APP - Racism on APP


New member
The rules for APP forbid racism, but they are not clear as to if this forbids committing racism, or if it forbids discussion of racism. This thread will find out.

I am interested in seeing some examples of racism that are occurring in our current political landscape. Since racism is one of the hottest topics in politics right now, there should be several examples to list. I have started dozens of threads on the regular forum that seek such an example, but have not been able to get one yet. My political opponents post everything BUT what I am looking for, but perhaps this section of the forum with the rule that forbids derailing the thread, we can stay on topic. Here is what I am looking for in an example:

1. An act or statement of racism that proves the perpetrator is in fact a racist
2. Current event, within the last few years.
3. Exclude examples that are opinions or emotional assertions.
4. Exclude examples that are political allegations or propaganda.
5. Exclude cases that have been dismissed as allegations by a court.
6. Provide the name of the racist, his race, and the specific race that is affected.
7. Substantiate the claim with a link or links
8. No gish gallop
The rules for APP forbid racism, but they are not clear as to if this forbids committing racism, or if it forbids discussion of racism. This thread will find out.

I am interested in seeing some examples of racism that are occurring in our current political landscape. Since racism is one of the hottest topics in politics right now, there should be several examples to list. I have started dozens of threads on the regular forum that seek such an example, but have not been able to get one yet. My political opponents post everything BUT what I am looking for, but perhaps this section of the forum with the rule that forbids derailing the thread, we can stay on topic. Here is what I am looking for in an example:

1. An act or statement of racism that proves the perpetrator is in fact a racist
2. Current event, within the last few years.
3. Exclude examples that are opinions or emotional assertions.
4. Exclude examples that are political allegations or propaganda.
5. Exclude cases that have been dismissed as allegations by a court.
6. Provide the name of the racist, his race, and the specific race that is affected.
7. Substantiate the claim with a link or links
8. No gish gallop

Any and all rules can be skirted if that objective is the intent. You will be able to do that on this section if it's your intent. And that's all I'll say about racism publicly. I'll p.m. you with the more privileged information. Then you'll be free to let us know what your intent actually is?
Then you'll be free to let us know what your intent actually is?

Here is my intent:

I am interested in seeing some examples of racism that are occurring in our current political landscape. Since racism is one of the hottest topics in politics right now, there should be several examples to list. I have started dozens of threads on the regular forum that seek such an example, but have not been able to get one yet. My political opponents post everything BUT what I am looking for, but perhaps this section of the forum with the rule that forbids derailing the thread, we can stay on topic. Here is what I am looking for in an example:

1. An act or statement of racism that proves the perpetrator is in fact a racist
2. Current event, within the last few years.
3. Exclude examples that are opinions or emotional assertions.
4. Exclude examples that are political allegations or propaganda.
5. Exclude cases that have been dismissed as allegations by a court.
6. Provide the name of the racist, his race, and the specific race that is affected.
7. Substantiate the claim with a link or links
8. No gish gallop
Here is my intent:

I am interested in seeing some examples of racism that are occurring in our current political landscape. Since racism is one of the hottest topics in politics right now, there should be several examples to list. I have started dozens of threads on the regular forum that seek such an example, but have not been able to get one yet. My political opponents post everything BUT what I am looking for, but perhaps this section of the forum with the rule that forbids derailing the thread, we can stay on topic. Here is what I am looking for in an example:

1. An act or statement of racism that proves the perpetrator is in fact a racist
2. Current event, within the last few years.
3. Exclude examples that are opinions or emotional assertions.
4. Exclude examples that are political allegations or propaganda.
5. Exclude cases that have been dismissed as allegations by a court.
6. Provide the name of the racist, his race, and the specific race that is affected.
7. Substantiate the claim with a link or links
8. No gish gallop

Maybe the reason why you haven't been able to find one is because you deny any and all that you get? Could that be it?

Let's try one and see how you handle it. Trump's accusations of Obama not being born in the US.
Maybe the reason why you haven't been able to find one is because you deny any and all that you get? Could that be it?

These two questions are not answers to what the opening post is about, even though I did state that all I had gotten on the regular forum were replies that were everything BUT what I ask for. So far on this APP forum, I am still getting everything but what the opening post asks for.

Let's try one and see how you handle it. Trump's accusations of Obama not being born in the US.

I appreciate you taking a shot at this, but you have simply taken a guess. The opening post listed 8 items that described what your reply should look like, and you throw this worthless question out there. Even if it had ANY merit to it, you did not explain why it would only be racist if it was done to Obama and not when it was done to ted cruz. You also failed to explain how it would be racist to question where people of ANY race were born?

5 posts in, and nobody has demonstrated that they have read and understand the opening post, and nobody has been able to provide an actual example of real racism as requested in the opening post.
The rules for APP forbid racism, but they are not clear as to if this forbids committing racism, or if it forbids discussion of racism. This thread will find out.

I am interested in seeing some examples of racism that are occurring in our current political landscape. Since racism is one of the hottest topics in politics right now, there should be several examples to list. I have started dozens of threads on the regular forum that seek such an example, but have not been able to get one yet. My political opponents post everything BUT what I am looking for, but perhaps this section of the forum with the rule that forbids derailing the thread, we can stay on topic. Here is what I am looking for in an example:

1. An act or statement of racism that proves the perpetrator is in fact a racist
2. Current event, within the last few years.
3. Exclude examples that are opinions or emotional assertions.
4. Exclude examples that are political allegations or propaganda.
5. Exclude cases that have been dismissed as allegations by a court.
6. Provide the name of the racist, his race, and the specific race that is affected.
7. Substantiate the claim with a link or links
8. No gish gallop

You will not ever get an answer because racism, real racism as it is truly defined is like polio and has been eliminated in the US. Now if you are talking about the grief industry, then that is alive and well.

The one response from a leftist is extremely telling. Trumps views on Obama’s birth was many things. What it was not was racist.

To leftists the term “racist” is nothing more than a political weapon to be used at will whether there is racism or not.

Oppose affirmative action? Racist
Oppose Obamacare? Racist
Oppose illegal immigration? Racist

When everything is racist, then nothing is racist

Good luck with your quest. I suspect you will not have much more luck than you did in other parts of the forum
You will not ever get an answer because racism, real racism as it is truly defined is like polio and has been eliminated in the US. Now if you are talking about the grief industry, then that is alive and well.

The one response from a leftist is extremely telling. Trumps views on Obama’s birth was many things. What it was not was racist.

To leftists the term “racist” is nothing more than a political weapon to be used at will whether there is racism or not.

Oppose affirmative action? Racist
Oppose Obamacare? Racist
Oppose illegal immigration? Racist

When everything is racist, then nothing is racist

Good luck with your quest. I suspect you will not have much more luck than you did in other parts of the forum

I was hoping to take advantage of the rule for this part of the forum where one is not to derail the thread, hoping I could use it to hold their feet to the fire on this. You are quite correct about the one lefty poster, it is a picture worth a thousand words. The other picture that is worth a thousand words is the number of lefties who cannot reply at all.
It is fascinating to see how hard it is for lefties to post a simple example of racism in our current political landscape, considering how often they claim it is happening.
These two questions are not answers to what the opening post is about, even though I did state that all I had gotten on the regular forum were replies that were everything BUT what I ask for. So far on this APP forum, I am still getting everything but what the opening post asks for.

I appreciate you taking a shot at this, but you have simply taken a guess. The opening post listed 8 items that described what your reply should look like, and you throw this worthless question out there. Even if it had ANY merit to it, you did not explain why it would only be racist if it was done to Obama and not when it was done to ted cruz.

Right there. You have tried to apply a false condition by suggesting that racism toward Obama is somehow related to Ted Cruz. It's quite obvious that Ted Cruz has absolutely noting to do with Obama. But I would like to hear how the racism against Obama can be explained away by with an appropriate explanation. I'm interested in pursuing this question with you but I think you have to accept my objection to your answer as being correct.

You also failed to explain how it would be racist to question where people of ANY race were born?

It would necessarily be so but this particular instance is exceptional because of it's intent and the fact that Trump built on the birther nonsense for the express purpose of generating racism and racist hate against Obama. Obama's birth certificate was produced and Trump still persisted for political expedience which appealed to the racism of much of his base. (What other reason could there be?) Sometimes we have to accept the bulk of the evidence and especially when there's no evidence to show any other purpose.

5 posts in, and nobody has demonstrated that they have read and understand the opening post, and nobody has been able to provide an actual example of real racism as requested in the opening post.

I have read and fully understand your opening post and I'm fully prepared to stand my ground and meet your challenge. In fact, I suggest that I have. But I also think that nobody will meet your challenge and the reason for that is that you have set up prerequisites for proof of racism that you'll continue to argue regardless of any proof furnished.

As we work on it your way we can also work on it in a different way by you acknowledging that racism actually does exist in America. And then if you accept that then you may have an example of how it can be proven. And if you can't meet those challenges then it's you who doesn't want to find an answer.
You will not ever get an answer because racism, real racism as it is truly defined is like polio and has been eliminated in the US. Now if you are talking about the grief industry, then that is alive and well.

The one response from a leftist is extremely telling. Trumps views on Obama’s birth was many things. What it was not was racist.

To leftists the term “racist” is nothing more than a political weapon to be used at will whether there is racism or not.

Oppose affirmative action? Racist
Oppose Obamacare? Racist
Oppose illegal immigration? Racist

When everything is racist, then nothing is racist

Good luck with your quest. I suspect you will not have much more luck than you did in other parts of the forum

You can consider my replies to Evmetro as replies to you too. And you can explain how the birther tactics of Trump were something other than racism. Or you can just follow along with your finger and take cheap shots at me as long as they're limited to what is acceptable for the APP section.
I was hoping to take advantage of the rule for this part of the forum where one is not to derail the thread, hoping I could use it to hold their feet to the fire on this. You are quite correct about the one lefty poster, it is a picture worth a thousand words. The other picture that is worth a thousand words is the number of lefties who cannot reply at all.

And you too can use this thread to take cheap shots at me, the one leftist, and accuse me of trying to derail. Or you can continue to pursue your challenge in a respectable way that is suitable for this APP section.
It is fascinating to see how hard it is for lefties to post a simple example of racism in our current political landscape, considering how often they claim it is happening.

Is that a generic shot at all leftists or is a comment that's meant to please 'I Love America'?

Regardless of it's intent, wouldn't you consider it to be worse than what you're accusing me of so far, and also meant as an off-topic cheap shot?

Let's stick to your challenge. Maybe you can start by answering how Ted Cruz has something to do with racism against Obama. And for the sake of fairness to your position, I'll at least say that there may very well be black people who are acting as racists toward Cruz. But that's another issue isn't it! And one I will be happy to discuss when we finish with the task on our plates now.
Is that a generic shot at all leftists or is a comment that's meant to please 'I Love America'?

Regardless of it's intent, wouldn't you consider it to be worse than what you're accusing me of so far, and also meant as an off-topic cheap shot?

Let's stick to your challenge. Maybe you can start by answering how Ted Cruz has something to do with racism against Obama. And for the sake of fairness to your position, I'll at least say that there may very well be black people who are acting as racists toward Cruz. But that's another issue isn't it! And one I will be happy to discuss when we finish with the task on our plates now.

Summarize what you have according to the 8 items in the opening post so we can see what you are trying to say. That will also show that you read and understood the opening post.
Summarize what you have according to the 8 items in the opening post so we can see what you are trying to say. That will also show that you read and understood the opening post.

No! You've deliberately created preconditions which make it impossible to even assert that racism exists in the US. I've already shot down enough when I showed you that Ted Cruz has nothing to do with Obama.

If you are somehow trying to say that racism doesn't exist then just do so and I'll have another legitimate reason to ignore your preposterous invention.

There could very well be racist innuendoes being thrown at Cruz. You brought the issue up so go ahead and deal with that accusation first if it pleases you. Tell me how that could apply to Obama in any way?
You can consider my replies to Evmetro as replies to you too. And you can explain how the birther tactics of Trump were something other than racism. Or you can just follow along with your finger and take cheap shots at me as long as they're limited to what is acceptable for the APP section.

Your premise is faulty. It is a continuous theme with you.

Look up the definition of racism and then get back to us

Obama’s birth certificate doesn’t meet the definition of racism if you believe words mean things as I do.

Now if you are a person with no moral compass or guiding principles then words are interchangeable to serve a political goal. I find this is often the case with leftists.

There were legitimate questions about Obama’s birth certificate first raised by Crooked Hillary (leftists always conveniently forget this).

He never produced an actual birth certificate. What was produced was a certificate of live birth. I can understand why the uninformed among us think they are interchangeable but they are not.

Again words mean things.

Obama’s certificate of live birth that was presented was proven to be a forgery.

Any criticism of B. Hussein Obama was considered “racist”. Not because it was, but it was used as a weapon to stifle dissent against the first half white President.

It wasn’t racist because it doesn’t meet the true definition of racism which essentially is that you believe a race is inferior BECAUSE of their race.

As it pertains to B. Hussein’s certificate of live birth the definition is not met so therefore it is not racism definitionally.

It is ok. I don’t expect you to change your mind. I never expect committed leftists to change their minds. I am here to show why you are wrong so others aren’t easily duped by leftist tropes and euphemisms
Your premise is faulty. It is a continuous theme with you.

Look up the definition of racism and then get back to us

Obama’s birth certificate doesn’t meet the definition of racism if you believe words mean things as I do.

Now if you are a person with no moral compass or guiding principles then words are interchangeable to serve a political goal. I find this is often the case with leftists.

There were legitimate questions about Obama’s birth certificate first raised by Crooked Hillary (leftists always conveniently forget this).

He never produced an actual birth certificate. What was produced was a certificate of live birth. I can understand why the uninformed among us think they are interchangeable but they are not.

Again words mean things.

Obama’s certificate of live birth that was presented was proven to be a forgery.

Any criticism of B. Hussein Obama was considered “racist”. Not because it was, but it was used as a weapon to stifle dissent against the first half white President.

It wasn’t racist because it doesn’t meet the true definition of racism which essentially is that you believe a race is inferior BECAUSE of their race.

As it pertains to B. Hussein’s certificate of live birth the definition is not met so therefore it is not racism definitionally.

It is ok. I don’t expect you to change your mind. I never expect committed leftists to change their minds. I am here to show why you are wrong so others aren’t easily duped by leftist tropes and euphemisms

Well stated, but you haven't explained why the birther tactic was anything but racist?
It would necessarily be so but this particular instance is exceptional because of it's intent and the fact that Trump built on the birther nonsense for the express purpose of generating racism and racist hate against Obama. Obama's birth certificate was produced and Trump still persisted for political expedience which appealed to the racism of much of his base. (What other reason could there be?) Sometimes we have to accept the bulk of the evidence and especially when there's no evidence to show any other purpose.

It is important to properly vet candidates who are running for office to make sure they meet all of the requirements. Trump made a big deal about seeing the birth certificates of two presidential candidates; Ted Cruz and Obama. We cannot know what Trump's intent was when he made a big deal about their birth certificates, since it could be for political gain or it could have been because he was really interested in properly vetting these two candidates. You can believe his intent was anything you want, but your personal belief is not evidence that his intent was racially motivated. You will need to show evidence of what you think his intent was if it is anything other than the proper vetting.

I have read and fully understand your opening post and I'm fully prepared to stand my ground and meet your challenge. In fact, I suggest that I have. But I also think that nobody will meet your challenge and the reason for that is that you have set up prerequisites for proof of racism that you'll continue to argue regardless of any proof furnished.

If you read and understood my opening post, you would know that I was requesting an example of racism that fit the 8 items listed in that post. If you see one of those 8 items that is not reasonable, let me know. I don't think that the request for something somewhat current is needed to prove racism, but I put that there to keep it relevant to the current political environment.

As we work on it your way we can also work on it in a different way by you acknowledging that racism actually does exist in America. And then if you accept that then you may have an example of how it can be proven. And if you can't meet those challenges then it's you who doesn't want to find an answer.

Lets not get too far from the opening post that has not been answered yet. You can always start another thread where you can grill me and see if you can find some way to make me out to be a racist. For now, I just want an example of racism that can be proven. I don't want allegations, speculation, propaganda, guesses, dismissed cases, gish gallop, assumptions, or personal assertions.
Well stated, but you haven't explained why the birther tactic was anything but racist?

The opening post of this thread is requesting an example of racism that can be substantiated. There is no reason to believe that the birther tactic that Trump used on Cruz and Obama was racist, so it is up to you to prove that it is in fact racist if this is what you are submitting as your example of racism.
The opening post of this thread is requesting an example of racism that can be substantiated. There is no reason to believe that the birther tactic that Trump used on Cruz and Obama was racist, so it is up to you to prove that it is in fact racist if this is what you are submitting as your example of racism.

You're not going to get what you're asking for from me. I'm not into that kind of gameplaying. If you ever get around to telling us what Trump was using on Cruz and Obama then the conversation might continue. It was racism pure and simple.