Saxon race that is the Master race. (2) If you don't stop playing with it, it will fall off.


Explain how Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union?

When Pole Ryszard Kuklinski had exposed Soviet secrets to the USA CIA, without this WW3 probably would've happened.

When Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski armed Afghanis & tricked Soviets into invading.

While Soviets were entrenched in Afghanistan, the Polish Solidarity movement by Lech Walesa, backed by Pope Jan Pawel II, allowed for the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

How is it "Just Reagan"?

I'll admit some of it's Anglo, but not so much Reagan.

Reagan just continued the Afghan-Soviet war.....
Dear WitoldPOLACKI,

Thus far in your comments on this forum you have attributed every great achievement of the West to Polacks.

I suppose Shakespeare was a Polack too ? (And let's not forget that Isaac Newton was born in Warsaw !)

Can I give you some advice ? (1) The Poles are a race of Third World peasants; it is the Anglo-Saxon race that is the Master race. (2) If you don't stop playing with it, it will fall off.


Funny the Polish "Third-World" peasants beat the whole of Western Europe in educational PISA scores, and Literacy rates too, including the UK, and well Australia too,

Poland has produced some really good scientists too.

Half Polish half Polish Jew Abraham Michelson was the prototype of Einstein's theory of Relativity.

While full Polish Nikodem Poplawski is called Next Einstein, he came up with the theory that every Black Hole contains another Universe.

Let's not forget Copernicus, and Marie Curie Sklodowska.