Raccoon hunt night 1

Jeffrey Dahmer would agree with you 100%...
He would agree that there is nothing like the thrill of killing a being you are about to eat...
He would agree with you that anyone who does not enjoy the lustful killing of those they are about to eat is a hypocrite...
He would no doubt get an erection, just as you did, watching that boar screaming in unimaginable agony as those fat fucks "harvest" him for their table...
You must be proud of the people you agree with, you sick asswipe.


Yup you don't kill the food you eat so you are off the hook. I do enjoy hunting. For lots of reasons. I don't enjoy animals suffering. That is why I make every effort to kill the animal in one shot.

If you would let me hunt you, you would know what I am talking about
Yup you don't kill the food you eat so you are off the hook. I do enjoy hunting. For lots of reasons. I don't enjoy animals suffering. That is why I make every effort to kill the animal in one shot.

If you would let me hunt you, you would know what I am talking about

You would enjoy killing a human if you thought you could get away with it, wouldn't you ...
How revealing...

You and Dahmer...
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Predictably you miss the point entirely...
I do not gun down the animal I eat with the lust of a psychopathic killer, as you are pleased to do and call it "sport".
If I introduce to your savage psyche an inkling of self realization of what you are, then I have succeeded...
You are without the capability of honest self evaluation if you can not bring yourself to admit to base barbaric motivations when you chose to hunt to kill.
As noted before, you are full of shit with your little fucking prayer to the animal that you dishonestly claim "gives his life" to fill your fat fucking gut.
At the very least be honest about it...

Nothing you say has any effect on what I do. I am very comfortable with what I do and how I do it. I got a hankerin for squirrel today. Time to grab the trusty .22
I'm going to troll a bit here. 45 minutes into the opening day of bow season, October 1, 2016, I took this deer. Our freezer is devoid of venison. I had arrived at my chosen spot 15 minutes before daylight, found a suitable tree and climbed it with my climbing tree stand. As I was watching the woods come to life with the birds and squirrels flitting about, two doe are making their way from North to South on the dozer trail behind me...and I spot them. They're about 150 yards away by coming toward me. When the opportunity presents itself I stand up on the platform and turn around. The two deer are still working their way up the trail feeding on the greenery growing along the sides. The lead doe comes in range. I'm a conservative hunter so my range with my bow is about 40 yards. But I am going to let her get as close as she'll get. When she is 7 steps from the tree I'm in I release the arrow and it flies true. The Spitfire broad head performs beautifully lancing a clean wound through and through leaving me with an easy to follow blood trail. I think I hear the deer crash about 50 yd into the woods but I do my due diligence and stay put in my stand reading JPP on my phone for a solid 45 minutes. Then I get down and start following the blood from the dozer trail.







Meat for the freezer. Not just any meat but some really, really good stuff. At least my family thinks so. This doe weighed about 100 lbs. Typical of our SE Oklahoma whitetails. We have small deer compared to those northern whitetails. We killed 7 deer (4 does and 3 bucks) altogether on the public land behind our house this year. I took 2 with a bow and 4 were taken with a muzzleloader. My son killed the other one with a 30-30. We processed them all ourselves and kept 2 of them. The rest were distributed to some needy families in our community...I gave one away just last week. It was a great year of deer hunting for us.
I'm going to troll a bit here. 45 minutes into the opening day of bow season, October 1, 2016, I took this deer. Our freezer is devoid of venison. I had arrived at my chosen spot 15 minutes before daylight, found a suitable tree and climbed it with my climbing tree stand. As I was watching the woods come to life with the birds and squirrels flitting about, two doe are making their way from North to South on the dozer trail behind me...and I spot them. They're about 150 yards away by coming toward me. When the opportunity presents itself I stand up on the platform and turn around. The two deer are still working their way up the trail feeding on the greenery growing along the sides. The lead doe comes in range. I'm a conservative hunter so my range with my bow is about 40 yards. But I am going to let her get as close as she'll get. When she is 7 steps from the tree I'm in I release the arrow and it flies true. The Spitfire broad head performs beautifully lancing a clean wound through and through leaving me with an easy to follow blood trail. I think I hear the deer crash about 50 yd into the woods but I do my due diligence and stay put in my stand reading JPP on my phone for a solid 45 minutes. Then I get down and start following the blood from the dozer trail.







Meat for the freezer. Not just any meat but some really, really good stuff. At least my family thinks so. This doe weighed about 100 lbs. Typical of our SE Oklahoma whitetails. We have small deer compared to those northern whitetails. We killed 7 deer (4 does and 3 bucks) altogether on the public land behind our house this year. I took 2 with a bow and 4 were taken with a muzzleloader. My son killed the other one with a 30-30. We processed them all ourselves and kept 2 of them. The rest were distributed to some needy families in our community...I gave one away just last week. It was a great year of deer hunting for us.

If you really wanted to troll Buckly right, you should have posted pictures with Bambi gutted wide open and her blood spread on your face