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Guno צְבִי;5877337 said:
Poor you, liberals screwed up your life :palm::rolleyes:

Sez the person who claims to be a black jew and has yet to figure out his heroes in BLM, the leftie media, members of Congress, and hundreds of thousands of marchers in major cities are all against his best interests.
Being a dupe is no way to go through life.

I'm not sure you're as stupid as you sound, but you are a lib'rul so its certainly possible......there are people who voted Demmycrat who aren't "lib'ruls" such as yourself........my respect won't depend on her voting record......it will hinge on what she might be stupid enough to say in public for all to see.......as it has always been......

Your Messiah routinely calls the entire Democratic party communist, so if your daughter votes Democratic she is voting communist.

It's extraordinary that your affection for your own granddaughter is so shallow and tenuous that you have committed to calling her cunt and being vile towards her if she dares to vote for a liberal.
That's why he got kicked out of Mason's Goodreads forum -- twice. Amazon and its Goodreads forum aren't like JPP where almost anything goes.

Anyone who uses the word cunt with such frequency and joy probably can't control themselves from using it regularly in real life.
Family attacks seem to be the go to thing now... I guess personal attacks weren't working...
Family attacks seem to be the go to thing now... I guess personal attacks weren't working...

Hunter Biden can certainly verify the truth of THAT, eh? lol

PS -- Mentioning that PIMP does/does not call his wife a cunt is not attacking his wife, you moronic twatmuffin. :rofl2:
Hunter Biden can certainly verify the truth of THAT, eh? lol

PS -- Mentioning that PIMP does/does not call his wife a cunt is not attacking his wife, you moronic twatmuffin. :rofl2:

I think it is unfortunate, and very unchristian that PMP has such little regard and and affection for his granddaughter that he is telling strangers he is going to call her cunt if she doesn't vote for his preferred candidates.
I think it is unfortunate, and very unchristian that PMP has such little regard and and affection for his granddaughter that he is telling strangers he is going to call her cunt if she doesn't vote for his preferred candidates.

If he is to be believed about his family and it's not just another lie.
More confessions and guilty consciences...;) More personal and family attacks...what a busy busy morning...;):thisisgettinggood: Very good.... ;)
I think it is unfortunate, and very unchristian that PMP has such little regard and and affection for his granddaughter that he is telling strangers he is going to call her cunt if she doesn't vote for his preferred candidates.

So very typical though of Trumpanzees, isn't it? You probably don't pay a lot of attention to Toxic's boyfriend Hawkeye's posts, as most wise people don't either. But he has often referred to his own daughter as "WOKE" and whined openly about their estrangement. Apparently she skips important family holiday get-togethers because of him. How pathetic is that, to choose a sociopathic criminal over one's own family?
If he is to be believed about his family and it's not just another lie.

I was about to say something nice to him one day when he told about his kids who were adopted from another country. Then I realized that he uses the fact of their adoption as a weapon and a virtue-signaling card. He did it again in this thread. Why not just say "my children" instead of qualifying them as "adopted"?