R.I.P. Farrah Fawcett

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What's funny is I'm actually with Southern Man on the pierced ears. I think it looks trashy.

I can dig pierced ears, but nostrils, brows, lips, and tongues are all retarded sites for piercing, and the only other place that looks cute are belly-button rings, but its still lame, because belly-button's are soooo much more beautiful than a stud!

And I agree with everyone that the poster of Farrah is totally hot, and that she had some fantastic nipples!!!
Damn dude you are conservative. Tat's are like anything else. They can be abused. The right one, in the right place, by the right artist is one way to send a message about your self.

The only thing I can say for tats is that I have gotten to peek at the asses of a number of girls who had something to show off that I wouldn't have gotten to peak at if there hadn't been tats on or near them...
Tat tech hasn't changed much in a hundred years and may actually have been better during his time.

Actually tattoo technology has come a long way just within the last five years. New developments include ink that is easier, cheaper, and less painless to remove, as well as ink that is blacklight sensitive. I've been considering getting blacklight sensitive tattoos on my forearms so that it would not be unprofessional in the workplace. The only problem left with the blacklight ink is that it must be touched up every 6-12 months, which is kind of a pain in the ass. I will probably wait another 5 years and if the technology has progressed far enough to avoid touchups and I still want to get it done I will do it then.
Actually tattoo technology has come a long way just within the last five years. New developments include ink that is easier, cheaper, and less painless to remove, as well as ink that is blacklight sensitive. I've been considering getting blacklight sensitive tattoos on my forearms so that it would not be unprofessional in the workplace. The only problem left with the blacklight ink is that it must be touched up every 6-12 months, which is kind of a pain in the ass. I will probably wait another 5 years and if the technology has progressed far enough to avoid touchups and I still want to get it done I will do it then.

So you're gonna get cum inked on your forearms?
Sorry man ya wouldn't think I am to sexy then, lol

to each his own man, that's what makes the world go around

My best pick up line, that worked; but then, I only use it once.

"How about you and me get together and see if we can rub off some of those tattoos of yours"

Sorry man ya wouldn't think I am to sexy then, lol

to each his own man, that's what makes the world go around
Sorry dude aside from the fact that I wouldn't consider any man sexy, if your tats look anything like your brother's "prison tats" then I think its a damn shame, in spite of my respect for both of you.
acid is the acid of our generation!!! Priceless

while I agree, these clones don't do a tenth of the drugs the boomers did.
Suppose that's a good thing
Sorry dude aside from the fact that I wouldn't consider any man sexy, if your tats look anything like your brother's "prison tats" then I think its a damn shame, in spite of my respect for both of you.

LMAO, not sure witch brother you are talking about, but no mine were all done in a professional shop, no prison tats here, LMAO
acid is the acid of our generation!!! Priceless

while I agree, these clones don't do a tenth of the drugs the boomers did.
Suppose that's a good thing

Well you're probably right that the average youth of today doesn't do as many drugs as the average youth of the 60s, but for those of us who do participate we have many more options to choose from than the Boomer generation did.

Ecstasy, Molly, Xanax, OCs, Kolonopin, 2cI, 2cE, Salvia, DMT, Ketamine, and hell even crack cocaine were not even a thought yet in the 1960s.
That's why it's dangerous to push a relatively harmless drug like pot underground. The dealer who sells you your pot probably also carries a lot of those other drugs from time to time. The current system contributes to the gateway effect because kids start to get the idea that well pot's illegal and harmless so crack probably is too. If DARE lies and exaggerates about pot, why should we believe their claims about heroin? Drug-education programs like DARE discredit themselves by exaggerating the dangers of marijuana, and so they get a "Boy Who Cried Wolf" response when they warn about the very real dangers of cocaine and heroin.
For those of you in your 20s it may be hard to imagine a poster on the wall being so hot, or a tv series heroine becoming the hottest female around, but Farrah Fawcett was that.

She died at age 62 from cancer.


Every woman alive wanted her hair!
OH, timmie; your responses are getting really weak.

How long did you rear your son, before your wife left you?

Do you really think that I give a shit about your pathetic homophobic jokes?
Why are all these redneck toerags so pathetically insecure and unoriginal? I appreciate right wing humour from the likes of say P J O'Rourke, but this clown is just mindnumbingly tedious and predictable.