Question for PMP

Thanks, but we don't take the bible as proof of anything.

I always liked the adage "Using the bible to prove the existence of God is like using the Lord of the Rings trilogy to prove the existence of hobbits."
Thanks, but we don't take the bible as proof of anything.

then don't you feel a bit silly starting a thread about God?.....I figure, if you're going to accept his existence for the purpose of debate, it's mighty odd you won't accept what he said about himself as part of it.....
I'm sorry, I assumed they were WAS a rhetorical question, wasn't it?....

It was if you are only trying to be funny when you talk about atheists being less intelligent.

Otherwise, I would be interested to see the answer to those questions.
I always liked the adage "Using the bible to prove the existence of God is like using the Lord of the Rings trilogy to prove the existence of hobbits."

Intelligence can be tested and proven. The fact that they disagree with you or do not believe as you do is not a sign of a lack of intelligence.
Actually it's a sign of arrogance and lack of intelligence on PiMP's part. You know how it goes Winter, some people get a GED and a mail order divinity degree off a box of Post Toasties and it goes straight to their head.
Actually it's a sign of arrogance and lack of intelligence on PiMP's part. You know how it goes Winter, some people get a GED and a mail order divinity degree off a box of Post Toasties and it goes straight to their head.

I have argued against atheists that being a person of faith does not mean a lack of intellect. So my arguing that atheists are not necessarily of lower intellect makes sense.
1. They are myths.

2. How do we cure a case like Lazarus? If such a condition existed in the past, it doesn't exist anymore.

3. We don't really have any idea what the ancient leprosy disease was and how curable it was.
We know exactly what leprosy is and know that it is now curable, but was not until recently.
I have argued against atheists that being a person of faith does not mean a lack of intellect. So my arguing that atheists are not necessarily of lower intellect makes sense.
I think that's as obvious as the nose on ones face that having religious beliefs or lack there of have no bearing on ones intelligence.