Question for PMP

Believes that God does not exist?

Well no more than I believe that the great snobblegarp of Beta Singula Prime does not exist.

Or not believe whatever that crap that the Hubbard worshippers believe.

Or in the sun god, or that the earth is hollow and elves walk upside down inside it.

You are using the limited self centered Christian definition of Atheist.
Some fools even try and make a religion of not believeing in a supreme being.

Not only do I not believe in God but any Supreme being. Any afterlife, etc.

I do not even believe in the Debbil.
Even though you are sure that he is guiding my actions :D

that poor mythical guy gets blamed with everything people do bad.
Most Christians sure seem to be poor observers of personal responsibility.
Oh major pwnge here! LOL
oh lets not be unnecessarily mean over a difference of opinions :/

she/he is new it's going to be hard to interpret a dig or a tongue in cheek comment
It's ok Grind. PiMP's a newbie here but not of this type of discourse and he can certainly dish it out so he had better be able to take it.
You're are not only arrogant, bigoted, irrational and hypocritical your guilty of psychological projection as well and, I suspect, completely unaware of the fact. The only one here seeking absolutes is you. Talk about irrational.
well I admit I consider myself superior to those who refuse to acknowledge what they really believe....I expect that makes me arrogant.....bigoted?....I've acknowledged there may be intelligent atheists out there (present company excluded, of course) far as irrational, I think you would be hard pressed to find a post of mine which contains something that does not follow rationally from my accepted core beliefs.....
I am a full blown atheist, I do not believe in god, because there is zero evidence to believe in such a thing. I am not going to worry about the fact that I cannot disprove of a god, because it is not on me to prove a negative. THAT is a logical fallacy, and irrational. There are an infinite amount of imaginary things that one could come up with, it's silly to say anybody is irrational if they do not account for their possible and infinately minute existence. Giant invisible vaginas that walk around on six legs and produce the color indigo? Check. Magical elf children on alpha centuri who control our suns solar flares with their minds? Check, you are irrational if you don't account for them either.

Being an atheist isn't a belief in something. It's the lack of a beleif. We are not two sides of the same coin, do not bring me down to your level.

Waiting for evidence to believe in something isn't irrational. It's smart and calculating. In terms of practical everyday existence, it's foolish to mention the absurdly minute and miniscule numbers that I am not allowed to discount, so small that we are essentially approaching 100% certainty. That's to be left for the gotcha games that are irrelevant and time wasting, in an effort to bring everybody else into your miserable game of uncertainty, confusion, and yearning for a higher purpose. Have fun with that one.
Again, another major pwnge! LOL
so, even though you know that it cannot be proved that God does not exist you claim it is a rational conclusion......thus, you are irrational......
Wow, you managed to make both a strawman and circular argument at the same time. Congratulations. In formal debate this would be the equivalent of ceding the point to Grind.
Wow, you managed to make both a strawman and circular argument at the same time. Congratulations. In formal debate this would be the equivalent of ceding the point to Grind.

if you don't understand the logic, you prove my point....if you understand it, but deny it, you are simply dishonest....
really?....I've managed to balance the lot of you so far.....
Not hardly. You've been in two major debates so far. You were utterly crushed by me in the macroevolution debate to the point where you could only talk in circles and make nonsense comments. Now you've just been eviscerated by Grind. Some balance there PiMP! For some reason you seem to think throwing out circular arguments makes you a great debater. I assure you it's the opposite, it makes you an easy mark. When painted into a corner I've yet to see you actually answer a question. You just resort to your arrogant insults and circular arguments. It's the main reason I'm so harsh to you. You talk a good game but you only bring a half bag of marbles with you.

Having said that, your circular arguments do make you unique from the other right wing extremist who post here. They seem to love strawman arguments as their favorite rhetorical device.
Not hardly. You've been in two major debates so far. You were utterly crushed by me in the macroevolution debate to the point where you could only talk in circles and make nonsense comments. couldn't even figure out what the topic was....

Now you've just been eviscerated by Grind.
???....dream on....

It's the main reason I'm so harsh to you.
dude, your arguments haven't even ruffled my feathers yet...

let's face it, Hoopa, you haven't even got the balls to answer a simple spend all your time avoiding a debate, not engaging in it.....
LOL. Really, you compare the World Health organization to a Yiddish word in Wiki talking about references in the Old Testament?

First, Christ's portion of the Bible was written in Greek and Aramaic, and they spoke of leprosy and didn't use this word. At that time Leprosy, according to the WHO was a recognized disease and had been for over 600 years.

Read my link again, and let's not look at how embarrassing it must be for you to reference Leviticus in this conversation.
Wouldn't curng the disease mean reversing the nerve damage?
No, it wouldn't.

Damage caused before the disease was cured would still be there. Hence the need to catch the disease early so that it can be cured without disability.

Another example of a disease that can cause problems for people, even if your body overcomes the disease. People who had polio do not still have it yet are still disabled from it. A woman with a mastectomy may be cured of cancer yet would not grow back that which was lost...
being an atheist IS a belief in something....the non-existence of a deity....


This is a stupid, immature, and trivial argument.

An atheist does not believe in god.

, an atheist believes in the non existence of god.

OR an atheist does not believe in the belief of the existence of god.

an atheist believes in the belief of not believing in the existence of god.

and we can go on and on

All are correct, all but one are a waste of breath.
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you see, this is why I don't think atheists are very don't seem to grasp the difference between an atheist and an agnostic.....being an atheist IS a belief in something....the non-existence of a is true that waiting for evidence is not irrational, but if you were waiting for evidence you would be an agnostic.....I'm not bringing you down to my level, you've always been at my just aren't bright enough to realize it.....

An agnostic takes the possibility of God seriously, which is silly, and an atheist does not take it seriously. That's the difference. If you give me evidence of a God I'll examine it in an instant and adjust my beliefs accordingly. If I gave you evidence of there not being a Christian god, like proof the bible was written by a monkey, nothing would change in your view. That monkey would be DIVINELY INSPIRED!

THAT'S why you are on the lesser position, us on the higher.