R U Rightsizing or Cancelling Thanksgiving?

We would normally got to my Mom's house, and she would do up the whole nine yards; turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, mac & cheese... the list is infinite.

And thank God she did that, because neither my brother nor I are prepared to cook an entire Thanksgiving meal.

The reality is Mom is up there now (she's 88) and just isn't up to it anymore.

The last couple of years we had gone out; last year was at restaurant where a buddy of mine is the chef, and it was ridiculously good. It was an all-you-can-eat buffet for $65 per person. Not, bad, but the down side was that there were no leftovers.

This year, another local restaurant is doing all the heavy lifting, and making full dinners for sale. It's just going to be five of us (Mom, me, my brothers and our two girlfriends), so we ordered the "small family" meal for $150 and having it at Mom's. It comes with everything you'd expect, but Mom did inform us that she'll be making a couple of extra sides...
Thanksgiving used to be a big deal with a large extended family gathering together, year after year.
In the morning, many of us went to the high school arch rivalry game, usual freezing our asses off but drinking from flasks--even the kids, I'm afraid.

Now it's just two seventy-somethings, two forty-somethings, and a Welsh Terrier.

Most of the people in the memories are long dead, while some of the surviving younger ones became less close after their parents died, having new family trees of their own.

My wife and I were both only children--no brothers and sisters--no nieces and nephews--no cousins for the kids.
Our son never wanted to settle down with a family--he's a smart kid, I'm finally beginning to realize--
and our daughter is divorced with no kids. What kid wants a cop mom anyway?

The Welsh Terrier doesn't give a shit, but she won't turn down a hot turkey dinner.

All in all, though, it seems to have worked out OK. I've experienced the old way, and in my old age, I enjoy the quiet.
Once my wife and I are gone, the kids will have to decide how to spend the holidays if they choose tom acknowledge them at all.

It's all good from my perspective.
And if so why....for instance is this economic or is it because family members wont behave or is this because you dont believe in gratitude or is it that it is too American for you to tolerate?

I heard that there was a push on to turn it into a pizza party....which seems a little random.

While not preparing for turkey day in giving thanks for SCOTUS Rehnquist Bicentennial fabricated Islam misnomer in that Mohammed pedophilia tradition so the miracle of Christiananality pedophilia can rule the earth & destroy the world as the supreme swastika up Uranus of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament -absentee voting ballots arsonists interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" in that WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations Islamidiotocracy of those crooks on Capital Hill....
As turkey day is already concern for eating on what menu might be considered; those crooks on Capital Hill will be giving thanks as schizophrenia Christiananality pedophilia success in force feeding "one nation under God with equal justice under law" while maintaining their Islamidiotocracy of Mohammed pedophilia with US Fascist Masochist election fixing attempted murder in that Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience fabricated virgin Mary misnomer immaculate son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception by West Nazi Germany Virginia KKK churchstate of hate thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots Christian Nation arsonists in their Mohammed pedophilia SCOTUS granted standing way too dang lily brilliant white suicidal beyond the pleasure principle super egos "man is God" "serve the Pope or die" more perfect schizoid union with Islam "death to the infidels" survival of the fittest fascists Peter Principle pyramid scheme Chinese checkers Klues Klucks duh Klans Federal Lynching churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement pedophilia.....
Bought a smallish fresh turkey, $1.77/ pound. No 49 cent deals this year. Let's Go Brandon.
Well, I hope it turns out well...Have a lovely holiday...no thanks to Brandon...Outrageous prices for those who want to do their holiday meal properly...or just want to feed their children in general...or heat their homes...etc. Sad for a government to care so little for the hard working people who live here...
Bought a smallish fresh turkey, $1.77/ poung. No 49 cent deals this year. Let's Go Brandon.

Yeah, prices are up on everything. 20% more than last year's record high.
We're fortunate to have farms close by to get fresh meats. The GF's sister
got a nice one for their immediate family. Her husband is a hunter trapper
and we see eye to eye on most things, so I'm going there. Mom's going to
my cousin's place with her/my side. She's been going there every year.

Well, I hope it turns out well...Have a lovely holiday...no thanks to Brandon...Outrageous prices for those who want to do their holiday meal properly...or just want to feed their children in general...or heat their homes...etc. Sad for a government to care so little for the hard working people who live here...

Just filled up my heating oil tank three weeks ago, cost was over $5.50/ gallon. Let's Go Brandon.
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Just filled up my heating oil tank three weeks ago, cost was over $5.50/ gallon. Let's Go Brandon.

So have to wonder just how many lives were traded for Brandon oil at over $5.50/ gallon & let go of the Christiananality pedophilia protecting & serving SCOTUS Islamidiotocracy Mohammed pedophilia; but then again it is bungling GI Joe biding his "serve the Pope or die" time filling up the national religion suicidal super egos beyond the Peter Principle pyramid scheme pleasure of sociopsyhcopathilogical homicidal human farming.
Stone from parts unknown...LOL. Ill be back and posting again with a fury after the holiday. Now to the thread topic. Cancel Thanksgiving? Not in my house,......EVER. In fact,...this year im even going to help the wife a little bit. I have been assigned the mashed potatoes, but I have also chosen to do two other sides as well. One will be Apple crisp as a nice desert choice as she will be doing pumpkin pies as well. The other Im not sure quite yet,....thinking of looking up some kind of Indian "as in feathers not red dot" corn and bean thing as a side, southwesty maybe. After all,....they were at the first feast too supposedly. EVERYBODY have a GREAT Thanksgiving!
Stone from parts unknown...LOL. Ill be back and posting again with a fury after the holiday. Now to the thread topic. Cancel Thanksgiving? Not in my house,......EVER. In fact,...this year im even going to help the wife a little bit. I have been assigned the mashed potatoes, but I have also chosen to do two other sides as well. One will be Apple crisp as a nice desert choice as she will be doing pumpkin pies as well. The other Im not sure quite yet,....thinking of looking up some kind of Indian "as in feathers not red dot" corn and bean thing as a side, southwesty maybe. After all,....they were at the first feast too supposedly. EVERYBODY have a GREAT Thanksgiving!

Have a wonderful day!! Make some cowboy (you can Rename it Indian) caviar.... and really good cornbread if you're extra ambitious...;)
I won't be spending my Thanksgiving here on JPP!

I will be visiting my Daughter and my Son, all 7 of my Grand Children, and my only Great Grand Child, so far- who are all Cowboy Fans.

I am bringing a Spiral sliced smoked Ham, my famous Fruit Salad, and my revered Deviled Eggs- Or Rosemary Babies- or whatever you call them!

My son is bringing a Rib Roast, and my daughter has the Turkey and everything else!

We intend to pig out to a feast and enjoy watching the Dallas Cowboys defeat the New York Giants!