Scut Farkus
but things return to normal after a short period of time.
Do you have any documentation of this fact?
but things return to normal after a short period of time.
My goodness! Take a chill pill.
I was only trying to show the futility of it all. Survivalists in a remote location may have a chance to deal with the odd straggler and even end up with a pot of homo sapien goulash but in an urban/suburban area, not a chance. If there is a situation like you describe, a duration of weeks or months, people are going to come a-callin'. I suggest a concrete panic room otherwise you'll either have house guests or no house.
Mormons will put up a pretty mean fight. John Moses Browning was a devout Mormon.In case of long term disasters, I plan to just rob all the Latter Day Saints!
Do you have any documentation of this fact?
So, you suggest when I buy my retirement home I look for one built in the 50's with a bomb shelter?
Honestly, I hope the bomb lands on my house. I can't reproduce, so I wouldn't help the future of humankind and I am not cut out to be a survivalist, my idea of roughing it these days is room service!
My goodness! Take a chill pill.
I was only trying to show the futility of it all. Survivalists in a remote location may have a chance to deal with the odd straggler and even end up with a pot of homo sapien goulash but in an urban/suburban area, not a chance. If there is a situation like you describe, a duration of weeks or months, people are going to come a-callin'. I suggest a concrete panic room otherwise you'll either have house guests or no house.
something i'd love for a liberal/socialist/statist community oriented person to tell me is why do you constantly consider anyone who has alot of firearms, stockpiles food/water/ammo, and takes combat training courses, nothing but a pushover at the slightest bit of confrontation? Do you think that in my suburban area, the people around me are just going to mob my home to steal my shit? and not get shot?
Well, you may get a few of them, but when the horde is large enough, you and your guns won't last forever!
something i'd love for a liberal/socialist/statist community oriented person to tell me is why do you constantly consider anyone who has alot of firearms, stockpiles food/water/ammo, and takes combat training courses, nothing but a pushover at the slightest bit of confrontation? Do you think that in my suburban area, the people around me are just going to mob my home to steal my shit? and not get shot?
Do you think liberal/socialist/statist community oriented persons with hungry children are not going to try to get food if they believe you have some? Do you think the liberal/socialist/statist community oriented neighbors are not going to help them?
Taking into account mob mentality you best take into account that once you fire that first shot you're a marked man.
Posted by Good luck,
The only survivalists I question are the ones looking for things like food stores with 10 year shelf lives, heirloom seeds for ongoing, multiple years of gardening without restocking seeds from the market,
electrical generators designed to last for decades,
So you are saying I should get rid of the 25 KW diesel generator I scored from the Civil Defence and stop aquiring heirloom seeds?
guess i better get more ammo then. It's pretty telling though, the mindset the 'trust the gov' people have. If they can't get gov help, they'll just kill their survivalist neighbors.
Ummm no. Your entire argument is flawed in a serious way. Here is how it would likely go down.Only if the survivalist neighbors shoot first. The folks who require help will just be knocking on doors.
What is telling is it appears the survivalists would see children die rather than share if your posts are an accurate representation.
Not at all. Do what you think is best for you. I just question the actual need of planning for more than 2-3 years of forced self-sufficiency. Ultra-long shelf-life foods cost 4-5 times as much as the same nutrition and calories as everyday canned and dried foods, which have shelf lives of 3-5 years, which is more than enough IMO.Posted by Good luck,
The only survivalists I question are the ones looking for things like food stores with 10 year shelf lives, heirloom seeds for ongoing, multiple years of gardening without restocking seeds from the market,
electrical generators designed to last for decades,
So you are saying I should get rid of the 25 KW diesel generator I scored from the Civil Defence and stop aquiring heirloom seeds?
First, MOST urban survivalists don't advertise their preparations for disaster, and have no plans to advertise them should disaster occur. The you-tube guy looks more like a braggart than a genuine survivalist to me. He's comes off as a wacko - not for being a survivalist, but for bragging about it and showing off his guns like he expects to be some kind of urban warrior or something. Most survivalists are not even remotely like that guy.My goodness! Take a chill pill.
I was only trying to show the futility of it all. Survivalists in a remote location may have a chance to deal with the odd straggler and even end up with a pot of homo sapien goulash but in an urban/suburban area, not a chance. If there is a situation like you describe, a duration of weeks or months, people are going to come a-callin'. I suggest a concrete panic room otherwise you'll either have house guests or no house.