Question for PMP

The original texts were written by various authors after c. AD 45, in [ame=""]Koine Greek[/ame], the [ame=""]lingua franca[/ame] of the eastern part of the Roman Empire.
LOL. Really, you compare the World Health organization to a Yiddish word in Wiki talking about references in the Old Testament?

First, Christ's portion of the Bible was written in Greek and Aramaic, and they spoke of leprosy and didn't use this word. At that time Leprosy, according to the WHO was a recognized disease and had been for over 600 years.

Read my link again, and let's not look at how embarrassing it must be for you to reference Leviticus in this conversation.

God you're an idiot.
God you're an idiot.
You may think God is an idiot, but when presented by facts, such as the fact that the portions of the Bible we are talking about were not written in Hebrew, you tend to make a fool of yourself.

Now, again, when presented with the scripture that states that leprosy was cured by Christ, you presented a link to a totally different verse and relating to a time before Christ existed and even written in a different language that points to the language of the text's original writing. While I presented you with a factual account of the history of the disease from a scientific entity known worldwide which made it clear that leprosy was known and recorded as we know it now at the time of Christ.... When those verses were written in Greek, sometimes Roman, and Aramaic, and most definitely not in the language your link was talking about.
You may think God is an idiot, but when presented by facts, such as the fact that the portions of the Bible we are talking about were not written in Hebrew, you tend to make a fool of yourself.

Now, again, when presented with the scripture that states that leprosy was cured by Christ, you presented a link to a totally different verse and relating to a time before Christ existed and even written in a different language that points to the language of the text's original writing. While I presented you with a factual account of the history of the disease from a scientific entity known worldwide which made it clear that leprosy was known and recorded as we know it now at the time of Christ.... When those verses were written in Greek, sometimes Roman, and Aramaic, and most definitely not in the language your link was talking about.

Dude, you are SOOOO WRONG here!
Atheism and theism are NOT two sides of the same coin, just as people who believe in my magic dragon and people who don't AREN'T two sides of the same coin.

not true....neither of us would have evidence regarding your dragon....I would choose not to believe in it, but I would not pretend I could prove it did not exist....
An agnostic takes the possibility of God seriously, which is silly, and an atheist does not take it seriously. That's the difference. If you give me evidence of a God I'll examine it in an instant and adjust my beliefs accordingly. If I gave you evidence of there not being a Christian god, like proof the bible was written by a monkey, nothing would change in your view. That monkey would be DIVINELY INSPIRED!

THAT'S why you are on the lesser position, us on the higher.

that isn't true....if you provided me with proof that God did not exist, I would have to change my beliefs.....which is basically what you are saying you would do if I gave you evidence of his existence.....
pmp that was in response to a now deleted post of watermarks where he claimed the NT was written in hebrew
Dude, you are SOOOO WRONG here!
No, I'm not. But you can argue it out with the World Health Organization if you are certain, those "idiots" there clearly are too stupid to bow to your superior Wiki link talking about thousands of years before and a different language.
No, I'm not. But you can argue it out with the World Health Organization if you are certain, those "idiots" there clearly are too stupid to bow to your superior Wiki link talking about thousands of years before and a different language.

Man you're such an idiot, completely ignoring ALL the evidence here...
not true....neither of us would have evidence regarding your dragon....I would choose not to believe in it, but I would not pretend I could prove it did not exist....

Why should you believe in anything that isn't falsifiable? Why should you favor one non-falsifiable thing over the other?

My magic dragon, the matrix, god... all non-falsifiable, all useless intellectually.
Why should you believe in anything that isn't falsifiable? Why should you favor one non-falsifiable thing over the other?

My magic dragon, the matrix, god... all non-falsifiable, all useless intellectually.

/shrugs...because he's YOUR magic dragon....since your such an asshole, why would I like your dragon any better.....