Raccoon hunt night 1

then quit bragging about killing living things

Unfortunately, evince, killing critters is sometimes necessary to protect property. If you have ever had a raccoon in your attic, or even squirrels, you would understand. Raccoons can do a lot of damage.
honestly you don't have to read this topic

Honestly you should learn to thread ban her psycho ass

If you don't then this is what you get. Think of Desh as a varmint and your thread as one of your horses. Deshtard is the varmint trying to harm your horse. Shoot the varmint in the head
One can eat them. I did when I was younger and times were tougher. Most just sell the hides. When I quit coon hunting about 13 years ago I had a really good pair of hounds...mother-son team. I sold the hides to fur buyers and cooked the carcasses for my dogs to eat.

Thx. We mostly run over them with cars. Vultures seem to li k e to eat them.
and you don't have to post it

I ban no one ever

you people say shit and then get all poopy panced that people answer in ways that don't praise your evil

You just don't always have to make things so personal that's all
You just don't always have to make things so personal that's all

You have options. Thread ban the spaz or continue to suffer the consequences. You are a sweet young lady but if you think you can reason with a psychopath like Deshtard then you are being foolish

She tards up every thread she is allowed to post in. Even her fellow JPP libs think she is a loon

Damo and Grind have provided you tools to protect yourself from her crazy if you only avail yourself of them.






We stay busy on Christmas break. Lots of hunting, shooting, cooking and eating. I'm enjoying this time with my boy during his teenage years. I know I'll lose my favorite hunting and fishing partner when he goes off to college. But right now life is good....very good.






We stay busy on Christmas break. Lots of hunting, shooting, cooking and eating. I'm enjoying this time with my boy during his teenage years. I know I'll lose my favorite hunting and fishing partner when he goes off to college. But right now life is good....very good.

That looks amazing!
We stay busy on Christmas break. Lots of hunting, shooting, cooking and eating. I'm enjoying this time with my boy during his teenage years. I know I'll lose my favorite hunting and fishing partner when he goes off to college. But right now life is good....very good.

I remember my dad and brother coming home with a load of squirrels one morning. They grilled some of them up and put them on the kitchen counter while they were making some other things only to then be eaten by our dogs after grabbing them off the counter. I will say squirrel meat is definitely under rated though.


The raccoon roundworm (Baylisascaris procyonis) is the common large roundworm or ascarid found in the small intestinal tract of raccoons. Adult worms measure 15 to 20 cm in length and 1 cm in width. They are tan-white in color, cylindrical and taper at both ends.


B. procyonis has been reported from numerous states, but probably occurs wherever the raccoon inhabits. Prevalence of infections ranges from 3.4% to nearly 100% of all raccoons sampled. In Michigan, the parasite has commonly been seen in raccoons statewide. There are several intermediate hosts that have been diagnosed as having a Baylisascaris infection: mice, squirrels, rabbits, birds, woodchucks, and chipmunks.

Transmission and Development

Transmission of B. procyonis can occur either directly or via an intermediate host. Naturally infected raccoons shed eggs (millions daily) in their feces and, under adequate temperature and moist conditions, a larvae will develop within an egg (embryonated) and can be infective (2nd stage larvae) in 11-14 days. Raccoons, especially young ones, become infected directly by accidental ingestion of these eggs. This may occur via the mother's egg-contaminated body or from the local environment of the den (soil or vegetation). When an intermediate host is involved, embryonated eggs are ingested, the eggs hatch, and the larvae penetrate the intestines and migrate through the liver and lungs. The larvae then enter the pulmonary veins, pass into the left side of the heart and are distributed throughout the body especially the head, neck and/or thoracic areas. The larvae become encysted in small, firbous nodules in the affected tissue. If the intermediate host is eaten by a raccoon, the encysted larvae are released and migrate to the small intestine where they develop into the adult stage.

Clinical and Pathological Signs

In raccoons usually there are no clinical or pathological signs observed. In heavy infections, intestinal obstructions or a rupture of the intestinal tract may occur, due to the large number of parasites present.

The animals usually seen with clinical and pathological signs caused by Baylisascaris are the intermediate hosts (mice, woodchucks, squirrels, rabbits, and birds). Migration of large numbers of larvae may cause liver and lung damage. Usually changes in behavior are seen due to central nervous system disorders. This is the result of damage caused to the brain and spinal cord by the larvae. Larvae may also cause eye disorders by migrating through the ocular tissues. If small numbers of larvae are involved in the migration, there may be no clinical signs observed.

Fatal or severe central nervous system disorders have been documented for mice, gray and fox squirrels, ground squirrels, woodchucks, nutria, beavers, domestic quail, partridges, pigeons, exotic turkeys, emus, captive cockatiels, captive prairie dogs, foxes, armadillos and porcupines.

In intermediate hosts unusual behavior is generally observed. The affected animal will initially exhibit a head tilt and an inability to walk and/or climb properly. As the clinical illness progresses the animal may lose its fear of humans, circle, roll on the ground, fall over, lay on its side and paddle its feet, become totally recumbent, comatose, and finally die.

In humans, pathological lesions observed consist of skin irritations (cutaneous larval migrans) and eye and brain tissue damage (visceral larval migrans) due to the random migration of the larvae. The affected individuals may experience nausea, a lethargic feeling, incoordination and loss of eyesight.


In raccoons, infection with Baylisascaris can be confirmed by recovering and identifying the adult worms (postmortem examination) or by fecal flotation (live animal) to identify characteristic ascarid eggs in the feces. Occasionally sub-adult worms are passed in the feces or vomitus.

In intermediate hosts, the disease can be diagnosed after a postmortem examination. Larvae and associated lesions in the brain, eyes, and other tissues can be observed on microscopic examination. A Baylisascaris infection is often suspected by the history and clinical signs observed.

In humans, based on the size of the larvae in the skin or eye lesions, cases of Baylisascaris infection can be determined. In the event of the death of the human, larvae can be detected in microscopic sections of the brain, heart, lungs, eyes and other affected tissues.

Treatment and Control

Raccoons can be successfully treated with several anthelmintics to kill the adult worms. Effective drugs are piperazine, fenbendazole, pyrantel pamoate, levamisole and organophosphates such as dichlorvos.

There are currently no drugs that can effectively kill the migrating larvae in the body. Laser surgery has been successfully performed to kill larvae present in the retina of the eye but the damage caused by the migrating larvae is irreversible. Treatment with steroids in intermediate hosts is mainly supportive and is designed to decrease the inflammatory reaction.

Controlling infections of this parasite requires minimizing contact with areas inhabited by raccoons. Fecal contamination of an area can result in millions of eggs being deposited and therefore available for infection. These eggs are extremely resistant to environmental conditions, being able to survive for several years. Any area contaminated with raccoon feces should be cleaned and the feces, as well as any contaminated feed, straw or hay, burned. Children and pets should be kept away from these contaminated areas until a thorough cleaning has occurred.


B. procyonis is of public health significance because it can infect humans, causing skin irritations and eye and brain damage due to the random migration of the larvae. There have been a small number of human fatalaties involving young children and these fatalaties were the result of the child ingesting a large number of eggs.

There are other ascarids (Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati, the dog and cat roundworm, respectively) that can cause similar skin, ocular and nervous system problems. Transmission of these parasites is more likely than with Baylisascaris due to close human-pet association but the dog and cat roundworms are less pathogenic.

Some wildlife species, as was stated above, are susceptible to Baylisascaris. From the individual animal standpoint the parasite may be significant, but from the total population perspective, the parasite has a minimal impact.

Because of the possibility of infection with Baylisascaris by raccoons, people are advised not to raise raccoons as pets. If rehabilitators are raising raccoons they should take precautions (wear rubber gloves and practice good personal hygiene) when handling raccoon feces, and dispose of the feces quickly (it takes 30 days for the eggs to embryonate) and properly (burning). Raccoons should be wormed with piperazine. Initially the animal should be wormed 3 times at 2-week intervals and then every 6 months thereafter.


Yeah. Cut those suckers out first...
California grows half the food this country eats

yet the republican party HATES California

It does not produce half of the country's food. It's the top state producer of food at about 10-12% of the country's supply with other states including Texas right there behind them by just a couple of percentage points. Many states are important agricultural states that help keep this country moving forward. Texas produces the most cotton for example, Nebraska and Texas are two of the biggest beef producers. Many of the so called flyover states that are often negatively stereotyped and ignored help keep this country fed as well with corn, wheat and other cereal crops, soybeans, and so on.

2015 Crop Year Report
In 2015 California’s farms and ranches received approximately $47 billion for their output. This represents a decrease of nearly 17 percent compared to 2014. California remains the leading US state in cash farm receipts.
California’s agricultural abundance includes more than 400 commodities. Over a third of the country’s vegetables and two-thirds of the country’s fruits and nuts are grown in California. California’s top–10 valued commodities for 2015 are:
Milk — $6.29 billion
Almonds — $5.33 billion
Grapes — $4.95 billion
Cattle, Calves — $3.39 billion
Lettuce — $2.25 billion
Strawberries — $1.86 billion
Tomatoes — $1.71 billion
Poultry/Eggs — $1.7 billion
Walnuts — $977 million
Hay — $945 million

California agricultural statistics derive primarily from the United States Department of Agriculture/National Agricultural Statistics Services (USDA/NASS) reports. The California Department of Food and Agriculture also publishes statistics related to California dairy production and, in cooperation with the University of California at Davis, statistics for California agricultural exports. For most timely research into California dairy statistics, please see our dairy pages under Division of Marketing Services. Please see also links in the right hand column for USDA National Agricultural Statistics and Economic Research Service reporting. For county-level reporting please see the CDFA County Liaison site.
Annual crop year reports have been reproduced below for your convenience. The comprehensive 2015 report is still being developed. Export reports are typically published within the corresponding crop year report. While data is made available throughout the year, crop year and export reports are published typically about one year following the given crop year.