Question for PMP

Actually it's a sign of arrogance and lack of intelligence on PiMP's part. You know how it goes Winter, some people get a GED and a mail order divinity degree off a box of Post Toasties and it goes straight to their head.

sorry, Ringer, but the macro evolution thread is still waiting for you to finish your research.......
I have argued against atheists that being a person of faith does not mean a lack of intellect. So my arguing that atheists are not necessarily of lower intellect makes sense.
every atheist is, by definition, irrational......we've already covered that once this week....
every atheist is, by definition, irrational......we've already covered that once this week....
So it is rational to have faith in something that cannot be proven to be true?

To me it is rational not to believe in something that cannot be proven, until it can be proven.
So it is rational to have faith in something that cannot be proven to be true?

To me it is rational not to believe in something that cannot be proven, until it can be proven.

I acknowledge the fact that I have made a faith choice.....not believing in something until it can be proven is agnosticism......the atheist believes that God does NOT exist, but pretends that what he cannot prove is still rational instead of a faith choice.....thus, by definition, an atheist is irrational......
Actually I don't believe Leprosy is curable. Nerve damage is irreprable. Modern chemotheraputics can halt the progress of leprosy but not cure it.
The disease is curable, the nerve damage is not.

From the World Health Organization


* Leprosy is a chronic disease caused by a bacillus, Mycobacterium leprae;
* M. leprae multiplies very slowly and the incubation period of the disease is about five years. Symptoms can take as long as 20 years to appear;
* Leprosy is not highly infectious. It is transmitted via droplets, from the nose and mouth, during close and frequent contacts with untreated cases.


* Leprosy mainly affects the skin and nerves;
* If untreated, there can be progressive and permanent damage to the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes.

Random moment of trivia:

Did you know the only known source of leprosy in the US is eating armadillo meat?
I think there are intelligent atheists on these forums.

Mott, are you an atheist or at least an agnostic? Mott seems reasonable intelligent.

there was a lotta hoopla 'bout the Hoople.....better not interrupt him though....he's busy doing research on the causation of homologies.......he doesn't want to get pwned twice in the same thread.....
I acknowledge the fact that I have made a faith choice.....not believing in something until it can be proven is agnosticism......the atheist believes that God does NOT exist, but pretends that what he cannot prove is still rational instead of a faith choice.....thus, by definition, an atheist is irrational......

I really think the beliefs of atheists and agnostics is more nuanced than that. An agnostic believes that he cannot know if god exists, but he takes it as a serious possibility. An atheist usually believes that he cannot know if god exists, but does not take it as a serious possibility. The absolutist atheist is really nothing but a strawman.
There is significant doubt as to whether the current disease we call "leprosy" is really the same thing as whatever was mentioned in the book.
You are wrong.

See this link:

It even mentions that it is a disease that has been known for a very long time and that the first written mention of it is from before Christ's time. This disease has been known for a long time, is currently treatable and curable, and if caught early enough you can even avoid disability that comes with the nerve damage.
I acknowledge the fact that I have made a faith choice.....not believing in something until it can be proven is agnosticism......the atheist believes that God does NOT exist, but pretends that what he cannot prove is still rational instead of a faith choice.....thus, by definition, an atheist is irrational......

Believes that God does not exist?

Well no more than I believe that the great snobblegarp of Beta Singula Prime does not exist.

Or not believe whatever that crap that the Hubbard worshippers believe.

Or in the sun god, or that the earth is hollow and elves walk upside down inside it.

You are using the limited self centered Christian definition of Atheist.
Some fools even try and make a religion of not believeing in a supreme being.

Not only do I not believe in God but any Supreme being. Any afterlife, etc.

I do not even believe in the Debbil.
Even though you are sure that he is guiding my actions :D

that poor mythical guy gets blamed with everything people do bad.
Most Christians sure seem to be poor observers of personal responsibility.
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