R U Rightsizing or Cancelling Thanksgiving?

What part of America is not in decline?

And there it is, just as I predicted! :laugh:

"I think we should cancel Thanksgiving. It really doesn't fit with any of our other national holidays..."
"Truth be told, the Pilgrims were probably arrogant, racist bigots. Thanksgiving is a day of mourning for the Native Americans..."


Is this clown some kind of lunatic or what?

Don't be a scrooge!

The Pilgrims were certainly not racists! And in the beginning, American Indians were not racist towards White Settlers either.

BTW, do not miss the PBS airing of THE AMERICAN BUFFALO! It's a must see for every SHOOTER, HUNTER, and animal lover alike out there!

Have a Happy holiday season RB!
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Don't be a scrooge!

The Pilgrims were certainly not racists! And in the beginning, American Indians were not racist towards White Settlers either.

BTW, do not miss the PBS airing of THE AMERICAN BUFFALO! It's a must see for every SHOOTER and HUNTER out there!

Have a Happy holiday season RB!

Being a scrooge is calling some left wing idiot a lunatic for saying "Pilgrims were probably arrogant, racist bigots" and wanting to cancel Thanksgiving? Really?

Yes. I've seen what fur takers did to the buffalo herds. They shot as many hides as their horses could carry. I strongly disapprove, I don't trap, either.

Yes, you too (if it weren't for those damn Pilgrims, we wouldn't have the holiday) :)
And if so why....for instance is this economic or is it because family members wont behave or is this because you dont believe in gratitude or is it that it is too American for you to tolerate?

I heard that there was a push on to turn it into a pizza party....which seems a little random.

I spent more. Lots of money in Texas. Woot!
History denier... To use the Left's favored terminology.

The left hates American holidays. Especially religious and traditional American holidays. Christmas and Easter are next. Then comes eliminating Flag Day, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day and New Year's Day :sad:
The left hates American holidays. Especially religious and traditional American holidays. Christmas and Easter are next. Then comes eliminating Flag Day, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day and New Year's Day :sad:

Ya....the WOKE hate all of them....but they do have an order of assassination.

Everything old must be replaced by the new in this revolution.
The vast majority of America is not in decline. That is what is meant by GDP growth.

If this is "decline," may we have some more, please? :rofl2:

U.S. Production of Crude Oil Hits Record High
No, Joe Biden did not stop drilling for oil in the U.S.

Yes, Joe Biden just broke Donald Trump's record of daily domestic crude oil production, which is now higher than it was pre-Covid. When Biden took office it was 11 million barrels a day.
A major talking point for Republicans heading into the 2024 election is that President Biden killed domestic oil production, which resulted in higher gas prices on consumers.

According to the EIA, not only is this not true, it's completely the opposite. Domestic oil production is higher under Biden than Trump, and setting record levels. Gas prices, while still higher than when they cratered during the Covid-19 pandemic, are falling under Biden.

The Republican talking point that Biden stopped drilling for oil in the United States and made us dependent on other nations for gas is a bald-faced lie.

The left hates American holidays. Especially religious and traditional American holidays. Christmas and Easter are next. Then comes eliminating Flag Day, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day and New Year's Day :sad:

It's funny how you make these false blanket statements, and then get angry when someone else says similar things about the RW. Why do MAGATs always have to make up stuff?
It's funny how you make these false blanket statements, and then get angry when someone else says similar things about the RW. Why do MAGATs always have to make up stuff?

Yeah, I guess you're right. I live with a Democrat. She celebrates everything. She had me out most of the day on Black Friday hanging Christmas lights!
It's funny how you make these false blanket statements, and then get angry when someone else says similar things about the RW. Why do MAGATs always have to make up stuff?

In their favor, they don't, TOW. They're simply so fucking stupid that they regurgitate everything they hear coming out of the mouths of Trump, Tucker and other MAGAt leaders without understanding what they are repeating.

Notice how all of the JPP MAGAts are almost robotic in how they repeat the same phrases, the same subjects and the same "opinions". They are no more intelligent than a Chatty Cathy doll. They are uniformly poorly educated, not-to-bright and/or demented/brain-damaged.

Name a single MAGAt on JPP who is highly intelligent and highly educated. No one can because they don't exist.

Yeah, I guess you're right. I live with a Democrat. She celebrates everything. She had me out most of the day on Black Friday hanging Christmas lights!

Excellent. As a non-Xtian leftist myself, I love this time of year beginning with Halloween and all through New Year's Day. The lights, the decorations, the FOOD, buying presents, parties, music. It's all good.

I've suspected for a long time though that our birds are atheists and Grinches. They are NOT impressed with any of that stuff. Evidently decorations will kill them. :rofl2:
In their favor, they don't, TOW. They're simply so fucking stupid that they regurgitate everything they hear coming out of the mouths of Trump, Tucker and other MAGAt leaders without understanding what they are repeating.

Notice how all of the JPP MAGAts are almost robotic in how they repeat the same phrases, the same subjects and the same "opinions". They are no more intelligent than a Chatty Cathy doll. They are uniformly poorly educated, not-to-bright and/or demented/brain-damaged.

Name a single MAGAt on JPP who is highly intelligent and highly educated. No one can because they don't exist.


Good points. But I'm afraid that now I must report you for doxing. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

You are 100% correct about repeating what they're told. Pick a typical pEarl or Grok or Volsrock OP, copy a phrase from it, and paste it into your browser search bar. Voila! Up will pop a dozen or more far-RW rags using that exact same phraseology. Sometimes you have to go to page 2 or page 3 to find an actual credible source addressing the Poutrage Du Jour, only to find that the RW rags are wrong.

And this is why pEarl bans everyone with the ability to debunk his crap from his crap threads. :laugh:
Good points. But I'm afraid that now I must report you for doxing. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

You are 100% correct about repeating what they're told. Pick a typical pEarl or Grok or Volsrock OP, copy a phrase from it, and paste it into your browser search bar. Voila! Up will pop a dozen or more far-RW rags using that exact same phraseology. Sometimes you have to go to page 2 or page 3 to find an actual credible source addressing the Poutrage Du Jour, only to find that the RW rags are wrong.

And this is why pEarl bans everyone with the ability to debunk his crap from his crap threads. :laugh:

No doxxing since they routinely post their stupidity and ignorance on JPP for all to see. :)

Agreed on the demented MAGAts and traitors who ban everyone from their threads who habitually proves them wrong. It reveals the true cowardice of such people.
The left hates American holidays. Especially religious and traditional American holidays. Christmas and Easter are next. Then comes eliminating Flag Day, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day and New Year's Day :sad:

The Left hates honest history too. Their version must fit dogma and propaganda 150%.