R U Rightsizing or Cancelling Thanksgiving?

I have been hearing the WOKE say for a decade that the food at Thanksgiving is disgusting and bad for us, if Thanksgiving is in the process of being rubbed out then I am not shocked.

Have the "woke" really been saying that? It wasn't in my woke newsletter. Are you sure?
Our fish guy will shuck them for me I don't need that many just a little tin probably about the size of what you buy at the grocery store.. it's really not that much more expensive... if those jars in the refrigerated section go on sale after the holidays I'm going to buy some and try the scalloped oyster recipe... they usually do...;)

I would have to go to Tacoma, and brave Five, to get a good fish guy. A few years back right near my house there was a place where they had huge tanks of live crab and oysters, a very small shop with maybe 4 tanks...but they did not make it very long...I only used them once. They did not have the fancy oysters, just the large bakers and the smaller of the same type.
That would be correct... I think we're here...
HAPPY to help...if people need tips...;)

Happy Thanksgiving! Congrats on the Maryland game. I watched most of it. The Buckeyes made it exciting until they pulled away at the end. I hope Stroud's healthy for the Michigan game Saturday! It's going to be the game to watch!
So many people overcook their turkey so lets start there....what temp do you cook it to, where do you measure, and do you flip the bird during the cooking Process?

Just use a meat thermometer. Stick it into one of the breasts. Set it and forget it.
I would have to go to Tacoma, and brave Five, to get a good fish guy. A few years back right near my house there was a place where they had huge tanks of live crab and oysters, a very small shop with maybe 4 tanks...but they did not make it very long...I only used them once. They did not have the fancy oysters, just the large bakers and the smaller of the same type.
Well, bummer...I don't ask where these come from...they're medium sized, and just fine for dressing...I cut them in half...The prices surely have gone up, though....about the only fresh fish I get any more is when friends go to the Lake and get Walleye or on occasion, perch... The international stores have live tanks, but no...I just avoid that section...lol
Well, bummer...I don't ask where these come from...they're medium sized, and just fine for dressing...I cut them in half...The prices surely have gone up, though....about the only fresh fish I get any more is when friends go to the Lake and get Walleye or on occasion, perch... The international stores have live tanks, but no...I just avoid that section...lol

You get around WOMAN....what do you make of the claims on the internet that large numbers of people are either cancelling the holiday outright, or are scaling back....for either economic or political reasons?
You get around WOMAN....what do you make of the claims on the internet that large numbers of people are either cancelling the holiday outright, or are scaling back....for either economic or political reasons?
I honestly haven't seen claims of cancelling at all...Anywhere... There are many more people reaching out for help this year...understandably...Christmas is going to be really tough for too many...America certainly is a sad situation that was totally avoidable....it's really pathetic...
only three family members within driving distance........the local grocery store was selling cut turkey meat.....got one breast and two thighs to roast.....wife is getting motivated this year......the green bean casserole will be made with fresh green beans and fresh mushrooms....
not really a replacement.......more like an expansion......my daughter was at a friendsgiving last night and both kids have had them for a few years now.......
That's awesome....they do dinners like that here, especially for the kids who can't go home for Thanksgiving...but I never heard it officially called that...
only three family members within driving distance........the local grocery store was selling cut turkey meat.....got one breast and two thighs to roast.....wife is getting motivated this year......the green bean casserole will be made with fresh green beans and fresh mushrooms....
What great ideas...from both the store and your wife...
I think lots of people are extra motivated this year...
That's awesome....they do dinners like that here, especially for the kids who can't go home for Thanksgiving...but I never heard it officially called that...

Thanksgiving has always been a time to reinforce family ties.......it is a logical time to add an event to gather friends together to reinforce that bond as well......

the ones I feel sorry for are the young marrieds just starting their family who live in the community where they grew up.......they are expected to attend TWO events this Thursday and eat TWO full meals......and Grandma will not tolerate ignoring a full slice of HER pie simply because you ate a slice of someone else's pie a few hours ago........