Raccoon hunt night 1

I don't say the prayer at the supermarket, but I say a blessing before every meal

We don't expect you to understand.

I guess using your logic unless you disavow ALL meat whatsoever you are no better because you outsource the your killing.

I guarantee I do everything I can to put a creature down in the first shot. First for the animal and second for my safety. It is no fun chasing a wounded animal down in the woods. You expose yourself to dangers such as other predators

I never said there wasn't a thrill in hunting. There is a definite Adrenaline rush. It is just that isn't the only reason why I do it.

Again you will never understand. And if you think you are going to shame me into quitting you are deluded.

I understand perfectly the "thrill" you experience and crave... You merely pretend to have no shame...You lust for the feeling of taking life from an unsuspecting sentient being and you are incapable of expressing your shame honestly, so you substitute a placating "prayer" to assuage your guilt.
Fuck You
I do not disavow eating all meat and never have. That is something you project onto me in order to dismiss my accurate observations...
Fuck you dickles aswipe...
You get the same thrill from taking life as Jeffery Dahmer... you and he are separated only by degree, not by kind...
The lust to kill is an illness and you are one sick fuck.
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I understand perfectly the "thrill" you experience and crave... You have no shame...You love the feeling of taking an unsuspecting sentient being...
I do not disavow eating all meat and never have. That is something you project onto me in order to dismiss my accurate observations...Fuck you dickles aswipe...
You get the same thrill from taking life as Jeffery Dahmer... you and he are separated only by degree, not by kind...
The lust to kill is an illness and you are a sick fuck.

probably less thrill than you felt posting your obnoxious pictures.......
I understand perfectly the "thrill" you experience and crave... You merely pretend to have no shame...You lust for the feeling of taking life from an unsuspecting sentient being and you are incapable of expressing your shame honestly, so you substitute a placating "prayer" to assuage your guilt.
Fuck You
I do not disavow eating all meat and never have. That is something you project onto me in order to dismiss my accurate observations...
Fuck you dickles aswipe...
You get the same thrill from taking life as Jeffery Dahmer... you and he are separated only by degree, not by kind...
The lust to kill is an illness and you are one sick fuck.

Do you think the animal you eat dies of "natural causes"? Commits suicide on your behalf?

Do you really think your sanctimonious preaching will change my mind?

Spare me
Do you think the animal you eat dies of "natural causes"? Commits suicide on your behalf?

Do you really think your sanctimonious preaching will change my mind?

Spare me
Predictably you miss the point entirely...
I do not gun down the animal I eat with the lust of a psychopathic killer, as you are pleased to do and call it "sport".
If I introduce to your savage psyche an inkling of self realization of what you are, then I have succeeded...
You are without the capability of honest self evaluation if you can not bring yourself to admit to base barbaric motivations when you chose to hunt to kill.
As noted before, you are full of shit with your little fucking prayer to the animal that you dishonestly claim "gives his life" to fill your fat fucking gut.
At the very least be honest about it...
probably less thrill than you felt posting your obnoxious pictures.......
Actually, Pimple, they make me sick to look at...
The pictures I posted were not obnoxious because I posted them...
They were obnoxious because of the savage nature of those who would practice such barbarism and call it " sport"...
So Fuck You asswipe...
Predictably you miss the point entirely...
I do not gun down the animal I eat with the lust of a psychopathic killer, as you are pleased to do and call it "sport".
If I introduce to your savage psyche an inkling of self realization of what you are, then I have succeeded...
You are without the capability of honest self evaluation if you can not bring yourself to admit to base barbaric motivations when you chose to hunt to kill.
As noted before, you are full of shit with your little fucking prayer to the animal that you dishonestly claim "gives his life" to fill your fat fucking gut.
At the very least be honest about it...

You're a fucking chickenshit little coward; because you let someone else KILL the food you eat and then you bitch and moan about those that kill their own.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Buckly.

Do you say a prayer to the supermarket the other 364 days of the year?
You are so full of shit, it must run out of your nose when you bend over to tie your shoes...

You hunt to kill because it gives you a sick power thrill when you snuff out the life of another sentient being...
The deer gives you fucking nothing...
You take his fucking life, just for the psychopathic thrill...
Dickless coward.

Hypothetically speaking, if you weren't a leftist, wouldn't you say a prayer at the dinner table prior to eating food acquired at the supermarket?
Almost all serial killers start off killing and torturing small animals and graduate to bigger thrills as they mature...
If you love to hunt to kill animals and take delight in first person shooter video games, zombie or warfare, you are well along on the same path...
You merely exercise a little bit more restraint, if you haven't really taken a human life yet...
The "crock" is from those of you who claim hunger and sport are your motivations.
You kill for the thrill of killing and you know it...

Stick to warm fuzzy liberal topics.
You don't suck at those.
Oh really?

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk
Twatsky sucks horse cock, ask him about the Electoral College that never gets old!!

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk

Shit, ask Tom about networking and he'll c/p a question from an A+ practice exam.

Yeah, I googled your question dumbfuck.
Twatsky sucks horse cock, ask him about the Electoral College that never gets old!!

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk

The "DECEMBER SURPRISE" he is now moving to a "JANUARY SURPRISE". :palm:

When that fails to materialize, I wonder if he's then going to go a "FEBRUARY SURPRISE". :dunno:
Actually, Pimple, they make me sick to look at...
The pictures I posted were not obnoxious because I posted them...
They were obnoxious because of the savage nature of those who would practice such barbarism and call it " sport"...
So Fuck You asswipe...

Why are you still here?
You're a fucking chickenshit little coward; because you let someone else KILL the food you eat and then you bitch and moan about those that kill their own.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Buckly.

Jeffrey Dahmer would agree with you 100%...
He would agree that there is nothing like the thrill of killing a being you are about to eat...
He would agree with you that anyone who does not enjoy the lustful killing of those they are about to eat is a hypocrite...
He would no doubt get an erection, just as you did, watching that boar screaming in unimaginable agony as those fat fucks "harvest" him for their table...
You must be proud of the people you agree with, you sick asswipe.

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This fellow got that sporting adrenaline thrill as he harvested" this unfortunate animal...
No hypocrisy in this "sportsman", eh?

The trill is in the kill...
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Jeffrey Dahmer would agree with you 100%...
He would agree that there is nothing like the thrill of killing a being you are about to eat...
He would agree with you that anyone who does not enjoy the lustful killing of those they are about to eat is a hypocrite...
He would no doubt get an erection, just as you did, watching that boar screaming in unimaginable agony as those fat fucks "harvest" him for their table...
You must be proud of the people you agree with, you sick asswipe.


And yet, you feel comfortable when someone else makes you a hamburger. :palm: