R U Rightsizing or Cancelling Thanksgiving?

You live in your own fantasy world.

He's right you know... there were a lot of cities this year that just canceled Veterans Day parades..
People here mock those who celebrate 4th of July and Memorial Day parades and celebrations... so actually you're the one not being realistic...
The left hates American holidays. Especially religious and traditional American holidays. Christmas and Easter are next. Then comes eliminating Flag Day, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day and New Year's Day :sad:
Link to the Democrat Soshulist Commie Marxists banning all of these holidays?

All I could find was the economics of low attendance and donors unwilling to throw money at a parade no one will attend. Better to give the money to a veteran's home or other charity.

The 2023 Columbus Veterans' Day parade has been canceled this year.

Parade organizers with the Military/Veterans Educational Foundation, or MILVETS, posted a statement announcing the parade's cancellation this year. The statement said the cancellation is part of a larger trend of low attendance or fewer corporate donors for the parade.
He's right you know... there were a lot of cities this year that just canceled Veterans Day parades..
People here mock those who celebrate 4th of July and Memorial Day parades and celebrations... so actually you're the one not being realistic...

No, people here mock YOU for you incessant virtue-signaling and faux "patriotism" that you wield like a club, rather than a flag that shows your gratitude to our armed service members. Get it straight! :rofl2:

Remember that veteran friend you used to have, who served for over 20 years? Eagle Eye? The one whose service and health were taunted and ridiculed by your former whackjob JPP boyfriend? There was a chance for you to put your I'm-such-a-great-patriot money where your mouth is and stand up for him, but you refused to.

Frauds like yourself probably shouldn't be scolding others. Take a look at DU's post, above, about why your Veteran's Day parade was canceled. You should be ashamed of yourself for not supporting those veterans. OUR parades in the itty bitty Marquette area went on as always.
Link to the Democrat Soshulist Commie Marxists banning all of these holidays?

All I could find was the economics of low attendance and donors unwilling to throw money at a parade no one will attend. Better to give the money to a veteran's home or other charity.

The 2023 Columbus Veterans' Day parade has been canceled this year.

Parade organizers with the Military/Veterans Educational Foundation, or MILVETS, posted a statement announcing the parade's cancellation this year. The statement said the cancellation is part of a larger trend of low attendance or fewer corporate donors for the parade.

Hmm, Columbus, eh? So it wasn't those nefarious libtards that canceled it. It was the faux "patriots" like Toxic who didn't support it either with cash or their presence. What a shame.

Good catch!
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Hmm, Columbus, eh? So it wasn't those negarious libtards that canceled it. It was the faux "patriots" like Toxic who didn't support it either with cash or their presence. What a shame.

Good catch!

Once the JPP liars and delusional are identified, it's easy to prove them wrong.

I think that self loathing and hate for America has gotten to the point that many are letting go of Thanksgiving.

I am trying to find out.

I do not really see it as an American holiday, but a great chance to be thankful for my life and my many blessings and my family. A day to be mindful of all that I have and how privileged I am.

The Pilgrim and Indian story is old and tired, but I haven't given that much thought since Elementary School. I don't think the indigenous people are very thankful that Europeans came here, I hate what the Europeans did to them.
I do not really see it as an American holiday, but a great chance to be thankful for my life and my many blessings and my family. A day to be mindful of all that I have and how privileged I am.

The Pilgrim and Indian story is old and tired, but I haven't given that much thought since Elementary School. I don't think the indigenous people are very thankful that Europeans came here, I hate what the Europeans did to them.
TBH, although I remember it, I don't see many people thinking about the Pilgrims and the Indians on Thanksgiving. Most people I know think about a family feast and football.

That said, focusing on the domination of the Americas by the Euros misses a large point of history; that what happened is no different than the previous 10,000+ years of human history from the Persians to the Egyptians to the Greeks to the Romans and then the Western European powers. Look at what Genghis Khan did in Asia. Millions slaughtered. So many women raped by Khan himself 16 million Asians today have Khan DNA. "It was good to be the Khan".

While the destruction of the indigenous cultures of the Americas is lamentable, it's a flawed version of history to view that destruction in isolation from the barbarity of mankind throughout history. A more recent example of the savagery of human beings is the Palestinian attack on October 7th, 2023.

An international group of geneticists studying Y-chromosome data have found that nearly 8 percent of the men living in the region of the former Mongol empire carry y-chromosomes that are nearly identical. That translates to 0.5 percent of the male population in the world, or roughly 16 million descendants living today...

TBH, although I remember it, I don't see many people thinking about the Pilgrims and the Indians on Thanksgiving. Most people I know think about a family feast and football.

That said, focusing on the domination of the Americas by the Euros misses a large point of history; that what happened is no different than the previous 10,000+ years of human history from the Persians to the Egyptians to the Greeks to the Romans and then the Western European powers. Look at what Genghis Khan did in Asia. Millions slaughtered. So many women raped by Khan himself 16 million Asians today have Khan DNA. "It was good to be the Khan".

An international group of geneticists studying Y-chromosome data have found that nearly 8 percent of the men living in the region of the former Mongol empire carry y-chromosomes that are nearly identical. That translates to 0.5 percent of the male population in the world, or roughly 16 million descendants living today...


I am only focusing on the domination of the Americas by the Euros because we were discussing American Thanksgiving.

I can hate what the Europeans did to the the indigenous people regardless of if it was common in history and even if it was no different than what the previous 10,000+ years of human history.
I am only focusing on the domination of the Americas by the Euros because we were discussing American Thanksgiving.

I can hate what the Europeans did to the the indigenous people regardless of if it was common in history and even if it was no different than what the previous 10,000+ years of human history.

I bring it up because, like slavery, too many people on the left only see the United States with blinders on as if the mere existence of the United States caused all of these problems.
I bring it up because, like slavery, too many people on the left only see the United States with blinders on as if the mere existence of the United States caused all of these problems.

It does not diminish the idea that it is particularly important to know our own history and how we got where we are. Not saying people living today caused or are responsible for what happened, but when understanding who we are and why it is important.

When giving thanks for who we are and why, we should recognize those who suffered as a result and be mindful of our privilege. I am thankful for the situation I was born into and respect that most are and were not so lucky.

When I see a disadvantaged indigenous person, I see what happens when a people are rapidly stripped of their culture, families, religion and way of life without natural change/evolution.
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It does not diminish the idea that it is particularly important to know our own history and how we got where we are. Not saying people living today caused or are responsible for what happened, but when understanding who we are and why it is important.

When giving thanks for who we are and why, we should recognize those who suffered as a result and be mindful of our privilege. I am thankful for the situation I was born into and respect that most are and were not so lucky.
History is very important, but it's equally important to have perspective. Finger-pointing is simply assigning blame, not teaching why something is wrong and how we can do better.

Like those 400,000+ American soldiers who gave their lives to fight fascism in WWII for FDR? The 36,000+ who died for Truman in Korea? The 58,000+ who died in Vietnam for JFK and LBJ? Yes, I'm thankful too for those who gave their lives so that their descendants can live free in the present.
History is very important, but it's equally important to have perspective. Finger-pointing is simply assigning blame, not teaching why something is wrong and how we can do better.

Like those 400,000+ American soldiers who gave their lives to fight fascism in WWII for FDR? The 36,000+ who died for Truman in Korea? The 58,000+ who died in Vietnam for JFK and LBJ? Yes, I'm thankful too for those who gave their lives so that their descendants can live free in the present.

Who is finger pointing?

I see a lot of Americans blaming and judging Indigenous people and descendants of Slavery for who they are without a single acknowledgement of what tragedy befell their families and culture a very few generations ago.
Who is finger pointing?

I see a lot of Americans blaming and judging Indigenous people and descendants of Slavery for who they are without a single acknowledgement of what tragedy befell their families and culture a very few generations ago.
Political extremists pushing an agenda.

Yes and they are equally wrong to view history with blinders on.
Once the JPP liars and delusional are identified, it's easy to prove them wrong.


That's why most of them just declare that so-and-so is fact, but seldom back it up with any evidence. They KNOW they are lying and just want to get their propaganda out there. Some, like Toxic and pEarl, are so afraid of being called out as liars that they thread-ban all who might disprove them. You're right -- it is SOOOO easy. lol
That's why most of them just declare that so-and-so is fact, but seldom back it up with any evidence. They KNOW they are lying and just want to get their propaganda out there. Some, like Toxic and pEarl, are so afraid of being called out as liars that they thread-ban all who might disprove them. You're right -- it is SOOOO easy. lol

It's still a mystery to me if they are lying to others or only lying to themselves/delusional. Poorly educated, retarded or demented people often see what they want to see and not how things really are.

In the book "1776", author David McCullough wrote about George Washington saying “Seeing things as they were, and not as he would wish them to be, was one of his salient strengths.” When I first read that it struck me as one of the most profound passages I'd ever read. I was working as a Safety volunteer in a pilot union and McCullough's comment struck me as exactly what the major problem was within our union, too many people were seeing things as they wished them to be and not the way they really were.

That could be exactly the same problem JPP Trumpers presently have.
It's still a mystery to me if they are lying to others or only lying to themselves/delusional. Poorly educated, retarded or demented people often see what they want to see and not how things really are.

In the book "1776", author David McCullough wrote about George Washington saying “Seeing things as they were, and not as he would wish them to be, was one of his salient strengths.” When I first read that it struck me as one of the most profound passages I'd ever read. I was working as a Safety volunteer in a pilot union and McCullough's comment struck me as exactly what the major problem was within our union, too many people were seeing things as they wished them to be and not the way they really were.

That could be exactly the same problem JPP Trumpers presently have.

I agree that the MAGAT cult definitely believes that "things were better under Trump." They've blinded themselves to the truth, which is that things were not better or worse -- at least until the pandemic hit -- than they were under Obama or than they are now. They steadfastly refuse to believe anything positive about the nation today, because they desperately want Biden to be seen as a failure. And if that means that the entire country fails, well tough shit. They're fine with that, if only it would bring about the resurrection of their #MalignantMessiah.
I agree that the MAGAT cult definitely believes that "things were better under Trump." They've blinded themselves to the truth, which is that things were not better or worse -- at least until the pandemic hit -- than they were under Obama or than they are now. They steadfastly refuse to believe anything positive about the nation today, because they desperately want Biden to be seen as a failure. And if that means that the entire country fails, well tough shit. They're fine with that, if only it would bring about the resurrection of their #MalignantMessiah.
Delusional people often see the past through rose-colored glasses. Consider that they all pine for a time that didn't exist except on television with Wally and the Beav.

These are the same idiots defending George Santos.
Delusional people often see the past through rose-colored glasses. Consider that they all pine for a time that didn't exist except on television with Wally and the Beav.

These are the same idiots defending George Santos.

The only reason they're defending Santos is that they fear losing a House seat to a governor-appointed (D). Which tells us that power is more important to them than honesty, integrity, ethics.
The only reason they're defending Santos is that they fear losing a House seat to a governor-appointed (D). Which tells us that power is more important to them than honesty, integrity, ethics.

The only reason? It's a political reason, but as you point out, they are more interested in power than honoring their oaths. George Santos is merely a more extreme version of Trump and the Trumpers looooove Trump's antics.
That's why most of them just declare that so-and-so is fact, but seldom back it up with any evidence. They KNOW they are lying and just want to get their propaganda out there. Some, like Toxic and pEarl, are so afraid of being called out as liars that they thread-ban all who might disprove them. You're right -- it is SOOOO easy. lol

As those crooks on Capital Hill and Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom national religion for a more perfect union of Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super egos Godvernment of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists....."one nation under God with equal justice under law"
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