R U Rightsizing or Cancelling Thanksgiving?

You do realize that everyone was much better off when Trump was president...
The country under Biden is falling apart at a very rapid rate... Your "fairly well" confirms that....
Nice try. Unfortunately, horrible policies tend to yield results during the next President's tenure.

Everyone remembers Reagan in the same way you worship trump.

But his horrible policies led to the Savings and Loan crisis, which made Bush 1 a one term POTUS.

To make silly claims like yours above is either fraudulent, or clueless.

The Fed propped up the market under trump with billions in low interest loans to Wall St.. trump pressured the Fed to reduce interest rates to zero.

Sure...everything seemed just peachy, because you weren't paying attention to the man behind the curtain.

Biden is doing an amazing job fixing the messes that trump created.

The one thing that rings true:

trump was better off when he was in office. He made millions off of the taxpayer, and made billions under the table from our adversaries.
Nice try. Unfortunately, horrible policies tend to yield results during the next President's tenure.

Everyone remembers Reagan in the same way you worship trump.

But his horrible policies led to the Savings and Loan crisis, which made Bush 1 a one term POTUS.

To make silly claims like yours above is either fraudulent, or clueless.

The Fed propped up the market under trump with billions in low interest loans to Wall St.. trump pressured the Fed to reduce interest rates to zero.

Sure...everything seemed just peachy, because you weren't paying attention to the man behind the curtain.

Biden is doing an amazing job fixing the messes that trump created.

The one thing that rings true:

trump was better off when he was in office. He made millions off of the taxpayer, and made billions under the table from our adversaries.
We'll just have to agree to disagree...i certainly
don't worship Trump...I'm just being realistic...and you are not...Biden is just one failure/disaster after another...He was from day one...
We'll just have to agree to disagree...i certainly
don't worship Trump...I'm just being realistic...and you are not...Biden is just one failure/disaster after another...He was from day one...
And still, your generalizations are just that. His 'day one' was two months late as the previous man baby refused to brief Biden's transition team on anything.

Can you be more specific, or are you just going to continue to post nonsense?
And still, your generalizations are just that. His 'day one' was two months late as the previous man baby refused to brief Biden's transition team on anything.

Can you be more specific, or are you just going to continue to post nonsense?
What were the first "official" things that Biden did when he took office? And then everything continued in a downward spiral...
I think the proof is in his pudding. (or the polls)..is it not? ;) No one wants to give him another 4 years to do more damage...
America is barely recognizable...
What were the first "official" things that Biden did when he took office? And then everything continued in a downward spiral...
I think the proof is in his pudding. (or the polls)..is it not? ;) No one wants to give him another 4 years to do more damage...
America is barely recognizable...
Still talking in generalizations.

Which is necessary for you to make a flawed point.
And if so why....for instance is this economic or is it because family members wont behave or is this because you dont believe in gratitude or is it that it is too American for you to tolerate?

I heard that there was a push on to turn it into a pizza party....which seems a little random.

I'm actually not big on downsizing since conspicuous consumption is one of America's few laudable virtues.
We've downsized only because most of the significant people who've been in my life are fucking dead.

I'm down to a spouse, two single middle-aged kids, and a small dog.
Still, we enjoyed ourselves just the same.

I'd prefer pizza to turkey, but for once a year, I'll bow to tradition.

Chicken is actually the only fowl that I eat once in a while.
I'll do turkey at Thanskgiving, but I don't eat game birds at all.
You do realize that everyone was much better off when Trump was president...

The pandemic was brutal. Remember that was when trump was president?

I see factories being built for the first time in my life, and I am 52 years old. Things are getting better, but while things get better there are sometimes inconveniences.

The country under Biden is falling apart at a very rapid rate... Your "fairly well" confirms that....

No it is not. You are just posting nonsense.
The pandemic was brutal. Remember that was when trump was president?

I see factories being built for the first time in my life, and I am 52 years old. Things are getting better, but while things get better there are sometimes inconveniences.

No it is not. You are just posting nonsense.
Yes it is....and I'm only being realistic...and honest....
if things were going even "fairly well", there wouldn't be a push for Joe to step aside..and there would be enthusiasm and excitement for the future... Right now, there's just concern about who to run...
Nice try. Unfortunately, horrible policies tend to yield results during the next President's tenure.

Everyone remembers Reagan in the same way you worship trump.

But his horrible policies led to the Savings and Loan crisis, which made Bush 1 a one term POTUS.

To make silly claims like yours above is either fraudulent, or clueless.

The Fed propped up the market under trump with billions in low interest loans to Wall St.. trump pressured the Fed to reduce interest rates to zero.

Sure...everything seemed just peachy, because you weren't paying attention to the man behind the curtain.

Biden is doing an amazing job fixing the messes that trump created.

The one thing that rings true:

trump was better off when he was in office. He made millions off of the taxpayer, and made billions under the table from our adversaries.

Exactly. One example of how things are better now: People whose retirement income derives from annuities are receiving higher payments now than when #TRE45ON had the Fed drop interest rates to almost nothing. This isn't an endorsement, of course, for annuities which are fairly shitty retirement fund vehicles. It's just one example of how higher interest rates benefit lower-income people, particularly seniors.

As for the "country is falling apart," that's clearly straight from Reichwing media, esp. Fox. Rational, intelligent people know the truth.
Yes it is....and I'm only being realistic...and honest....

We all know you aren't. You look at the largest economic collapse in our lifetime, and claim "everyone was much better off". Then you look at an economy with steady sustained growth, and claim it is "falling apart at a very rapid rate."

if things were going even "fairly well", there wouldn't be a push for Joe to step aside.

The only real push for Biden to step aside is among the Republicans. When the opposition wants a candidate to step aside, that means they are afraid of him. trump has real competition for the nomination. Biden has no competition.

A lot of the current problems are growing pains. That is a good problem to have in the long term.
As for the "country is falling apart," that's clearly straight from Reichwing media, esp. Fox.

Rational, intelligent people know the truth.

Having perhaps a bit of an optimism deficit,
I have a slightly different take.

I believe that both rational people and Reichnuts can clearly see that the country is falling apart.

We just don't agree on the reasons.
We all know you aren't. You look at the largest economic collapse in our lifetime, and claim "everyone was much better off". Then you look at an economy with steady sustained growth, and claim it is "falling apart at a very rapid rate."

The only real push for Biden to step aside is among the Republicans. When the opposition wants a candidate to step aside, that means they are afraid of him. trump has real competition for the nomination. Biden has no competition.

A lot of the current problems are growing pains. That is a good problem to have in the long term.
We all know I am, actually...Are you really that blind to the Democrats wanting him gone? Granted, that's not only because of his incompetence...Kamala too close to the button has a lot to do with it...
Why choose a VP who didn't get a single vote in the primary?
We all know you aren't. You look at the largest economic collapse in our lifetime, and claim "everyone was much better off". Then you look at an economy with steady sustained growth, and claim it is "falling apart at a very rapid rate."

The only real push for Biden to step aside is among the Republicans. When the opposition wants a candidate to step aside, that means they are afraid of him. trump has real competition for the nomination. Biden has no competition.

A lot of the current problems are growing pains. That is a good problem to have in the long term.

When MAGATs like Toxic TOP claim that the "country is falling apart," they are not referring to the economy. She definitely is not as she's incapable of understanding how it works. What they really mean is that LGBTQ, people of color, Muslims and other non-Christians, women (esp. those of child-bearing age), and other minority groups are protected now. All you have to do to determine the truth of this is look at all the threads about trans athletes, book banning (she's in favor of that, as are most MAGATs), WOKE poutrage, and so on -- and see who's posting in fearful desperation in them.
Having perhaps a bit of an optimism deficit,
I have a slightly different take.

I believe that both rational people and Reichnuts can clearly see that the country is falling apart.

We just don't agree on the reasons.

Or in what way, apparently.

It is not falling apart, other than we're infested currently with a roach cult that worships an orange shitgibbon. Once they lose again, next year, I suspect that things will settle down.
Having perhaps a bit of an optimism deficit,
I have a slightly different take.

I believe that both rational people and Reichnuts can clearly see that the country is falling apart.

We just don't agree on the reasons.
I can almost thank this...almost...;)
Are you really that blind to the Democrats wanting him gone?

I must have missed that in the Democratic debates. Honestly, I completely missed all the Democratic nomination debates. Did you see them?

I was under the impression they did not exist. There is no one of any significance running against Biden, because no one wants him gone.

Meanwhile, there are a number of people running against trump.

Why choose a VP who didn't get a single vote in the primary?

The last Republican nominee who got a single vote in the primaries was Bush Senior 40+ years ago.
I must have missed that in the Democratic debates. Honestly, I completely missed all the Democratic nomination debates. Did you see them?

I was under the impression they did not exist. There is no one of any significance running against Biden, because no one wants him gone.

Meanwhile, there are a number of people running against trump.

The last Republican nominee who got a single vote in the primaries was Bush Senior 40+ years ago.
No one wants him...and another 4 years of disaster... especially our troops in the ME....but there's no one else to run...
When MAGATs like Toxic TOP claim that the "country is falling apart," they are not referring to the economy. She definitely is not as she's incapable of understanding how it works. What they really mean is that LGBTQ, people of color, Muslims and other non-Christians, women (esp. those of child-bearing age), and other minority groups are protected now. All you have to do to determine the truth of this is look at all the threads about trans athletes, book banning (she's in favor of that, as are most MAGATs), WOKE poutrage, and so on -- and see who's posting in fearful desperation in them.

There are gay people getting married. The rest of us are not upset by that, but to Toxic Top, it is a disaster of epic proportions.
No one wants him...and another 4 years of disaster... especially our troops in the ME....but there's no one else to run...

There are 330 million Americans. While not all are qualified to be President, there are still hundreds of thousands that could run.

Our troops are almost completely out of the Middle East. There has been two carrier groups put back to the Middle East, but it has been far from a disaster for them. For the first time in decades, American troops are not dying in war.