R.I.P. Farrah Fawcett

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That's why it's dangerous to push a relatively harmless drug like pot underground. The dealer who sells you your pot probably also carries a lot of those other drugs from time to time. The current system contributes to the gateway effect because kids start to get the idea that well pot's illegal and harmless so crack probably is too. If DARE lies and exaggerates about pot, why should we believe their claims about heroin? Drug-education programs like DARE discredit themselves by exaggerating the dangers of marijuana, and so they get a "Boy Who Cried Wolf" response when they warn about the very real dangers of cocaine and heroin.


yup all we had was the red bun and a little cain
Do you really think that I give a shit about your pathetic homophobic jokes?
Why are all these redneck toerags so pathetically insecure and unoriginal? I appreciate right wing humour from the likes of say P J O'Rourke, but this clown is just mindnumbingly tedious and predictable.

And yet, you felt the NEED to respond.

Things that make you go; hmmm!!

But in your case, you would rather go huuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm.