Raccoon hunt night 1

“Since my first hunting adventures I am convinced: hunting opens an avenue that can lead either to crimes including even homicide or to sexual lust, no matter when and where it takes place... Hunting cannot be up for grabs without pre-meditated killing. Passionate hunters want to kill. Hunting without murdering would be an expression that would annul itself… For it is all about passion, greed, lust - a fever actually - […], sex and crime, lust and crime, death and sexual murder.”
(Parin, Paul: “Die Leidenschaft des Jägers” - “The Passion Of The Hunter”, 2003).

“Since my first hunting adventures I am convinced: hunting opens an avenue that can lead either to crimes including even homicide or to sexual lust, no matter when and where it takes place... Hunting cannot be up for grabs without pre-meditated killing. Passionate hunters want to kill. Hunting without murdering would be an expression that would annul itself… For it is all about passion, greed, lust - a fever actually - […], sex and crime, lust and crime, death and sexual murder.”
(Parin, Paul: “Die Leidenschaft des Jägers” - “The Passion Of The Hunter”, 2003).


What a crock.
This guy is an Idaho Fish & Game officer. Trapped this wolf. You can see the trail of blood in the circle around the trap. And he sits there smiling about it.

That is why I don't hunt with bow. Prefer 30-06. One bullet to the heart usually does the trick.

Then I say a prayer and thank God and the deer for giving his life to put food on my table

Do you say a prayer to the supermarket the other 364 days of the year?
You are so full of shit, it must run out of your nose when you bend over to tie your shoes...

You hunt to kill because it gives you a sick power thrill when you snuff out the life of another sentient being...
The deer gives you fucking nothing...
You take his fucking life, just for the psychopathic thrill...
Dickless coward.
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Listen to their delighted laughter as this unfortunate,suffering animal screams it's last gasps of unimaginably, horrible agony...
These fat fucks are truly sick assholes...
Any "sportsmen" here care to try to defend them?
You are all the same as those sick fucks ... at best, to a lesser degree, but you are all the same brand of psychopaths...
What a crock.

Almost all serial killers start off killing and torturing small animals and graduate to bigger thrills as they mature...
If you love to hunt to kill animals and take delight in first person shooter video games, zombie or warfare, you are well along on the same path...
You merely exercise a little bit more restraint, if you haven't really taken a human life yet...
The "crock" is from those of you who claim hunger and sport are your motivations.
You kill for the thrill of killing and you know it...
Do you say a prayer to the supermarket the other 364 days of the year?
You are so full of shit, it must run out of your nose when you bend over to tie your shoes...

You hunt to kill because it gives you a sick power thrill when you snuff out the life of another sentient being...
The deer gives you fucking nothing...
You take his fucking life, just for the psychopathic thrill...
Dickless coward.

I don't say the prayer at the supermarket, but I say a blessing before every meal

We don't expect you to understand.

I guess using your logic unless you disavow ALL meat whatsoever you are no better because you outsource the your killing.

I guarantee I do everything I can to put a creature down in the first shot. First for the animal and second for my safety. It is no fun chasing a wounded animal down in the woods. You expose yourself to dangers such as other predators

I never said there wasn't a thrill in hunting. There is a definite Adrenaline rush. It is just that isn't the only reason why I do it.

Again you will never understand. And if you think you are going to shame me into quitting you are deluded.
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