Question for PMP

oh what the what's the self centered atheist definition of atheist....

someone that does not believe that YOUR God exists.

I do not believe that ANY god exists, nor ANY afterlife nor reincarnation, etc.

I do believe that what we have in this life is all we have and promise of reward later just belittles and cheapens what we have.

Life would be more precious to all if we all knew there was no afterlife. You are just GONE!

No more of this killing over religion differences. No more "just nuke em all and let god sort em out" No more I will see you in heaven, no more you will burn in hell for that.
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someone that does not believe that YOUR God exists.

I do not believe that ANY god exists, nor ANY afterlife nor reincarnation, etc.

so, I assume we both acknowledge that what we believe cannot be your belief a faith choice or a rational conclusion......
Actually it's a sign of arrogance and lack of intelligence on PiMP's part. You know how it goes Winter, some people get a GED and a mail order divinity degree off a box of Post Toasties and it goes straight to their head.

oh lets not be unnecessarily mean over a difference of opinions :/

she/he is new it's going to be hard to interpret a dig or a tongue in cheek comment
so, I assume we both acknowledge that what we believe cannot be your belief a faith choice or a rational conclusion......

Atheism is a more natural conclusion than theism. Theism is nothing but fanciful jumping to conclusions, and adds absolutely nothing to our body of knowledge while complicating it immensely. No reasonable philosophy of knowledge would consider religion reasonable. Why should the absurd logical leaps allowed for religion not apply to other things of the same nature? How can you disprove my magic dragon? Theism is absolutely useless.
so what your saying is that nobody is willing to say they are REALLY atheists.....

I am a full blown atheist, I do not believe in god, because there is zero evidence to believe in such a thing. I am not going to worry about the fact that I cannot disprove of a god, because it is not on me to prove a negative. THAT is a logical fallacy, and irrational. There are an infinite amount of imaginary things that one could come up with, it's silly to say anybody is irrational if they do not account for their possible and infinately minute existence. Giant invisible vaginas that walk around on six legs and produce the color indigo? Check. Magical elf children on alpha centuri who control our suns solar flares with their minds? Check, you are irrational if you don't account for them either.

Being an atheist isn't a belief in something. It's the lack of a beleif. We are not two sides of the same coin, do not bring me down to your level.

Waiting for evidence to believe in something isn't irrational. It's smart and calculating. In terms of practical everyday existence, it's foolish to mention the absurdly minute and miniscule numbers that I am not allowed to discount, so small that we are essentially approaching 100% certainty. That's to be left for the gotcha games that are irrelevant and time wasting, in an effort to bring everybody else into your miserable game of uncertainty, confusion, and yearning for a higher purpose. Have fun with that one.
I am a full blown atheist, I do not believe in god, because there is zero evidence to believe in such a thing. I am not going to worry about the fact that I cannot disprove of a god, because it is not on me to prove a negative. THAT is a logical fallacy, and irrational. There are an infinite amount of imaginary things that one could come up with, it's silly to say anybody is irrational if they do not account for their possible and infinately minute existence. Giant invisible vaginas that walk around on six legs and produce the color indigo? Check. Magical elf children on alpha centuri who control our suns solar flares with their minds? Check, you are irrational if you don't account for them either.

Being an atheist isn't a belief in something. It's the lack of a beleif. We are not two sides of the same coin, do not bring me down to your level.

Waiting for evidence to believe in something isn't irrational. It's smart and calculating. In terms of practical everyday existence, it's foolish to mention the absurdly minute and miniscule numbers that I am not allowed to discount, so small that we are essentially approaching 100% certainty. That's to be left for the gotcha games that are irrelevant and time wasting, in an effort to bring everybody else into your miserable game of uncertainty, confusion, and yearning for a higher purpose. Have fun with that one.

you see, this is why I don't think atheists are very don't seem to grasp the difference between an atheist and an agnostic.....being an atheist IS a belief in something....the non-existence of a is true that waiting for evidence is not irrational, but if you were waiting for evidence you would be an agnostic.....I'm not bringing you down to my level, you've always been at my just aren't bright enough to realize it.....
sorry, Ringer, but the macro evolution thread is still waiting for you to finish your research.......
Oh I answered your comments. It was a waste of time to be sure. Your comments were, well the word nonsense comes to mind. I'm really dissapointed in that debate. I expected more of a challenge from you on that topic then from Dixie. Turns out your just plain ignorant on the topic. Though no one needs my opinion to be able to draw that conclusion.
I acknowledge the fact that I have made a faith choice.....not believing in something until it can be proven is agnosticism......the atheist believes that God does NOT exist, but pretends that what he cannot prove is still rational instead of a faith choice.....thus, by definition, an atheist is irrational......
You're are not only arrogant, bigoted, irrational and hypocritical your guilty of psychological projection as well and, I suspect, completely unaware of the fact. The only one here seeking absolutes is you. Talk about irrational.
I think there are intelligent atheists on these forums.

Mott, are you an atheist or at least an agnostic? Mott seems reasonable intelligent.
No, us Hoople's are Methodist with a thin skin for political and religious extremist like PiMP. To be honest and using his circular illogic. I've known atheist who are more Christian than PiMP.
there was a lotta hoopla 'bout the Hoople.....better not interrupt him though....he's busy doing research on the causation of homologies.......he doesn't want to get pwned twice in the same thread.....
How can one get pwned by someone on a subject that person doesnt' even remotely understand. I think our readers, if they want to have a good laugh, can go read your comments. They don't need me to draw the conclusion that you don't know what your talking about.