R U Rightsizing or Cancelling Thanksgiving?


Let's start with these:



Two widely distributed and sold works of historical fiction that were written by radical Leftists and pedaled as historical fact.

The Left hates honest history too. Their version must fit dogma and propaganda 150%.

All or just some, Terry? What about the Right historical revisionists who want to remove all the "bad" words in the history books and replace them with "safe" words like replacing "slaves" with "workers"? Are they scumbag liars pushing dogma and propaganda?
All or just some, Terry? What about the Right historical revisionists who want to remove all the "bad" words in the history books and replace them with "safe" words like replacing "slaves" with "workers"? Are they scumbag liars pushing dogma and propaganda?

Way more than the radical Right. On the radical Right, most of those 'tards don't care about science, they ignore it while saying "Hold my beer 'n watch this shit." On the radical Left they think they're brilliant and understand science while quoting pseudoscientists and quackery like a parrot.

The Left pushes pseudoscience and scientific nonsense all the time.
Way more than the radical Right. On the radical Right, most of those 'tards don't care about science, they ignore it while saying "Hold my beer 'n watch this shit." On the radical Left they think they're brilliant and understand science while quoting pseudoscientists and quackery like a parrot.

The Left pushes pseudoscience and scientific nonsense all the time.
"Way more" is a non-scientific, political viewpoint, Terry.

Your anger and hatred of anything you deem "left", meaning anyone who disagrees with you, is one reason why I find your transition over the past two years from Right-of-Center to Far Right to be so interesting.

Again, I've never denied that LWLs are pushing pseudoscience. What I see you doing it refusing to admit the RWNJs do it too. Sane, educated people can see that claiming one side is "way more" of something without evidentiary numbers or evidence is a political viewpoint, not a scientific viewpoint.
The left hates American holidays. Especially religious and traditional American holidays. Christmas and Easter are next. Then comes eliminating Flag Day, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day and New Year's Day :sad:

You live in your own fantasy world.
You live in your own fantasy world.
Do you suspect the cause is drugs or mental illness? A little of both?

Trumpers appear to love both Meth and opioids. Especially the latter since they used to be able to get them so easily.
Do you suspect the cause is drugs or mental illness? A little of both?

Trumpers appear to love both Meth and opioids. Especially the latter since they used to be able to get them so easily.

Drug use is the big killer of trumpers. It is hard to say. There is a lot of anger towards America in his posts.
Drug use is the big killer of trumpers. It is hard to say. There is a lot of anger towards America in his posts.
Pill addiction?

Over three years of observation on JPP has taught me that the people most likely to have anger against America are elderly with touches of paranoia and dementia. I suspect most are either divorced or otherwise estranged from their families. They may be struggling with money, which is common among the mentally impaired and, being too weak to accept blame for their own actions, they seek to blame others. In short, it's not their fault, it's the, take your pick, Leftists, BLM, Antifa, Blacks, Mexicans, Women, Socialists, Marxists or Democrats fault.

Note they never accept responsibility for their actions and always blame others for the faults in American society. It's their way or the highway. Anyone who disagrees with them, even in the slightest, is an enemy of the state and accused of being a LW extremist. They all seem to follow a standard formula of anger, hatred and RW extremism with no room for compromise, understanding or support for American values of fairness and tolerance.
I am sure that Toxic feels like we are all declining, but it appears that only she is declining.

Yep, that's for sure. When the only awareness of the world outside your door comes from negative sites like Fox, Breitbart, OAN, Newsmax, etc., you think the whole world is a disaster. In her case, it's just the street she lives on. We've all seen the pics. :laugh:
Yep, that's for sure. When the only awareness of the world outside your door comes from negative sites like Fox, Breitbart, OAN, Newsmax, etc., you think the whole world is a disaster. In her case, it's just the street she lives on. We've all seen the pics. :laugh:

Some people are really into Doom Scrolling even if it's only to follow RW television and websites as gospel.
Some people are really into Doom Scrolling even if it's only to follow RW television and websites as gospel.

There's a lot of people like that. Mr. Owl had to unfriend several former school buds for that reason. That's all they posted, the same "Biden's gonna take our guns and kill us all!" End-of-America-Because-Liberals craziness. Fundies seem esp. prone to this kind of stuff. To me it is likely a cause of depression, and definitely something that makes it much worse.
There's a lot of people like that. Mr. Owl had to unfriend several former school buds for that reason. That's all they posted, the same "Biden's gonna take our guns and kill us all!" End-of-America-Because-Liberals craziness. Fundies seem esp. prone to this kind of stuff.

To me it is likely a cause of depression, and definitely something that makes it much worse.
Extremists of any sort are wacky.

Interesting thought. Not a shrink, so I don't know if depression causes doom scrolling or doom scrolling causes depression, but I can see how they go hand-in-hand and the result isn't good.
Extremists of any sort are wacky.

Interesting thought. Not a shrink, so I don't know if depression causes doom scrolling or doom scrolling causes depression, but I can see how they go hand-in-hand and the result isn't good.

But these former social media friends of his are not extremists. They're typical MAGATS. They are poorly-educated, indoctrinated thralls of Trump and the RW media. They're ppl who have never-left-their-childhood-area, scared-as-hell RWers. You've seen Toxic TOP's similarly-terrified and very angry posts, right? And she lives in an urban area and claims to be educated, but is as ill-informed and manipulated and scared as Mr. Owl's rural-farmland-Illinois schoolmates and relatives.

They believe that the world is ending because an elderly (D) president is in the White House. They've been conditioned to believe that the world will end any time a (D) is in the WH. Their media has great power over these not-very-bright-or-educated people. Millions of them. Fundie Xtians PRAY for the end of the world, the second coming, the Armageddon promised in Revelation. They'll support Trump because they see him as the one who will end it all, as prophesied.

It's insanity.
But these former social media friends of his are not extremists. They're typical MAGATS. They are poorly-educated, indoctrinated thralls of Trump and the RW media. They're ppl who have never-left-their-childhood-area, scared-as-hell RWers. You've seen Toxic TOP's similarly-terrified and very angry posts, right? And she lives in an urban area and claims to be educated, but is as ill-informed and manipulated and scared as Mr. Owl's rural-farmland-Illinois schoolmates and relatives.

They believe that the world is ending because an elderly (D) president is in the White House. They've been conditioned to believe that the world will end any time a (D) is in the WH. Their media has great power over these not-very-bright-or-educated people. Millions of them. Fundie Xtians PRAY for the end of the world, the second coming, the Armageddon promised in Revelation. They'll support Trump because they see him as the one who will end it all, as prophesied.

It's insanity.
TOP is living in fantasyland. The rest of them vary a bit. Depending upon one's score on the free will and determinism-plus scale (FAD-Plus), it can be their fault, society's fault or somewhere in between.*

Agreed it's insane. Mental illness is a national health crisis: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing...unity-agenda-in-his-first-state-of-the-union/
MARCH 01, 2022
FACT SHEET: President Biden to Announce Strategy to Address Our National Mental Health Crisis, As Part of Unity Agenda in his First State of the Union
Our country faces an unprecedented mental health crisis among people of all ages. Two out of five adults report symptoms of anxiety or depression. And, Black and Brown communities are disproportionately undertreated – even as their burden of mental illness has continued to rise. Even before the pandemic, rates of depression and anxiety were inching higher. But the grief, trauma, and physical isolation of the last two years have driven Americans to a breaking point.

Our youth have been particularly impacted as losses from COVID and disruptions in routines and relationships have led to increased social isolation, anxiety, and learning loss. More than half of parents express concern over their children’s mental well-being. An early study has found that students are about five months behind in math and four months behind in reading, compared with students prior to the pandemic. In 2019, one in three high school students and half of female students reported persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, an overall increase of 40 percent from 2009. Emergency department visits for attempted suicide have risen 51 percent among adolescent girls.

This youth mental health crisis has been accentuated by large social media platforms, which for years have been conducting a national experiment on our children and using their data to keep them clicking—with enormous consequences. While technology platforms have improved our lives in some ways, there is mounting evidence that social media is harmful to many kids’ and teens’ mental health, well-being, and development. As the Surgeon-General has said, “when not deployed responsibly and safely, these tools can pit us against each other, reinforce negative behaviors like bullying and exclusion, and undermine the safe and supportive environments young people need and deserve.” In the State of the Union, the President will call on Congress to strengthen privacy protections, ban targeted advertising to children, and demand technology companies stop collecting personal data on our children.
*I lean hard toward Scientific Determinism with a streak of Unpredictability.
TOP is living in fantasyland. The rest of them vary a bit. Depending upon one's score on the free will and determinism-plus scale (FAD-Plus), it can be their fault, society's fault or somewhere in between.*

Agreed it's insane. Mental illness is a national health crisis: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing...unity-agenda-in-his-first-state-of-the-union/
MARCH 01, 2022
FACT SHEET: President Biden to Announce Strategy to Address Our National Mental Health Crisis, As Part of Unity Agenda in his First State of the Union
*I lean hard toward Scientific Determinism with a streak of Unpredictability.

None of that does any good if the afflicted don't see that they are not well, and/or refuse help.
None of that does any good if the afflicted don't see that they are not well, and/or refuse help.

No doubt why SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 Christiananality pedophilia found those burning "it's just a God damn piece of paper" Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement Arab "death to the infidels" flying carpet Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom terrorists as insignificant as all those thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists for their Islamidiotocracy...
None of that does any good if the afflicted don't see that they are not well, and/or refuse help.
Not with current society and laws.

Better mental health care is not simply better hospitals and cheaper treatment, it's also supporting legislation.

It gets sticky because no one wants to return to the 1950s when husbands can put their "hysterical" wives in a mental asylum so they can be free of her. Stripping innocent people of their rights is a dangerous path. It's why I'm against the gun grabbers who go after innocent Americans.

OTOH, if a person is homeless and clearly mentally ill, what should society do to help them?