Question for people who want both universal healthcare and open borders

I'm really fed up with this country.

One party dominant by British American money to support larger costs of healthcare, by not wanting it to be Universal.

The other party dominated by Jewish American money to support larger costs of healthcare, by wanting to cover Illegals.

It's basically Beavis & Butthead.

They wonder why I don't vote?

Keep in mind that both parties are heavily funded by Jews and rely on Jewish media.
If they can catch the employers, they should jail them too.

If we go after employers of illegal immigrants, without income, most Illegals will self deport.

We don't have to jail all employers, because out of fear, a lot of them will be cautious.

Of course, that's never going to happen in a Capitalist first country, like the USA.
Your problem is I'm sure there are a number of politicians who have hired illegal help in their homes so they aren't going to want to pass laws to have themselves arrested. But politicians aside the government probably isn't going to want to go into well to do homes across the country and check if all the domestic help, for example, is here legally.

I'll be honest, I have no idea if my cleaning lady is here legally. She was referred to me by two other SF families. I didn't ask them and I haven't asked her.

This may not be P.C. but lets be real, if you see a bunch of Hispanic men sitting outside of Home Depot (day laborers) chances are they probably aren't here legally. In theory the government could bust them or bust anyone who pulls up to hire them like they do people who solicit prostitution. But they don't and I understand why. They don't want to go into people's homes and arrest a bunch of rich people who hire maids and domestic help. And they prefer not to put business owners in jail either. Though in theory if you proposed draconian penalties it might dry up the demand for such services.

I'm totally on board with using profiling to arrest the Mexicans hanging around Home Depot. As much as I would like to also arrest the employers, I don't really like the idea of busting into people's houses without a warrant on the assumption they might be hiring illegals. So yeah, it's a difficult situation. Especially when we also take into account the politicians, like Trump and Romney, who hire illegals.
Probably the best thing we can do is profile when we can and deport any illegals that get caught, even if at a hospital.
Yeah, it's not really a fair situation. We should be jailing the people who hire illegals too, but it's harder to catch them than the illegals themselves. But both the illegals and the ones who hire them are criminals and should be prosecuted as best we can.

What would be the point of pursuing those ppl hiring them if nothing is going to be done about it?? Every now & then there will be a show, but nothing changes.. trump was having raids on a few while he had illegals working @ his place.......:thinking:

A blind man could find them on almost any construction site in Calif, w/ the exception of parts of the bay area where you have to be union..

Ask the roofer who is hiring them, he can list them, the carpenters, plumbers, electricians etc etc etc...

I have some Devout relatives that live up in Washington & they moved to San Diego for a few years..... They were strictly against hiring illegals, (talking about their bad neighbors), took about a year before the illegal doing the yards on their block was doing their yard..... :dunno:

I asked them & they couldn't really rationalize it other than it was 50% cheaper or something....... Principles??:rolleyes:
Which is why it might be better to jail illegals instead of deporting them.

To jail someone here it costs over $100 a day, & that is they are healthy... If they continue to return though I dunno what other alternative there is..

IMHO the problem is not them, it's us, Americans that are luring them here.. It wasn't a problem in the past because they wouldn't get hired, other than field work & then return..

You jail the MF hiring them~jail one person, the others got no stinking work & go home.:dunno:

It is acceptable, even in places like Texas, Miss, Louisiana..

After katrina illegals flooded down there for work........... & they got it.....

I watched many documentaries on it, you would be lucky to see one black man working there... Sad..

& here is the reason:
To jail someone here it costs over $100 a day, & that is they are healthy... If they continue to return though I dunno what other alternative there is..

IMHO the problem is not them, it's us, Americans that are luring them here.. It wasn't a problem in the past because they wouldn't get hired, other than field work & then return..

You jail the MF hiring them~jail one person, the others got no stinking work & go home.:dunno:

It is acceptable, even in places like Texas, Miss, Louisiana..

After katrina illegals flooded down there for work........... & they got it.....

I watched many documentaries on it, you would be lucky to see one black man working there... Sad..

& here is the reason:

Having so many people in jail as America has is proof of failure at even the basics.....

Do we agree?
I don't think it is a mess, there is some great things, & some not so great things, just like every state..

Why would you think I believe it is a mess??

Well, Bill, I am Australian and I grew up very close to a longish strip of our East Coast that is very similar in terms of its "sun, surf, sea ,sand" culture, to Southern California. When we were kids we would go surf-board riding at the Gold Coast every weekend. The coastal town of Noosa is nearby and today its beaches and neighbouring National Heritage Parks, swanky bars and restaurants attract lots of celebrities from around the world, in particular, Hollywood stars. Returning to what I was saying; as young men, we loved the "Beach Boys" (the 1960's pop band) their music struck a chord with us and I figured that Southern California's youth culture must have been very similar to our own. Also, as an adult, I became a Conservative (after reading the essays of Edmund Burke, the 18th century father of the modern, British Tory Party) and was an admirer of Ronald Reagan who I think was one of America's greatest Presidents and Cold War warriors. Before he was President he was,- as I'm sure you know -, elected Governor of California in 1967 (if memory serves) and ran the state well until 1975. So, for these - and a number of other reasons - I have a special interest in California , especially its politics. I regularly try to find all of the best quality, non-fake news about the state that I can access on the internet, and I have to tell you that what I have read over the past few years has not been good at all, Bill.

But firstly, you are right that there are some great things about California. It has America's most amenable climate and some outstandingly beautiful and diverse physical geography. Also it has major, natural ports facing the vibrant Asian economies, and is naturally rich in timber, agriculture, mining and energy. As well as this, it was fortunate to inherit an effective local and state government from the 20th century.

Unfortunately, in the 21st century, California's fate has been placed in the hands of hyper-progressive Democrat Governors, most notably: Gerry "Moonbeam" Brown:chicken: and his successor, current Governor, Gavin Newsome:palm: (who I am 100% sure has two Left testicles).

Here is some of the fall-out, Bill...

* Almost one quarter of the population of California (the largest state in the US) live below the poverty line.
Another fifth is categorized as near the poverty level.

* One third of America's welfare recipients now live in California.

* California has the highest homeless population in the nation (135,000).

* About 22% of America's total homeless population reside in California - whose economy is the largest in
the US, funding the greatest number of billionaires and high-income ZIP codes.

* California's middle - class is shrinking rapidly because of massive regulation, high taxation (income, sales,
gasoline), green zoning and associated high housing prices.

* Millions have left California and this out-migration from the state is predominantly a middle - class and
upper - class phenomenon. The have been largely replaced by indigent and often illegal immigrant from
south of the border.

* Incredible as it may sound, LA police stations and, indeed, LA City Ha,l have been endangered by periodic
flea - bourne infectious typhus outbreaks. A problem generally associated with cities in medieval times. Yet
typhus and outbreaks of infections with Hepatitis A are in the news on the streets of California today.

* The sidewalks of the state's major cities are peppered with copious piles of human poop, puddles of urine, used heroin syringes and rotting refuge. Democrat Governor, Gary Newsome, is OK with people shitting in public wherever they like, and there is now now law against it. This is because in Newsome's leftist Democrat logic, public pooping "BUTTS" UP:) against progressive toleration, so it is exempted from the law. Therefore, Bill, if you're ever in your local Walmart store in California and you feel the sudden urge to "strangle a darkie" don't be shy about dropping your trousers in one of the shopping aisles and "squeezing one out"; one of the "Fresh Produce" aisles would probably be most appropriate. Actually, this gives me an idea for how Republicans could oust Nancy Pelosi. Trump could send a Tweet to all Republicans voters directing them to converge on Nancy's residence in San Francisco and poop in her garden to protest her involvement in the impeachment farce. With hundreds (maybe 1000s ?!) of Republicans pooping all over her garden every day, she'd quickly break under the pressure, raise the "White Flag":igive:, and resign from politics ! Anyway, with regard to all this poop (over 28,000 were officially located and removed in SF in 2019, thanks to a clever, new App for iPhones called "Snap-Crap") and rotting garbage that is being dumped in public places, state hygiene experts in California have warned that having people shit everywhere, and discard their filthy rubbish on public sidewalks, squares and parks, etc; is setting the stage - through spiking populations of fleas, lice and rats - for possible dark age outbreaks of the plague or worse.:toilet: (NB: President Trump is constantly attacked for being crude, vulgar and uncivilized but I bet he doesn't poop in his own Oval Office or on the carpet in Trump Tower like these deviant Californian Democrats would !!)

*While you can legally shit wherever you like in California, and to your heart's content, don't try to build a
without a permit because it will cost you a fortune in fines. This is because in California a patio without a
permit is deemed more dangerous to the public health than laying down fresh poop outside a McDonald's

* I wonder what Ronald Reagan would have to say about all of this were he alive to see it? It doesn't bear
thinking about. It would NEVER have happened on his watch, that's for sure !

* Moving on. One out of every three Californians who enters a hospital for ANY cause is found to be suffering
from diabetes or pre - diabetes, an epidemic that particularly targets the state's Hispanics but as yet has
led to any effective health efforts or sufficient publicity.

* State - run dialysis clinics now dot the towns and communities of the Central Valley - a tragic symptom of
dietary culture, massive illegal immigration and poor public health education.

* Californian infrastructure is pretty much fucked. For example, the transportation system, none of the major
trans - state freeways after 70 years of use are completed with six lanes. The result is dangerous bottlenecks and traffic wrecks. The concrete carcass of the planned multi-billion dollar high-speed rail system hangs over Fresno. The project was recently cancelled as bureaucrats insisted more billions of dollars had to be spent to finish it.

* LAX's poor road access, traffic, uncleanliness, crowds and chaos have made it a nightmare,

* Public rest rooms at rest stops in cities like LA and San Francisco are extremely unsanitary.

* State residents are advised to brace themselves for lots of power outages from California's antiquated grid, in the same way the residents of Third World nations like the Republic of South Africa are.

* Crime is on the rise. It is epidemic in local jails. San Francisco has the highest rate of property crime per
capita of any major US city. The California prison system is a mess and sanctuary cities ensure that illegal
aliens charged with crimes will not be deported.

* Californian schools are typically in the bottom decile of national rankings.

* California's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is the worst public service in the entirety of the United
States. DMV scandals are notorious and multifarious. For instance, 1000s of "motor - voter" registrations are
sent to the wrong people, including illegal immigrants (supposedly ineligible to vote !), corrupt employees
sell commercial truck licenses to unqualified drivers and private corporations sell hard - to - obtain
reservations and appointments.

* And the list of California's current Third World features goes on and so.

* Do you know how this all happened, Bill ?

If so, you tell me your view, and then I'll tell you mine.

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